I mean, people who give away games like Contrast, Resident Evil 5, or Alien: Isolation?

Wow, what selfish jerks they are, only giving away trashy games that I could totally buy myself if I wanted to even though many of these games are no longer available in bundles or likely to be rebundled even remotely soon.

Now, give me a good unbundled game like Galactic Bowling or Eternity's Child, or Raycatcher and we can talk.

I've decided to omit further satirical reproductions of the negative comments of the person in reference.. not only because it'd make the tone of the thread less amusing than I wanted, but because I realized the satire and the actual comments were a bit hard to tell apart. :X

I also wanted to include *Snuggle Truck* as the associated game, but it wouldn't let me select it- I am so disappoint. :|

Original lyrics, for the curious:
If you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain
If you're not into yoga, if you have half a brain
If you like making love at midnight in the dunes of the cape
Then I'm the love that you've looked for, write to me and escape
Yes, I like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain
I'm not much into health food, I am into champagne
I've got to meet you by tomorrow noon and cut through all this red tape
At a bar called O'Malley's where we'll plan our escape

8 years ago*

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Do you like piña coladas?

View Results
I like getting caught in the rain. [possibly upside down, with a hunky superhero]
I'm into yoga flame. [ Oh, this street fight is *on*! ]
I agree with your post, some people don't seem to have half a brain.
I like giving away games at midnight, I could be to blame.
but bundled games ruin my gait, they drive me insane. [ #Unbundled4Life ]
Nah, bundled games have the wishlisted games that I've looked for, send them to me, they're great.
I totally hate when people are so rude
Why can't we just smile and drink champagne?
OP, we're having a gun duel at tomorrow noon, 'cause you make me so irate.
Nah, OP, you're cool, lets go to a bar called O'Malley's, where we'll discuss how giving is great!
Oh, thank goodness, there's a potato option. I feel at peace.
Yay, Sooth made a thread, there's bundled giveaways! And who doesn't love those!
Ha, I totally know who this thread is talking about.
Too drunk to poll, just give me another piña colada..

This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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I just gave a game away at midnight.....

8 years ago

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Bump ^^

8 years ago

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dam, how did i miss such a topic (:

i sad now. i very sad

8 years ago

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Train? what is that?

8 years ago

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It's a loud, smelly, loud, bumpy, loud transportation device- it's basically like a bus, but there's typically actually sitting room and space to move away from other people on the train.


8 years ago

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ohh, i want that.
people are yuck...

8 years ago

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Totally agreeing with your satire.

However...there needs to be more blacklist/whitelist drama. ;)
Especially since I can't even get to the bundled game GA goodness. :(

8 years ago

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Why not? :(

View attached image.
8 years ago

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No idea, but probably a caching issue. Couldn't enter for one yesterday but now I can for the same one today. :)

8 years ago

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I swapped out the linked gibs, since people were getting confused with the original selections.

The gibs themselves don't matter, of course. :)

Hint if you hover over the image above.
But really, just think common sg hidden gib tactics. :)

8 years ago

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True, figured that out after a while. :p

Spoke too soon though. sgtools cache hates me still. Maybe it'll reset at some point

8 years ago

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If imagine potatogifts.com as an Iceberg, then bundled games will be a sea in which it swims. Unbundled cheap games will be frozen ice, ok games will be underwater part of iceberg, AAA titles will be potatoes on the top if this Iceberg. And my CV value will be a boat from Titanic(

8 years ago

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I love the metaphors, but rather, I'd change it so the best games are the ice at the bottom of an iceberg-
The pressure removes all the trapped gases in the ice, leaving it a stunning, rich, vibrant, deep blue.

In fact, let me change your metaphor a bit all around..
Unbundled AAA games are the iceberg above the water- small in quantity compared to the whole, but they stand out the most readily at a glance.
Bundled games and low-interest unbundled games form the heart of the iceberg..
And the truly precious games, you sometimes have to dive really far deep down for.

..or wait for climate change to cause enough melting that the iceberg flips.

Okay, I lost track of the metaphor, now. :X

8 years ago

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Haha! Thank you comrade. Its ok to develop someone`s vision to new heights deeps.

8 years ago

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It's one of these moments when I'm feeling good bc I have seen this closed thread before I saw this one. So I don't have to look for it in the forum "damn, where was this drama all about?" xD

Also this is photograph of invisible train D:

View attached image.
8 years ago

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It's not invisible! You are all just on the wrong track! ~.^

8 years ago

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I was at Bday party with 15 unknown people yesterday and my head still hurts bc of it (yay for being terribly introverted \o/).

