My cat just died today, I was leaving for work, I found him outside, dead in front of my house, it appears he was hit by a car long before I found him, he crawled with his last breath back home and died in the rain, which makes it even sadder. He was my best buddy for a lot of years, about 10, his name was Suru, which means grey in my language. I live in a village we usually don't keep cats inside but every chance I got, I brought him inside to stay with me, like 2-3 times a day, so we both spent a few good hours together each day, sometimes he came by himself, usually when the weather was bad outside. Meowing at the door, he made such nice and delicate meow sounds. Once in a while I started whistling and for some reason he liked the sound, each time he came purring. He was so proud, always keeping his chest out and he had such a nice personality, independent and confident, sometimes even indifferent but I liked it, because he resembled me, he also knew when to ease up and act lovely. He always let the other cats eat first, he always ate last. I love him so much, he left me heartbroken.

But let's not make it just about my pet and just about this sad event, let's make a pet appreciation thread, tell me about your pets, anything you wish. Like what you love about them, or their usual routine, pictures, stories, anything. And please appreciate your friend and pet him like it's the last time you are seeing each other, wrong things can happen each day because the universe has such dark sense of humor.

If you're interested, here's a picture of him. (before the accident)

PS: Dyscourse giveaway in his memory

8 years ago*

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Edit: He looks sad. Why is he sad? ;_;.

8 years ago*

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He always looked sad, even when he was happy, I quite liked that about him.

8 years ago

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I like crestfallen countenances as well on condition that they don't feel bad actually.

My condolences for your kitty. ;_;.

8 years ago*

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When I took the picture he was actually purring for no reason.

8 years ago

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Oh, it's so sad, my condolences to you(
Here is my cat Rufus with his favorite toy. I know this toy is ugly now, it's very old, but he played with it since he was a kitten and was same size with it, so he likes it very much.

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8 years ago

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Such an artistic cat and picture, he's so awesome!

8 years ago

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I'm really really sorry for your loss, your cat reminds me of my cat - killed by a car as well. His death hit me hard, I didn't want any cats after that anymore, but time helped and after few months I decided to get a new one - this time to keep him in house only. I made nets for windows and I will make an aviary for him in the future so he can go outside freely. I take him for walks on a leash and bought him a decent cage to get him outside sometimes. I know cats should be free... but damn, some of my cats were killed by cars after a few months, I live too close to roads and it's too dangerous for them.

8 years ago

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I should have kept him inside more. But I guess he wouldn't have been happy about it, at least he lived as he wanted. I also have another cat which is pregnant with the one who died, maybe her kittens will ease the loss.

8 years ago

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I'm really sorry about your loss, always hard to lose a friend.

This is my old dog Django, named after the classical guitarist Django Reinhardt. Potato quality pic but its all I could manage to get...he almost always tries to knock my phone out of my hands when I try taking pics of him.

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8 years ago

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He looks very happy)

8 years ago

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Indeed, the happiest dog I've seen in a while! :D

8 years ago

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Again, really sorry to hear about your cat. I'll make sure to give Django a big hug on your behalf!

8 years ago

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I had an adorable little cat named Amaya. had her for 2 years... a month ago a coyote (which is not normal in my area but they were seen around) got her and my other cat of 10 years. Luckily my other cat managed to make it back home. He was in bad shape, but now hes fixed up and better. Sadly Amaya did not make it.

Some good news though, I'm getting a new kitten in two days! Its always sad when are furry buddies die but its a part of life and we can at least appreciate the time they gave us :D

8 years ago

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Such an awful way to go, I don't know what I would have done in your place.

8 years ago

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Sorry for your loss. I kept a dog for 12 years and we had to put him down due to sickness. At least we saw it coming, not like in your case.

8 years ago

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Yea, it was the last thing I expected, I haven't even said goodbye.

8 years ago

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That's terrible, I'm so sorry. I'm glad you can think of the good times you had together, that's the most important thing to focus on. He looked like he was a really cool cat.

Here's pictures of my kitties, they are brother & sister from the same litter. They will be 2 years old this month.

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8 years ago

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100% cuties!

8 years ago

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Have my condolences.
And a picture of my pets. I sold one of them (the left one) and I'm planning to do the same with the two others, and their baby who's not in this photo.

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8 years ago

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I expected a cat... that took me by surprise lol

8 years ago

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Yeah well... I'm not a huge fan of cats... please no blacklist.
Here's my mom's cat, just so you can get your expectations fulfilled.

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8 years ago

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lol don't worry I think the snails look cooler

do people really blacklist that easily lol

8 years ago

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Yeah, they're pretty cute. I heard their slime is good for skin, so they have the potential to be useful pets, too. I haven't tried it, though.

Yes, some do.

8 years ago

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Hehe, made me giggle.

8 years ago

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Good, good! All the giggles for you, M'lord. tips fedora

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I know, right? I once happened to see them "doing it", ohhhh sheeeeeit. They know their thing.

8 years ago

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In my country, we boil snails alive and we eat them.

8 years ago

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In some countries they boil cats and dogs alive and eat them, so can't say that surprises me much...

8 years ago

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We'd never go that far haha. It's an old habit here though, few people does it anymore.

8 years ago

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RIP for Suru. He was such a cute cat!

8 years ago

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Thank you, I appreciate it! :D

8 years ago

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So sorry for your loss.
We had to put our dog down. After 11 years he was just too sick with lung cancer.
That was in December 1992. We still miss him, even the neighbours still think of him.
Damn, my eyes are swelling up now :(

8 years ago

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True, when you get to truly love an animal, more than a family member, you'll remember it for the rest of your life after losing it.

8 years ago

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Aw :( Losing a pet is never fun, losing them to an accident like that is even worse :(

8 years ago

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At least I wasn't present when the accident occurred, it would have been 10 times worse for me.

