My cat just died today, I was leaving for work, I found him outside, dead in front of my house, it appears he was hit by a car long before I found him, he crawled with his last breath back home and died in the rain, which makes it even sadder. He was my best buddy for a lot of years, about 10, his name was Suru, which means grey in my language. I live in a village we usually don't keep cats inside but every chance I got, I brought him inside to stay with me, like 2-3 times a day, so we both spent a few good hours together each day, sometimes he came by himself, usually when the weather was bad outside. Meowing at the door, he made such nice and delicate meow sounds. Once in a while I started whistling and for some reason he liked the sound, each time he came purring. He was so proud, always keeping his chest out and he had such a nice personality, independent and confident, sometimes even indifferent but I liked it, because he resembled me, he also knew when to ease up and act lovely. He always let the other cats eat first, he always ate last. I love him so much, he left me heartbroken.

But let's not make it just about my pet and just about this sad event, let's make a pet appreciation thread, tell me about your pets, anything you wish. Like what you love about them, or their usual routine, pictures, stories, anything. And please appreciate your friend and pet him like it's the last time you are seeing each other, wrong things can happen each day because the universe has such dark sense of humor.

If you're interested, here's a picture of him. (before the accident)

PS: Dyscourse giveaway in his memory

8 years ago*

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hugs Sorry for your loss.
There's a lot of stray cats in my neighborhood, and I feed and name some of the friendlier ones, but I do worry they'll get hit by a car or something and I'll never know what happened to them, they just won't show up meowing for dinner anymore.

These two are actually mine, my dog and the first stray cat we adopted (he mostly lives inside now). They're both kind of spoiled, but very cuddly, and I think the dog loves cats more than he loves humans. (The cat's sulking in this pic, lol. It's hard to get either of them to stay still.)

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8 years ago

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There should be more people like you, feeding homeless animals. You're awesome dude, your pets are awesome too.

8 years ago

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Closed 1 year ago by BloodyRo.