Offer ends May 7.

Borderlands 3 is on sale again after little more than a month since it released. I wonder if it's not selling well at full price because if it was there wouldn't be a need for another -50% sale so soon? Even at $30 I'm on the fence. Never saw any glowing reviews for the game. Majority of them say the gunplay is good but everything else is kinda crap.

4 years ago

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Worth it for $30?

View Results
Yes (but actually no)
I have Borderlands 2 I don't need this

It released to Steam with a 50% discount as well, so this price drop now isn't strange given that the new seasonal event was just launched.

The problem with Borderlands 3, which is also a problem that would plague everything that has been overhyped and overanticipated in the past decade, is that it was never going to live up to the pedestal people put it on when they imagined what it would be. Expectations were so astronomical that it could only disappoint. Half Life 3 will suffer the same fate if it is ever made. So would Firefly season 2. So did everything that did come out that was overhyped by fans for years.

No matter what this game would be, people were going to be disappointed, because it's not the game they fantasized about for years.

Also, people expected something the series isn't. Gunplay and loot is the whole point of Borderlands. It was never a series about a fantastic story or amazing character development. It's called a Loot Shooter, after all, and Borderlands literally defined that very genre.

I've got about 65 hours into it so far and am enjoying it. Significantly more than I did the Pre-Sequel, in which I never got past the first 7 hours without falling asleep multiple times. I bought the SuperDeluxe (with season pass), and haven't regretted it so far. But I generally calculate worth in hours that I'm entertained, and 65 hours for 50 euro = €0,76, which seemed like a decent deal. But that's just me personally, and it's different for everyone.

4 years ago*

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I wasn't too overhyped. Wasn't hyped at all. I liked both BL 1 and 2, kinda had my fill when Pre-Sequel was released, but wasn't foaming in the mouth for a third one. Bought 3 because it was discounted and I wasn't playing any shooters for a while now so why not. I'm enjoying my time with it so far. I've never been a story guy as far as the franchise goes and just want to shoot things and loot stuff and it fills that niche for me.

4 years ago

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I don't think hype was the problem. I think people just expected a decent, interesting story with cool likable characters along with the looting and shooting. That's not some impossible expectation or an unimportant element in shooters. Saying the game isn't about the story is just a way to excuse the poor (so I've heard) writing. A good story isn't just for adventure or rpg type games.

4 years ago

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I didn't say it wasn't about story at all. I said it wasn't about a fantastic story. Those are two very different things. A game with a story build around gunplay is not the same thing as a game with gunplay that's build around a story. There's a difference between a game like Borderlands, and a game like Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice.

There's another thing at play here: People who are now 25 played Borderlands 2 when they were 17. And they were 14 when the first one came out. Characters in Borderlands have always been cringy and over the top, and the humour has always been immature, childish and "poop gun!". And the story has always been mediocre. The difference is that most people were teenagers, with a teenage sense of humour and accompanying expectation of literature, when the previous "good ones" came out. And they are not teenagers now.

They grew up. Borderlands did not.

If you're over 25 today, try re-reading a book or re-watching a series or film you thought was the absolute greatest thing ever when you were 14. There's a pretty big chance you'll be quite disappointed, and wonder what the hell your younger self was thinking.

Personally I haven't found the writing to be poor or bad. It has a typical amount of standard videogame tropes, many of which it makes fun, and some of the humour is either your thing or it's not, but it has its moments. Sure, it's no Brandon Sanderson, Peter F. Hamilton, Pierce Brown, Ann Leckie or Frank Herbert, but for a game centred around and marketed as "a bazillion guns and exploooooooosions", the story is pretty entertaining. I re-played 1 and 2 just before playing 3, and the story is pretty much the same level. I was 21 when BL2 came out, and to my non-teenage mind the previous game was just as cringy, over the top and immature as this one, and the writing is pretty much the same. I rolled my eyes at the cringy immaturity and silly writing in BL2 more times than I care to remember.

Most people seem to be more affected by a rose tinted nostalgic view of previous games than judging the actual story for that it is.

The characters I've met so far have been memorable enough to remember both their names and their personalities, I have no problem remembering who Lorelei, Balex, and Clay are, for instance. (Didn't even have to google their names) And I'm still curious enough about what happens next to keep playing, which is the whole point of a story. It has a decent, interesting story, and the characters are cool.

Likeable is a different matter, because likeable in Borderlands? Lol. Whomever expected that either never played or doesn't remember the previous games. Handsome Jack was everything except likeable. Did everyone forget what he did to his own daughter? And the current badguys are written to be annoying, ridiculous and over the top: They're a caricature of Twitch streamers. They're not meant to be likeable. And they do a great job being as annoyingly punch-able as possible.

