Thirty percent of U.S. studnts in grades six through ten are involved in moderate or freuent bullying — as bullies, as victims, or as both — according to the results of the first national school bullying statistics and cyber bullying statistics survey on this subject. School bullying statistics and cyber bullying statistics show the 77% of students are bullied mentally, verbally and physically. One-hundred thousand students carry a gun to school. More youth violence occurs on school grounds as opposed to on the way to school. If your child is a victim of bullying a child and adolescent psychiatrist or other mental health professional can help your child and family and the school develop a strategy to deal with the bullying. Seeking professional assistance earlier can lessen the risk of lasting emotional conseuences for your child.

Link for more information

You have 1 day left left to solve this puzzle =)

1 decade ago*

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In other news today, the sky is blue, unless it's raining or the sun is setting. Fire also gained the property of heat. Scientists have yet to answer whether or not this will affect your oven settings.

1 decade ago

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This is true but contains little information on the matter at had, which is our dangerous high schools.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Well, best break out the Reality Alteration Device.

OT: 30% of students probably deserve it, given the way a lot of kids these days lack respect, discipline and plain common sense. In-fighting amongst kids is common. Deal with it.

1 decade ago

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No one deserves it. That's the whole point. If kids lack respect and are jackasses, they need to be disciplined, not left to go harass others.

We could deal with it sure, but we shouldn't. When we see a problem in society, ignoring it helps nobody.

1 decade ago

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Discipline... like a bully knocking you down, for instance?

1 decade ago

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The other day the sky was completly black :o

1 decade ago

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That's called "night." It's what happens when you piss off the sun god.

Oh, mighty Ra, forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not to the Red Sea, because that bastard Moses keeps fucking with us.

1 decade ago

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Oh man could not stop laughing because of that Moses part.

1 decade ago

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But I own Ra.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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points and laughs at your error message-producing creature

1 decade ago

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I let you win, because I dont use my trap.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I think your dragon is draggin'.

1 decade ago

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Yes, comparing people being bullied with natural occurrences is exactly the same. No it isn't; yes bullying happens "naturally" but it doesn't have to happen. Fire produces heat because of the energy consumed, the sky is blue because of the reflection and what not.

Although it's annoying to be repeated something as obvious as bullying being bad; it's one of those things we can't just shrug at and stay inactive because "it happens all the time". People earn rights by being heard, changes happen when people stand together and get their message across.

If you don't like hearing it, just ignore it instead of making a stupid comment.

1 decade ago

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thanks Jade for those weather coverage. Now on todays topic a boy claims he is from Mars, could he really be? o_0 Also ancient or legend? Under a Mayan tomb today was discovered what appears to be the Steam logo, could the Mayans be behind the success? More later on when you really care steamgifts community. now to sports take it away...

1 decade ago

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I had to watch lord of the flies THE MOVIE for my one sociology class. Holy gandalf that was depressing.

1 decade ago

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Kids watch books now? How ironic would it be if there were a visual representation of Fahrenheit 451 eh?

1 decade ago

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I remember when I had to watch Macbeth 2: Revenge of Macbeth. Man, they don't write screenplays like that any more. So much better than the original, too.

1 decade ago

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I edited it for you, your highness

1 decade ago

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I was bullied back in elementary school. Then one day mister lunchbox somehow smashed himself in some poor boys face.

1 decade ago

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I recall being stupid enough one morning to walk up to one of my Year Eight bullies, one of the biggest in the school, when I was a little

itty bitty Year Five

and punch him straight in the face. Blood. Everywhere. Had no issues from him ever again. Tiny little lonesome Jade > hulking guy with actual muscle mass + backup. Ah, those were the days...

1 decade ago

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Bullies getting beat up Ftw

the guy I hit in the face with that lunchbox(There was blood everywhere for me too!), his parents wanted to press charges till they found out I was being bullied by their son. Think I still got suspended for like 3 days, but never was bullied again.

High school was different though, no one messed with me luckily.

1 decade ago

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I remember being that scrawny little kid, stupid enough to even think about taking on someone twice or more my size, but finally having enough of their shit... single tear I miss being young.

