So I did a giveaway for Mortal Kombat X Premium Edition some time ago. It was $90, and pushed me well into level 4. The price has since been reduced to $50, and my CV was retroactively lowered as well.

I completely understand the bundling issue, but this game has not, to my knowledge, ever been bundled. Why retroactively reduce it?

8 years ago

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It is not retroactive, it is active.

As prices change, your CV changes.

The site does not record the price things were when you contributed the game.

8 years ago

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Except for bundling, which only goes back to the date it was bundled (or discounted in the Soviet Disunion).

I'm starting to understand why I rarely see expensive titles here.

8 years ago

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If a game changes price it will reflect into your CV.
Lets say a game is sold for 59.99 in the first year, and the developer / publisher want to let more players have it and dont do as many sales, they will just lower its price to 29.99 or something like that.
And them your 59.99 CV will turn into a 29.99 it's not retroactive it changes when the price changes, same way if the price increases.

8 years ago

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Expensive titles are expensive, that is why you rarely see them. Current store prices are used for all giveaways, this is to prevent exploitation of price errors, like a current one that has a game at half a million dollars for the US. One person went from like L5 to L10. Hell, even without other giveaways, that is an instant L10. Until the price is fixed. Then everyone exploiting it suddenly only has $30 of contribution from the game.

8 years ago

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Didn't think someone would be stupid enough to try to take advantage of that. I guess I know which list to put him in :D.

8 years ago

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They claim they did it for fun, and since they still had to pay like $30, I'll give them the benefit of a doubt. Once fixed, it is all they get from it. :P

8 years ago

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You are more kind than I am. And I'm Jesus O.o
Well not right now. I'm a fucked up Archi impersonator for the next few hours -.-

8 years ago

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If a game on the bundle list drops price, the bundled value drops with it. The opposite of this effect, when Daedalic games get reported for 100 bucks are one of the most common causes for sudden CV increases. So what you describe is true for bundled as well, but those already suffer from 85% value reduction beforehand.

8 years ago

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The formula for a bundled game is applied to giveaways made from a certain date onward, but it s still applied against the current store price. If a bundled game was selling for $20 in the store it would give $3 in CV. If that same game's price is later reduced to $10 in the store, then it's CV value will be reduced to $1.50.

8 years ago

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Buddy, we all know you never bought it for 90 bucks anyway. You didn't even buy it for 50 bucks or 30 bucks. Not even 10 dollars. You bought it from G2A for 5₮. It was an easy way to get CV. That's why there's so many MKX GAs out there. Also, there are rarely any expensive stuff given away because they're expensive.

8 years ago

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Similar thing happened to me when a game went F2P long after I gave it away

8 years ago

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It's not new, and it's not because of bundling.

Bundle effect is all GA's for that game created after bundle date gain 15% value for CV. In your case you still get 100% value but the "original value" decreased, which is the base price.

SG does not track price history as said above, and SG gets the price data from Steam API.

Part of the reason I try not to give 60p+ games is the concerns about base price dropping

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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I've seen a lot of threads about bundling recently, but I had never seen someone comment on this. I was under the impression that it didn't work that way.

I will definitely think more carefully about expensive titles in the future.

8 years ago

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Then don't think. Doesn't help much, anyways.

8 years ago

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You've never seen someone complaining about this? In the past two months, it has come up at least twice in the forum. (Three times, if my memory is correct.)

8 years ago

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It kind of discourages triple-A giveaways doesn't it? :/

8 years ago

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Indeed. This is what I had in mind, too.

8 years ago

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yes, totally. In fact... I understand why they do it BUT the fact that you spent 60₮/$ in a game doesn't change which mean that for beign a good person and making a nice GA hen you get nothing in return more than losing level... u.u

8 years ago

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Well, in this specific case it's a 99% chance that he bought it for about 5% of the price from a gray market site, since G2A had a sale for MKX Premium. That's why there were so many giveaways for it.

8 years ago

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That's why you should give CoD games. They never drop in price ;D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm joking, but they hold their value surprisingly well...

8 years ago

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okok.. :P

8 years ago

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Yeah, that's really sad. Did the site always ignore the price at the time you bought it?

8 years ago

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That's a little disappointing, considering pretty much all games go down in price eventually (and often quickly).

8 years ago

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I agree! How dare publishers reduce the price of AAA games as they age! We should pay full price forever!

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8 years ago

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That's entirely not the point.