8 years ago

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I wish your buddy a happy ever afterlife.

Few days ago we discovered that our cat has a tumour. I hope it's not malignant and she's gonna be ok.
Here's her photo when she was a kid:

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8 years ago

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Ohhh dude, I hope everything turns out alright, she sure deserves to.

8 years ago

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Thanks mate. There are no metastases yet so I believe we are still able to cure her.

8 years ago

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Here are my best friends.

The big one call Cthulhu, and small one call Fura.
Two weeks ago veterinarian gave me bad news: Cthulhu is very ill, but I don't loose hope

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8 years ago

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Great names you gave them, I truly hope he'll get better.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm in denial about the fact that my dog is going to die at some point not too far in the future

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8 years ago*

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Such an awesome dog, I'm sure he'll live long.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Amazing creatures, I wish you all the best!

8 years ago

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I'm sorry for your loss, but at least there are still happy memories that are around when he is not.
This was my puppy Toby. He supposedly "went missing" one day, but I do believe he was sold to someone unbeknownst to me. Either way, he was the cutest thing ever. Even though I still miss him, I'm glad I have pictures.

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8 years ago

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I call dogs like that "easter eggs". For obvious reasons.

8 years ago

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Ah, that makes me sad .... ;_;
Such a cute little pup he is.

8 years ago

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Oww, that gif is so heart warming, I'm sorry for losing your friend!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Hahaha, totally know what you mean, my cat was such a coward too, he was always so scared of little chicks.

8 years ago

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I understand you. My cat died 12 years ago and every day I remember her and cry. My friends periodically offer me another pet and I continue refusing. My heart is broken, it hurts, I miss her.

8 years ago

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True, I don't think I'll ever love a pet the same. I might even give up on them, at least for a while.

8 years ago

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The poor thing... :( I'm so sorry for your loss. He was a really cute boy, your Suru.

I love animals in general but I'm a crazy cat lady at heart. Well, I've been cat-less for a couple of year now. The last cat I had, Cรฉleste, had developed diabetes and had to be put to sleep. I miss having kitties... I hope I'll be able to bring some furry bundles of joy (and claws and hairballs) into my life again at some point.

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8 years ago

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I think putting your cat to sleep is even harder than instantly losing it. Sorry friend, I hope you get another, one day.

8 years ago

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I am so sorry for your loss, i've been there myself and it is hard! :-(

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8 years ago

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Made me tear up a little, thank you, great picture, definitely saving it.

8 years ago

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That is really the place you should keep her!
Take care!

8 years ago

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I'm a pet guy, so in my house you can see a dog and 4 cats. I know what you feel as one of my cats had been hit by car as well and the other one was crippled (no feel of tail) and one day she just went missing. Stay strong my friend and let your sadnesss change into love for next pet.

8 years ago

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Thank you, I'll do my best! I hope none of your pets have the same awful fate ever again.

8 years ago

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sorry for you loss BloodyRo :(

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8 years ago

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Thank you and gorgeous cat btw!

8 years ago

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I have a Belgium Shepard male dog, 1 and half year now. He was hit by a car, it threw him off by somewhat 20 meters. He just stood up, kept running(the good thing is, he ran in the direction of the house) however he went passed the house and didn't recognize as he was shocked, we went out for abotu 2 hours searching for him in the neighberhood(I went near some pipes of a gas recycling factory thinking he'd be dead there). No luck at all, gave up went back home, few minutes later, the bastard came to the door and just sat there for house until we found him there. No injuries except for his feet bleeding from the running.

P.S: He is terrified of cars now.

He's the big one, I also had the white one, her name was Nala and she's a Labrador, had to gave her away :/

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8 years ago*

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Well, it was quite an adventure it seems, I'm happy it turn out alright for your dog.

8 years ago

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It's always heartbreaking when a pet passes away. I can think of one little kitten we'd rescued when i was about ten or eleven years old, a little calico named Celia (after the secretary from monsters inc, a movie thats actually still hard for me to watch because of what happened to this cat). She had mange, and the vet accidentally gave her a double-dose of mange medication. The meds rotted her brain and she had to be put to sleep. We'd had her for only a week, but she was the sweetest little thing who would climb up onto my shoulder and sit there (keep in mind she had it wasnt actually as cute as it sounds...but once you looked past the incredibly painful itching and sores, it was still precious). The fact that she died because the vet screwed up made it all the more traumatic.

I didn't want any other cats after that, but then my parents took me to the pound and thats when i met Starburst, she bit me on the nose and i just knew she was the one for me.

Fast forward to today, I have five cats, three dogs, and a dove.

So I guess the moral of the story is that even when there's trauma and heartbreak associated with a pet's passing, it's still possible to move on. I mean, you won't forget them and you'll never be able to replace them, but you can move on and love again. This turned really sappy really fast, I'm sorry.

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8 years ago

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I'm sure you're right, I know I can still love other pets after Suru's passing and I will eventually, but it might take a while. Also damn, you have a lot of pets, I'm sure it's a lovely scene, when you get back home after a long while, and all of them just jump on you. :P

8 years ago

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Sorry to hear that. When I was little, I lost one of my kitties the same way. And because of that, my current kitty (Destiny) is not a loud outside unsupervised.

I have 1 dog, 1 cat and a bunch of chickens.

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8 years ago*

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Nice chickens you've got there, I've got a bunch of them too but yours are totally better. How are those kind of chicken called, because you made me jealous, I have to get some like yours.

8 years ago

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Not all of them are in the photo, but I have Silkies, Cochins, Bantams, laying hens and some misfits (mixes of the different chickens). Currently I'm thinking of getting a Plymouth Rock, they're super pretty :3

8 years ago

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Closed 1 year ago by BloodyRo.