I mean, people who give away games like Contrast, Resident Evil 5, or Alien: Isolation?

Wow, what selfish jerks they are, only giving away trashy games that I could totally buy myself if I wanted to even though many of these games are no longer available in bundles or likely to be rebundled even remotely soon.

Now, give me a good unbundled game like Galactic Bowling or Eternity's Child, or Raycatcher and we can talk.

I've decided to omit further satirical reproductions of the negative comments of the person in reference.. not only because it'd make the tone of the thread less amusing than I wanted, but because I realized the satire and the actual comments were a bit hard to tell apart. :X

I also wanted to include *Snuggle Truck* as the associated game, but it wouldn't let me select it- I am so disappoint. :|

Original lyrics, for the curious:
If you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain
If you're not into yoga, if you have half a brain
If you like making love at midnight in the dunes of the cape
Then I'm the love that you've looked for, write to me and escape
Yes, I like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain
I'm not much into health food, I am into champagne
I've got to meet you by tomorrow noon and cut through all this red tape
At a bar called O'Malley's where we'll plan our escape

8 years ago*

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Do you like piña coladas?

View Results
I like getting caught in the rain. [possibly upside down, with a hunky superhero]
I'm into yoga flame. [ Oh, this street fight is *on*! ]
I agree with your post, some people don't seem to have half a brain.
I like giving away games at midnight, I could be to blame.
but bundled games ruin my gait, they drive me insane. [ #Unbundled4Life ]
Nah, bundled games have the wishlisted games that I've looked for, send them to me, they're great.
I totally hate when people are so rude
Why can't we just smile and drink champagne?
OP, we're having a gun duel at tomorrow noon, 'cause you make me so irate.
Nah, OP, you're cool, lets go to a bar called O'Malley's, where we'll discuss how giving is great!
Oh, thank goodness, there's a potato option. I feel at peace.
Yay, Sooth made a thread, there's bundled giveaways! And who doesn't love those!
Ha, I totally know who this thread is talking about.
Too drunk to poll, just give me another piña colada..

Catchy song....?

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8 years ago

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...That song is going to be stuck in my head for an eternity, and I will be doing something and suddenly start humming it.

8 years ago

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Bump for the worstest of them people ;)

8 years ago

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I never had a piña colada

8 years ago

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The games you listed as hating are actually really cool games in my opinion, I would really like to get Resident Evil and Alien Isolation as those are pretty expensive.

8 years ago

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I'm not sure you read it quite right, or your humor is a bit lost on me. :X

If your comment was serious, the first page of comments might help clarify things for you. :)

8 years ago

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Well I was a bit serious, I do like those games but I still don't actually understand why bundle game gifters are to be hated lol.

8 years ago

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Well, the point was that those three are good, highly desired, very different, and recently bundled games.

And no, there's no sense to it. some people just like to indulge in absurdity, especially where it validates their 'right' to be self-centered and abusive toward others. :/

8 years ago

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Aaaaahhh ok I see what your getting at, I thought you thought those were terrible games and they only gifted the leftovers that no one else wants. But no worries, I get what your putting down now lol :)

8 years ago

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Yeah, someone else was mocking it, I was just pointing out it was ridiculous :P

8 years ago

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They are the worst!
Absolutely terrible people!
On par with moldy bread... Ok, maybe I'm going to far there...
Thanks for the poll!

8 years ago

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Have puzzle end already? I'm dumb and I'm not able to solve it so I'd like to see solution :P

8 years ago

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Would be nice :) I'm quite intrigued

8 years ago

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v :)

8 years ago

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Ahhh !! I see now! Nicely puzzle so. I feel quite dumb now ! X_D

Thanks for sharing :D

8 years ago

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I appreciate you caring enough to ask :)

A lot of people had trouble with it, so don't feel bad!
I think I'll do things a bit more straightforward next time :D

8 years ago

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In my case, Galactic, Eternity and Raycatcher links confused me, so I focused searching something with letters of first 3 SG links but trying to understand something with the numbers of Steam links (tried to imagine zeros telling which characters take or similar things haha). I never looked at the "link-rewrite" of the first 3 SG links, so I did not noticed the letters, they look quite obvious now X_D haha

don't need to do puzzle more straightforward, I liked this one

I appreciate you caring enough to explain your puzzle. thanks

8 years ago

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[Resident Evil 5](www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/tXUHm/resident-evil-5-biohazard-5-0U-character)
[Alien: Isolation](www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/44yi4/alien-isolation-O-puzzle)?

Solution 1: www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/2t0UO/bad-hotel
Solution 2: www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/vt4dQ/toby-the-secret-mine

Hope that helps! :)

8 years ago*

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Fixed formatting now. SG is a bit picky :X

8 years ago

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I'm always fascinated by the people who only give a few expensive unbundled games, pushing themselves up to high levels, and then they never give anything ever again. You'll look at their profile and the last time they gave anything was several years ago when they joined. Meanwhile, because they're high-level, they've been able to enter and win hundreds of games since then. Are they really better than the rest of us?

I almost suspect sometimes that these accounts are not that different from level 0 bots. The unbundled games they give are like an entry fee, and then once they are in, they only take from that point on.

8 years ago

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I was excluded from something because I had pages and pages of bundled games, even though I met their level requirements.
It was bullshit.

I'm sorry if I can't provide your group with a constant flow of non-bundled games for you to win from me.
Guess I wasn't elite enough for them. :)
I apologize for my extremely biased opinion and I mean nobody no offense. I'm still angry about it.

8 years ago

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Well, in fairness, if we see anyone doing deliberate CV abuse [basically, trying to farm CV off shitty, extremely discounted games like Uncrowded on a regular basis, especially while trying to win nothing but unbundled games], we do exclude those games from ratio considerations in PosTho.

Likewise, we keep realCV in mind for the sake of abuse as well.

But generally, a game is a game, give what you're comfortable giving.
If 5 people enter it, clearly it was a game people wanted enough to give you CV for.
If not, well, that's the flip side.

Of course, I totally can accept people who want to join more casual-minded groups and just offer bundle games there, and join more 'elite' groups for unbundled games, if that's their prerogative.

But generally, there's enough ways to consider bundle games [eg RealCV] on fair ground, that it shouldn't be a concern for most people. There's certainly no reason to be a jerk about it.

And, y'know, it's not like you're giving bad games, most of your games are pretty solid.

Just accept that group was either very specific, totally snobby, or outright asinine, and.. think positively.

Eh, eh? :D

Well, not like I'm flooding sg with unbundled games, myself. :P

8 years ago

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