So I will add this to my booksmarks for later, but we all know how it can end D:

8 years ago

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It's in a basic hidden gib format just with a bit more layers, so it may just be a matter of not trying to look too deeply at it.

You've still got, uhm.. 39 more hours to solve it all, if my math is right. :)

8 years ago

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It seems I missed another drama... whatever.

I want to believe you're joking. ;)
May I ask you a question? You selected 3 GAs for example, for what reason?
Were they the first GA of each game? - I know that's not true, because I searched archives.
http://www.steamgifts.com/archive/search?page=9&q=contrast http://www.steamgifts.com/archive/search?page=10&q=contrast

If you used your own GAs as examples, I could laugh with you. I know one of the creators. I respect her very much, so this is unpleasant joke to me. :(

8 years ago

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Unpleasant joke...?

The giveaways were selected intentionally, as part of the hidden giveaway puzzle, but not in any way because of which creators were involved.

8 years ago

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Hidden puzzle? These are group giveaways I have no access to. Is their creator of any importance?

8 years ago

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There's no part of this puzzle that requires you to leave this thread to solve it, and the creators weren't even looked at when choosing the example giveaways.

Think common sg hidden gib formats.

8 years ago

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Though I solved your puzzle, it still gives me sour taste. I think you could make the same puzzle with ever first GA of each game, or ever first group GA of each game(maybe impossible with private GA). The reason I used the word of 'joke' had such meaning.
I know I might overreacted... -_-a
just my 2 cents.

8 years ago

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If you think I coulda used different giveaways, you didn't fully solve the puzzle.
Though if I'd swapped around the order, I could have potentially done so, but I didn't see any need to do so at the time, and even now, the only reason to do so is because people got confused on the group-restricted one.

You still haven't clarified why you have a sour taste, which is leading me to just consider your response as being irrational.

The only person who has any right to a sense of vindication or displeasure is the person I'm satirizing, and they waived that right when they provided the original material.

The only thing I can imagine is that you're horribly mistranslating something.

8 years ago

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OK, let's clarify.
As I said above, one of the creator is my friend. Because she doesn't visit the Forum, I guessed she would not know the fact that you used her GA as a part of your puzzle(unless I tell her), and I doubt you asked her permission. I knew your intention was to confuse people, 'cause I already rode your train. What I didn't know was, the reason you selected specific group GA, not first GA for private group(public groups are easy to join, I know). Of course, I have no right to complain about your choices, and I don't know how she would react if I told her. I just wanted to protect her honor or pride or whatever as much as I can... (shrug)

8 years ago

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1: If you're expecting people to ask permission for referencing giveaways, you'll be quite disappointed with how sg forum gibs are run. Access and viewing permissions are set by the original giveaway restrictions [which is why you can't see who made a group/whitelist giveaway unless you're actually in that group]. Public is public, and you accept that information will be public when you post it, so why do you care if that comes up again in passing reference? I personally find that quite inane.
If you have an issue with how the social expectations on that are currently enacted, put up a thread discussing the matter, or contact cg about it. Don't arbitrarily accost me for a perceived slight over something ludicrous, in contrast to accepted social standards, without giving valid justification to your outlook. That is intentionally rude, while my action is at worst an honest mistake reflecting a social shortcoming. Were it your friend bringing the matter up, we could have an actual back-and-forth over the merits of the inclusion, but here, your commentary is a needless incitement with no gain detailed as of yet.

2: My intention wasn't to be confusing. Again, that's basic forum giveaway format, the only tweak I added was the final wagon. Why would I intentionally confuse people? This isn't the puzzles forum.. :P

3: If you think praising someone's giveaway generosity is an attack on their honor or pride, then you and, I, we'll likely never see eye to eye.

4: In the case of Contrast, that was the only possible giveaway to post for the puzzle, period. I can't offhand say the same for sure of the others, but again, there was no cause to validate the matter.
Had I realized any merit in it at the time, I would have shuffled the order of the gibs until I could put up three public ones, but it didn't seem important at the time- in fact, I thought it best if people didn't pay too close attention to the gibs, though now I believe public ones would clarify that they don't need to pay attention to them, better.

All I'm guilty of is having poor sense in puzzle formatting, which is something learnable through experience.

I'm still not at all certain what else you're trying to get at.

8 years ago

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  1. Since my first reply, I never objected against referencing other user’s GA.
  2. All right, you’re giving people hints. ;)
  3. I never thought it was attack. I clearly said you could use ever first GA of the game, because I think it’s the good way for praising their generosity and monumental record. That was the reason why I searched SG’s Archive. Rather after the searching, I was confused. “What is this? Not first GA, not first group GA, not even first GA for private group... can it be just random or is there possible anything?” So I became overly defensive for the creator who doesn’t visit the Forum and doesn’t know Forum’s custom. I was afraid how she would react such a situation, especially not directly being asked but indirectly hearing.
  4. I see you edited Original Post, so my mentions became pointless.