1 decade ago

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Jade was a Goon xD

1 decade ago

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I remember being in HS and some of my friend deciding they should let everyone know I knew a lot about explosives, poisons, etc.. No one really messed with me. There was one time a guy yelled at me at lunch. I guess he hadn't heard yet. After the following class, he caught me in the hallway and apologized profusely. ;)

1 decade ago

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Maybe he was just saving face ;p

1 decade ago

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Only thirty percent? Sounds like they've got it easy.

1 decade ago

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Of course it's worse. Every generation is getting more violate and stupid, it goes hand in hand. These kids grow up and have kids and they treat them badly and raise them badly and so we get worse kids next generation and the cycle goes on. It has to stop. Stupid people who are useless should not be allowed to breed. Problem solved.

1 decade ago

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I miss when parents had a backbone and kids actually were punished for acting inappropriately. Now parents aren't even involved in their children's live let alone discipline them.

1 decade ago

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Remember when schools could punish kids? In-school suspensions must be a thing of the past too. I know my younger cousin got into a fight and they suspended her for a few weeks.

1 decade ago

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Funny thing is every generation is not actually getting stupider; they're getting much more intelligent. The amount of information the average student learns today dwarfs what they learned in the 50s, and many of our fields (especially scientific and technological ones) have dramatically expanded. Add the widespread availability of information and you have this exact situation.

If you don't believe me just look at any of the data. Hell, the most basic metric - literacy rate - pretty much tells the entire story.

1 decade ago

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"If a people are difficult to rule, it is because they are too clever."

-Lao-tse, The Tao te Ching

1 decade ago

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Just because they are exposed to knowledge does not guarantee intelligence. It is to the individual to develop the skills to apply and make decisions based on that knowledge, unfortunately I don't see that reflected in some youth today, not to mention adults today. Some one may have been taught science and biology, however they then state that evolution is a guess and is as valid as intelligent design.

1 decade ago

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Terrible example. Until recently, intelligent design was pretty much the explanation for the origins of advanced life. Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection entered the scientific mainstream not that long ago (On the Origin of Species was published in 1859) and it entered the public mainstream even sooner. Simply put, more people today understand evolution and the science behind it than ever before.

1 decade ago

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Actually, creationism was the explanation until evolution. Intelligent design was the recent comeback that was made up by fools with no proof against evolution, but desperate to justify their own inane prattle. I, for one, don't understand at all why evolution and God can't exist in the same belief system, but then, I'm not a close-minded retard, so...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Isn't intelligent design just the modern word for creationism? Sorry, I don't really associate with people who believe that kind of drivel so I don't really know all that much about it.

Regardless, my point still stands.

1 decade ago

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Creationism is the faith belief that God created life. Intelligent design is pathetic psuedo-science desighed to justify that belief, talking about how "perfect" some life is and how everything makes sense for what this creature is, but couldn't possibly be random genetic variances and survival of the fittests to make something that suits the environment perfectly. No, someone HAD to make it that way.

Of course, anyone who knows how fucking useless the human appendix is just points and laughs and walks away.

1 decade ago

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You always have such great things to say.

I wonder how you would feel if you were the one being told you were too stupid to be able to breed...

(I'm not saying that you are, I'm accusing you of lacking empathy)

1 decade ago

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I get bullied often, I just shrug it off.

I suppose one could argue I'm a ticking time bomb, but I dunno, in my worldview fail trolls are fail. They're just jealous of my awesomeness, you know?

EDIT: Thanks to Kizi for making the picture.

1 decade ago

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Im gonna go with you. I was bullied as a child, and I dealt with it. I made a group of friends, I distanced myself from the "bully" or I befriended them. Conflict resolution is a important social skill, you cant go running to an authority figure every time some one sticks their tongue out at you as an adult, best to learn how to handle it now. The world isn't fair and everyone isnt nice so best to develop some experience in dealing with those individuals now.

1 decade ago

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Mhm. Trolls, trolls everywhere. Just gotta learn not to feed 'em.

1 decade ago

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77% ? that seems a little high.

1 decade ago

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With Cyber bullying included, I don't doubt it.

1 decade ago

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Hmm i wasnt really thinking about that. I was kinda picked on in Jr High but the kid had no balls and wouldnt actually do anything physical. Never really had that problem again haha

1 decade ago

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Meh, it is only America

1 decade ago

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What do you mean...only?