Most of the new good guys are reasonably likable so far, and some are pretty cool. Even the most hated character (Ava) is exactly what she should be, an annoying as **** teenager who is self-obsessed and gets on everyone's nerves by thinking she's important and relevant. Like most teenagers who think all the adults are stupid and wrong. She's annoying and universally hated by fans because that's exactly who she's written to be. Anyone over 25 who has to deal with 14 year olds will immediately recognize her behaviour as the reason why so many game servers have an age minimum.

Does being authentically annoying count as badly written? Or well written for being authentic? It's an interesting conundrum.

Hell, I picked Amara because it best fits the story to play as a Siren. Story is usually the only thing I play games for to begin with (hence why I stay far away from Multiplayer these days), and whilst the one in this game won't win the Hugo Award for best Sci-fi writing, it is by no means poor or bad. It's entertaining, occasionally funny, and has its moments. (Some hilarious, some incredibly dark once you give it some thought.) And it's still way better than the pre-sequel. It's funny how everyone said the exact same thing about that one, and is now pretending it's great.

The game is entertaining, silly and fun. And it doesn't take itself too seriously, which the series has never done. Is it the best game ever? Nah. Is it fun? Yea.
Is it worth the full price? No. Definitely not. But 50% off is a pretty good deal.

Edit: That got a little longer than I'd planned, lol. Sorry about that!

4 years ago*

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Nobody was expecting a fantastic story. Just a decent one. Almost everybody says the story in BL3 is abysmal. Lots of reviews I've seen were made by people well over the age of an adult so if they played BL2 they would have still been adults (like I was when I played BL2). You can certainly have likable villains in a story if the character is good. Remember Hans Gruber from Die Hard? He was a great villain. He didn't look very intimidating but he was a cold blooded killer who wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty. But he was also smart, humorous, and had charm. I liked Handsome Jack in BL2. Lots of people did. He was evil and cruel of course but he could also be funny and over the top. Liking a villain doesn't mean you want to be friends with them but you find their character interesting and can respect their qualities.

But intentionally putting annoying characters in a game and expecting people to like them? That doesn't work. Trying to defend it by saying they're supposed to be annoying does not help either. Nobody finds them funny. They're just...annoying. Nobody likes whiny ass teenagers or insufferable twitch streamers, in real life or video games. Authenticity does not equal fun in video games.

Lots of people who were fans of BL2 (including me), and even the ones that like BL3 and gave it a positive review, have commented that the story is really not very good. I don't think that's due to unrealistic expectations. Maybe it's just the truth. But if you liked it that's fine. It could be the majority of opinions are wrong.

4 years ago

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I'm not sure which reviews you're reading, but the reviews on Steam are 80% positive. If you're getting them from Twitter, Youtube comments and the like, please remember that people who are positive about something generally don't post reviews, but people who are upset about something jump at every opportunity to express their opinion as loudly as possible.

I'm not trying to advice you to buy it or not. That's entirely your decision. I'm just giving a counter opinion against the screaming mob.

But it sounds like you had already made up your mind before asking the question, like you're looking to have your negative opinion of a game you haven't played yet validated. That's a shame. And thus nothing I say about the game will make a difference. The game will never be good enough, because you are already convinced it's bad. I should've seen that from the way you phrased the question. I'm sorry for wasting your time, that was not my intention. :(

In that case my advice is: Please wait for the price to drop to a range you consider reasonable. You'll likely enjoy it more if you do, which is the only thing that really matters: How much you enjoy the game. Please don't spend a lot of money on a game you're convinced you won't enjoy, it'll only make it worse. There are other games to play until the price drops far enough. We've waited a year since it came on Epic, what's one more? ;)

4 years ago*

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I've read plenty of steam reviews, some reviews from gaming sites, and watched Youtube reviews. Almost all of them say the gameplay and looting is good, but the story is poor and the new characters are not interesting. This is including lots of positive Steam reviews. If I have a negative opinion about the game it's because of all the negative points, not because I'm looking to hate on the game. I'm still interested in the game because I do like looter shooters and I liked BL2, but it's important to take all the good AND bad things into consideration.

4 years ago

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It looks like a really fun game and looks worth getting even at full price, so 50% of is awesome. The game launched September of last year and there were a good amount of events that happened before the launch on Steam(I tried link as many as I saw below) so that probably had some factor on why they felt 50% off would be a good idea.

4 years ago

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5 Dollar Complete Edition in 2 years for me.