Blame my lack of sense of humor, sometimes I’m too serious about small details. I hope misunderstanding is cleared.

8 years ago

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1: I am so confused :P
2: Yeah, the goal is to have anyone who wants to find it, find it, not to exclude people who can't figure it out without help. =O
3: still not sure what point you were trying to make, even less so now. :/
4: Yeah- enough people were getting confused even without anyone getting offended- and being that there wasn't any reason NOT to change it, it was clearly better that I did so. :'P

Nope, not at all cleared, but appreciate the respectful effort you put in attempting to do so. :)
I think perhaps I misunderstood your tone in your last post to be far harsher than you intended- I apologize if my own tone was overly harsh. :)

8 years ago

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Maybe difference of cultural or personal point of view? I tend to "오지랖 넓다" for people I care for. ^-^;;

My dictionary says, "intrude; obtrude; intermeddle; thrust [poke] one’s nose into."
Wait, their meanings have rude feeling. -_-a While we use the phrase as both positive and negative occasions. Translating is always hard. :)

8 years ago

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There's also just phrasing expectations that you couldn't know unless you're familiar with the culture, especially when using a language with very different structure.

doubt you asked her permission, for example, comes across very rude and hostile.

Doubt itself implies negative things like mistrust and lack of belief in the judgement of an individual.
You directed the sentence personally (you) which made it accusative.
You then used permission, which implies wrongdoing on my part.

We tend to use more roundabout phrasing in that regard, when keeping it friendly- for example, "I personally believe it would have been better if you'd asked the creators if you could use their giveaways" would be very friendly.
You make it non-accusative by referencing from yourself.
You present humility and willingness to compromise, over aggression by adding words like 'personally' and 'believe'.
You target the action to the individual [asked the creators] instead of the action itself [asked permission].

Any language has its complex nuances of presentation, so misunderstandings of intent are bound to happen. I wouldn't worry about it- even people who know a language well, are going to slip up on occasion. :)

And, y'know, flip side, it's always the choice of the other individual to accept the interpretation that the other person is being hostile. I just assume the worst when people are being confusing, given my long experiences with the mentally ill, trolls, and so forth. :X

That's my quirk- and thanks for dealing with it well. :)

8 years ago

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And thank you for teaching me better expression. I'll keep it in mind. :)

8 years ago

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I can only give bundle and I'm not a bad person, just poor.

8 years ago

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bundle gifters are evilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

8 years ago

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Between your ratio and the fact that you just gave away 4 copies of Mortal Kombat: Premium Edition at 1 in 13 odds Yum~ =O, you actually have leeway to say what you want about the matter. ~.^

It's more the hyper-rude hypocritical leeches that really remove all subjective perspective from the matter, and make it a black and white 'No, you just suck as a person, stop harassing us over our approach to generosity, especially since you're still leeching from us and flagrantly breaking rules on top of that."

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yeah, I will never enter any bundle giveaways, so there!

8 years ago

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well... apparently i missed some drama :o and i have not been able to find the hidden train either! mission success!

8 years ago

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Me too. I feel that I'm just not part of the in crowd. Totally fine with it.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Naw. Just prevented from posting comments, entering gibs, or blacklisting people.
They need to learn their place, after all- they're here to give to the leechers, and they better appreciate that they're allowed to do so.


8 years ago

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Yes, I like Piña Co Lada

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Oh, wow. I think that's an anime I actually haven't watched.
It sounds good- Imma add it to the list, thank you! :D

8 years ago

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It's decent, though according to several people it censored a lot of stuff compared to the manga. I'm not a manga reader so I don't care much, but I figured I'd point that out in case you would rather read the manga instead :P Oh also, the second season is airing right now so you could wait until it's finished and just binge watch the whole thing.

8 years ago

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I'm just leaving this here. Sooth is THE man, I think he could take part in a sledgehammer fight!

8 years ago*

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Let's maybe start a niche train as well. :P
And i believe i know the intent of the point is the movie itself, not the song, but i like mischief and mayhem... :P

8 years ago

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Invitations are open, feel free to take part. Yes you there, post post post. I'm sure that the train can handle it.
Hey don't be so fast, the ! Best things happen when you don't expect them, like the thing that this will become the train of awesomeness. Well not always and not all the things that happen unexpectedly are nice.
EDIT: And it seems that this was so great idea that it pleased even the Space Cat! Immediately after replying I was creeted by sweet little kitty ^^

8 years ago

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Congrats! Oh-oh-oh! Oh-oh-oh! ;D
We can write what we wanna write, i guess... :)
I think we need wine, not piña coladas though, as it always goes well with cheese.