1 decade ago

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Meh, the USA could invade New Zeland any time they wanted and make it look like you guys where terrorists to justify it. Meh.

1 decade ago

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I'll just leave this here. For anyone actually interested in some statistics rather than nothing more than sad anecdotes.

1 decade ago

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Believe me when I say it is much more than sad anecdotes.

1 decade ago

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No. I won't believe you when you say it's much more than sad anecdotes.

You're a random person on the Internet. Do you know the kind of absurd, insane things I would believe if I took every random person on the Internet at their word when they offer no evidence, statistics, facts, or reasoning to back up their wild claims?

Edit: In case I was unclear, saying random statistics is not good enough. I could type out any number of statistics. It doesn't make them true. Citing legitimate and neutral sources, however, is a way of lending credence to a claim.

1 decade ago

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I am sorry, but I can't help but laugh at people like you =/

(Those who have discovered the truth..laugh with me)

1 decade ago

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Can I ask why, or will that merely net me more unfounded and unnecessary condescension?

(I figure there's something else to this thread but it's 4AM and I cannot be assed to figure it out. 'sides, I already own Skyrim.)

1 decade ago

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Because your eyes are so covered with opinions you can not see what I am really saying. One day you will learn the truth and be rewarded.

1 decade ago

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Perhaps Poe's Law is in effect here?

1 decade ago

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Not really...

1 decade ago

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Oh good. I was starting to suspect that this was a clever parody with a hidden puzzle linking to a private giveaway or something along those lines.

But there are so many people that actually do spread their opinions and then act condescending towards people who offer any form of counterargument that it can be quite difficult to tell when someone's doing it jokingly.

1 decade ago

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Why would I giveaway a game to people here? Half of these kids are probably bullies....

1 decade ago

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Either gift me a game on Steam or I'm gonna kick your butt on the playground. My dad is a US air force delta force SEAL and he taught me how to beat people up you know.

1 decade ago

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Breaking News: Son of U.S Air Force Seal beats up local EMT - More at 11'

Do it...we could be famous.

1 decade ago

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You really want to take this on? Huh? Do you?? THATS WHAT I THOUGHT

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Well... It's a nice plot for new South Park episode :D

1 decade ago

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But a lot of South Park episodes involve bullying.

Part of the charm, really.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, it's definitely my favourite rockstar game.

1 decade ago

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This happens alot and its not new and it happens every where around the world. Bulling has always existed in many forms, from kids taking food from another, to robbery, to countries picking on smaller ones and starting a war. Its not new, bullying is a conquest for some and for others a disaster, and its something that just happens. Those figure that comes out every so often does not mean that its dangerous in today schools; Its the first statistics right? It could have be worse before, but no one cared and why now? Well it just means that many youth are mentally fragile and they break down easily now. So what made you make this pointless thread? South Park or School report?

1 decade ago

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Carrying guns? Don't most schools have metal detectors?

1 decade ago

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Yes, yes they do.

1 decade ago

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Well, if governments decided to get off their ass and actually give a fuck, maybe they could actually reduce bullying.

1 decade ago

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The government's already done what they can with certain regulations. Most schools have metal detectors, and security guards. Nevermind that there's often a few police officers on campus these days. What more do you want? Its up to the parents to teach their children to stop being such a punk.

1 decade ago

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That isn't going to stop bullying, thats literally trying to bully the bullies into not bullying.

What if the parents do not know better? What if their parents were the same? Lack of proper education on how to bring up a child and what environment is good for it, the government has the power to change that. But doesn't.

1 decade ago

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What generation were YOU born in? I've never once bullied anyone, not because my parents "literally tried to bully me into not bullying" but because I was raised properly. What if parents don't know better? Then they shouldn't be parenting. Herp derp. What if their parents were the same? Shouldn't be parenting. Herp derp.

You act like the government is the only thing that can stop this, which is actually pretty funny all things considered. We have a lot bigger problems for the government to handle, and they've done enough to "protect our children" as it is. Its up to the parents and the kids to stop the stupidity of it. If not the parents, then the children themselves. Even though your teachers should be there for you, some of them will just say "No one likes a tattler." These are just my personal experiences.