4 years ago

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Me too - unless it gets bundled beforehand.

4 years ago

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$10 is what I paid for the others so I'll prob hit this one about there too.

4 years ago

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SMH cheap people these days...

4 years ago

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The game has no value for me at the moment, I'm interested in it for the gameplay changes but have enough to keep me busy for a good while. When I'm ready to tackle it, its price will be around that.
I bought Skyrim on its 11/11/11 release, haven't touched it up to this day, so I know my habits.

4 years ago*

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I got the super deluxe last month when it was 50% off. Have not regretted it yet. Just beat normal mode last night and I LOVED it!

4 years ago

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best borderlands game so far if you like to farm loot and optimize builds. the deluxe version is worth its $50 price in gold.
story is by far the worst of the franchise, most characters are 100% cringy.

4 years ago

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I'm guessing you forgot about TPS already?

4 years ago

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bl3's story is even worse πŸ™ŠπŸ™‰πŸ™ˆ

4 years ago

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I would say this is Gearbox trying to pay their employees, but this is Randy Pitchford we're talking about so that's obviously not the case.

4 years ago

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borderlands, one of the best trilogies i own! you got BL 1 BL 2 and The Pre-Sequel, THATS IT, no other games!!!!

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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In my opiniion, it is too expensive!

4 years ago

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Just wait a couple more years for the "GOTY" edition with its gazillion DLCs in tow. And it'll still have a better discount than the current one.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago

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Let's hope Borderlands 2 won't be a textbook example to be followed by having multiple "season passes" for a single title. The one linked below is joke onto itself.

4 years ago

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Not worth it, mostly because it's almost guaranteed to drop even further in value quickly in the future.
Also, special editions/GOTY/etc.

4 years ago

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That going to happen with most games. For someone who wants to play the game now or rather soon 50% off for the title is a good deal.

4 years ago

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That's entirely subjective though - I couldn't justify spending $40 bucks (CAD) on a brand new game, let along a game that was released months ago. The speed at which games get discounted (and how far) also varies by publisher/developer - for BL3 they've had a 50% off promo very recently and now they are having another one again. Based on that fact, I have a feeling that they are giving one last push to get sales at a decent profit before the next sale (maybe during the summer sale in a couple of months).

I could be entirely wrong, of course, but that's just my thoughts on OP's question. Good for whoever are able/willing to afford it now, buuut I think I'll hold off for now and see if my theory hold truth in the end. :P

4 years ago

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So they realized their sales on Steam aren't going as expected. No wonder, many such as me decided to boicot the franchise after their despicable exclusivity deal with Epic. They knew after the online fans backlash that it would be bad business so they quickly decided to probably lose a bigger percent of the exclusivity deal with Epic and also put the game on Steam (but probably Epic put the term in the contract for that release to be after 6 months, so they can cash in most of the sales). Well these months passed, and the hardcore fans like myself were still disappointed. I pre-ordered both the other games and have all the dlcs with complete achievements with hundreds of hours in them, but this was a betrayal for this type of hardcore fans, and this is what they deserve. I won't be buying Borderlands 3, and even if they learned something from this, the company's credibility fell in my eyes, will try to avoid their games in the future because it looks like you never know when they're gonna pull something like this.

4 years ago

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Borderlands 3: Super Deluxe Edition Steam was -55% off on GMG around 10 april that when i buy mine ! :P 52.80$ canadien

4 years ago

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I see a lot of people saying "wait for the GOTY", or "wait until it's all bundled", and that's fine. Me? I'm always happy when a game I love (and I love Borderlands 3) releases more stuff to give me an excuse to keep playing the game.

I bought the Super Deluxe edition when it was on sale the first time, and don't regret a thing. $50, and I've put about 260 hours into the game, and I still haven't done everything possible. The story is a bit different (I didn't mind it, but Mully hated it), and I liked the new villains because of the "meme value" they added, mocking cultural obsessions and eccentricities. Everything about the game is improved over Borderlands 2 - more skills and weapons, absolutely beautiful graphics, and they're regularly hosting in-game events. Until June 4th there's a Revenge of the Cartels event (complete with unique weapons, coms, etc) and a Loot the Universe event (each week a different planet drops far more loot than normal).

Is it worth $50, and probably a little more down the road? YMMV, but for me, it's even worth the non sale price. At half off, it's a bargain.

4 years ago

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All DLC packs... nah.

4 years ago

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i'm only going to purchase borderlands 3 when it's below 10$. reasons:
Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: Denuvo Anti-tamper
5 Activations per 24 hours machine activation limit

4 years ago

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the story is shit

4 years ago

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