8 years ago

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I was going to write that this would be the next in line but... that would make this whole thing quite a grey train without effort so lets say that some things in life are quite a riddle for us :)
Nothing against wine (red and white, both are go for me, haven't been on parties with cheese trays though. Maybe I have something more to experience then? ^^

8 years ago

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Well, you're really bringing out the 80s big guns. But yes, quite true, some things in life are a riddle in this mad world. ;)
The wine suggestion was merely a jest, considering some of these songs can be considered a tad cheesy. ^.^
They still bring back memories though, so... ;)

8 years ago

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Great pick, straight from the year I was born :) It makes me a bit sad that no one else has noticed and taken part for your little train. Maybe this whole thing was a mistake?
These generals seem to have taken our wine! I was on the fence with their other great song but maybe this suits better now. Being cheesy doesn't mean that there can't be precious memories.

8 years ago

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Aww, that immediately reminded me of this. Which i imagine is what you're referencing below.
Well, since you seem to be at a disadvantage on info, considering what you just said, here's one from the year they harvested me. There were several choices, but i thought the name of this one seemed fitting for our little thread-derrailing train. :P
Is it still a train if it's continuously derrailing? ;D
Oh, and non-sense, why would it be a mistake? I'm having fun at least... :D

8 years ago

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Yeah, you got it immediately! Really good song and even the little koala plush has a part
Now I somehow imagine you being one of the pod people (because of harvesting). Scary thought. Though pod people live without a sin I imagine.
Train which is going to derail is a train even after derailing! You can't change a train, and if you are in Russia, the train changes you!

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8 years ago

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I imagine pod people might live without a sin too... but are they livin' on a prayer?
That young Donald Sutherland had me fooled for a genuine russian for a full split second.

8 years ago

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Awesome, Spaceballs! Dark Helmet is one of my favorites :D The whole Invasion of the Body Snatchers is quite creepy, I remember watching it for the first time and having bit of doubt if there really was pod person among the other people when I returned home!
Can't really say but at least I'm quite sure that there aren't any rebels among them, they are all united. Actually they could be quite successful society since they wouldn't clash among themselves.
I was going to post something else but then I came up with this one. Maybe a bit closer to my personal taste and the singer (no, I won't spoil the song in here if you haven't opened the link yet! Mwahaa) seems so happy at the beginning. :D Also the hairdos man, what a glorious thing they were

8 years ago

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Oh crap.
This got buried somehow and i thought you hadn't replied back. Gonna leave this marker (in a hurry right now) and check to reply later. :P

8 years ago

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You know what is worse? (As if giving bundle trash wasn't enough!) Some of them sneak into others whitelists! The nerve!

8 years ago

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It's funny..because I really liked Snuggle Truck and literally played like hell

8 years ago

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I boo at the poll options only, because that's not how i like getting caught in the rain.
So just give me another piña colada, i guess... :)

8 years ago

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Nono, hunky superhero is optional. Feel free to enjoy the rain as suits you best. :)

8 years ago

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Well, it's a hunky... superhero.
The mere possibility still seems daunting, as i may not be given the choice, considering not all superheros refrain from becoming villains. ;D

Besides, i do like piña coladas. ;)

8 years ago

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bump :)

8 years ago

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if theres someone that actually believes what you wrote then all i can say is they dont have to give anything away, like me, i can give all my bundled keys away to my friends instead of making ga's

8 years ago

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Sooth, I surrender X_D I've been looking to solve the puzzle for an hour and a half X_D please, tell me the solution to be able to rest in peace after your giveaways ends! :)

8 years ago

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Your satire is intriguing to me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter. source

On the serious side, I do think that a sizable population of SteamGifters do take this position at face value. Which is pretty unfortunate, because nearly all the best games I played last year were "bundle-crap" titles like FTL, Primordia, The Stanley Parable, etc. and which I honestly found to be much more enjoyable than many (but not all) of the hot unbundled "AAA" titles that I played and found to be shiny but derivative, boring, and exploitative.

8 years ago

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related to the poll

And I don't really get why people complain so much about bundled games. I'm the sort of person who doesn't realize a game I wanted was in a bundle until, like, two months after the bundle's over. So I don't much mind about bundle games. Plus a lot of them are really good. Lili: Child of Geos, The Last Tinker: City of Colors, Psychonauts, Botanicula, frikkin Terraria....lots of great games that have popped up on bundle sites this opinion has nothing to do with the fact that i make a buttload of bundle giveaways, and this statement was tooootally not a lie

8 years ago

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