1 decade ago

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And I thought it was just the education side of American schooling that scared the shit out of me...

1 decade ago

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Three problems:

Problem 1: The bullies are obviously assholes. Solution: Let the teachers you know haze them.

Problem 2: In most cases, the kids being bullied are to submissive. Solution: Travel in numbers, let the bullies know your nerd army will take them out, and become more aggressive (kid calls you a nerd, call them a mother fucker and that's why hes adopted)

Problem 3: Chicks get in on the bullying. Solution: Sexually harass them. No one will suspect the nerd. Just don't go any farther than words. And no verbal threats.

Most of all: Solving problems in school with violence works. Trust me. Usually the suspension time is only 3 to 5 days.

1 decade ago

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You know what? I don't buy this crap. It's no worse now than it was when I was in gradeschool so many years ago; and I was the punching bag back then. You ever been stabbed with a pencil in the shoulder while minding your own business? Just because you look different?

No sense bitching about it, no sense crying about it. Either fight back, or keep being a pussy. Things like this are why my children will know how to crack some skulls, whether by throwing a desk, curb-stomping, a good old-fashioned beat down, or by using a door. Seriously, it's not half as bad as people make it sound, and half of it could be avoided if parents just beat their kids every so often.

1 decade ago

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Survival of the fittest.

1 decade ago

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Had I not started to fight back, I may well have died at some point. Either because they killed me, or because I did it myself. I'm not letting my kids take it as far as I did, but I'm also going to make sure they understand wrong and right, and when not to get involved with what doesn't matter to them. Defend your friend if he cannot defend himself, and that sort of thing.

1 decade ago

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How about, you develop a brain disorder, Aspergers or something, and then try fighting back.

It's pretty damn difficult.

1 decade ago

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That's when your friends fight for you. Notice that I said "Defend your friend if he cannot defend himself."

Even if you can't fight, there are other alternatives. Hell, even practical jokes can work.

1 decade ago

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Have you seen an average school lately? As soon as someone starts to get bullied, friend or not, its "Fuck it, it's his problem, he should deal with it!

1 decade ago

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Actually yes, I have seen an average school lately. About 12 of them, with my new job. I can successfully say that that does happen, but not all the time. If you failed to pick friends who are willing to stand up with you, or for you, then that's your problem and you should just resort to an alternative means. You're smart, think about those means. And no, I don't mean killing anyone.

1 decade ago

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As someone with Asperger's, I can tell you that making friends is HARD. The ones who do usually can't or won't help you anyway.

1 decade ago

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I've bullied my whole life. After a few years, a guy pushed me down and laughed with his collegues. Than I went to him (I was the same size as him) and I punchedhim in the nose that he blacked out. He went to hospital, police came, ask everybody what happened. Every single kid told to cops that I beat the shit out of him, and he didn't do anything. Than a teacher came, and told cops the truth. Now that guy is on other school, and I saw him 2-33 times on the street. He is a nice guy now :)

1 decade ago

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I'd beat the shit out of every single kid who said he did nothing. Enablers must die.

1 decade ago

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WTF. i would keep taking the shit out of him.

1 decade ago

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Lol wow.

1 decade ago

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What's with all the typos? I swear, my mind is telling me 'psst hidden giveaway'. But noooooo, it's just about bullying, riiiiiight?

1 decade ago

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psssssssssssssssst x)

1 decade ago

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noooooo damn you voice in my mind

1 decade ago

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I got in already. 3 Entries so far, 4 hours left.

1 decade ago

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AHAHAHA i bet they won't shootme, well if they shootme , my friends will still bullying them =). U kill one then badder,meaner and stronger bully's will come.

1 decade ago

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None of this please...Please keep the comments mature and realize that what we have here is more than just a discussion.

1 decade ago

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2 days left.

1 decade ago

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1 day left (not many entries so far)

1 decade ago

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I've been trying to figure it out, and have a clue about what to get from the text, but it ain't working. Also it looks like you put 4 characters in the hint?

1 decade ago

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... i hate puzzle... nah just kidding but i never can solve them.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by X4NDER.