8 years ago

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Honestly, one should not try to burst their lvl to a certain point and expect to coast there forever. By allowing CV to decrease over time with price changes gives incentives to users to keep on contributing while discouraging peeps from bursting to X lvl and go full on leech mode.

8 years ago

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Yah, except for the ones who find the "good" exploits (like CoD Black Ops). So far everyone I've looked at closely who's level 8+ has something like that in their giveaway history. :P

8 years ago

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If you are giving just for the lvls, then you are doing it wrong. I get the whole idea behind it, but in the end it is a lost cause, like doing crack :D.

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8 years ago

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To some extent, there's no choice. At level 0-2 you don't win anything in public (or large group) giveaways--there are just too many entries.

8 years ago

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then leave the site..if you only give away games to win games. Just give for give and don't expect to win. You are complaining from another thing here, not from the thread.

8 years ago

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I'll file that advice exactly where it belongs.

8 years ago

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so look your replies to people then. You are saying implicitly that you have to boost your lvl to win games.
"To some extent, there's no choice. At level 0-2 you don't win anything in public"

look the reply he gave you cj,see?

8 years ago*

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You are doing it wrong boyo. Increased odds of winning does not mean you will win more considering the 'investment' that is needed to reach those lvls in the first place. There are plenty of peeps who are lvl 0-1 who have 100+ wins. Those who gain the most from this site are those who never contribute unfortunately.

The best way to increase your odds are as follows: forum trains/events, puzzles, and joining groups. The more you give to the community, the more you are actually losing in the long run.

Do not give because you feel obligated to do so. Such emotions will build resentment which will come when you have a long losing streak. Instead, give because you feel like it. If you do not enjoy the act of giving itself, then do not do it. You are merely doing yourself a disservice.

8 years ago

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I'm aware of that, and that's why I spent so much time on the science puzzle train, in particular.

8 years ago

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Then you are on the right track :D
I suck at puzzles myself ;_;.

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8 years ago

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puzzle train

on the right track

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8 years ago

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The more you give to the community, the more you are actually losing in the long run.

lol, but I can not confirm that xD

Quite instead I win too much so I have to keep on giving to not become an evil leech (ïŋĢâ–―ïŋĢ)

8 years ago

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I feel the same way :P
Must maintain my ratio at all cost!

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8 years ago

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Close your eyes and imagine a site that is about giving away games, rather than winning them. Now open your eyes.

8 years ago

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What's wrong with black ops? Greenmangaming puts that on sale a lot of times.

8 years ago

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peeps from bursting to X lvl and go full on leech mode.

you know, that's exactly what I see in my recent lvl7 GAs. Seems to work quite well, despite it..

8 years ago

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I've noticed an large increase in high lvls as well. Not too sure what is behind it without baselessly pointing fingers but I have some idea what might be the root of it.

8 years ago

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Not too sure what is behind it

What do you mean with that? I see it quite simple for those: get into high chance territory and then leeeech. That's it, nothing special/hidden.

8 years ago

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Ya but is it really worth the investment assuming they are paying Row prices? You can probably guess what I'm hinting at here :/.

8 years ago

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+1 I don't even want to play a game I didn't pay $60 for.

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8 years ago

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You only pay 60$? Bah. We fair Canadians have the privilege of paying $80+ for our AAAs.

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8 years ago

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You also have better beer, though, so it evens out.

image unrelated but related :X

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8 years ago*

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Also, I don't drink ;_;

8 years ago

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stupid lightshot, changed hosts from imgur to prntscr

8 years ago

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Ah okay. Oh I am well aware of the game's 'true' value which I find a bit funny considering this thread :P.

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Sorry for asking, but how musch you earning per mounth? And what is average sallary in Canada?

8 years ago

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The best numbers I could find would be these which puts the average salary in Canada to $49,509.72 CDN which is about ~$36,673.86 US. How far this takes you varies depending on where you live since living in Vancouver will cost you an arm and a leg where living in Halifax would not.

Personally, I work part-time as I live from home while attending university. The majority of what I earn (around 700$ CAD a month @12$ per hour) goes to my pocket since I have grants/loans paying for my education and my parents are kind enough to not charge me rent :D. My situation will probably change once I leave school, and make the needed adjustments for life on my own, but that is an issue for future me :P.

In short, regional pricing is a thing for a reason. 80$ is not something that most would casually spend on a video game since that could easily go towards their food or transportation budget (getting around here is both time consuming and expensive ;_;). I'm fortunate to be in the situation that I am now, but many are not. I understand why publishers/devs adjust their prices to match the US, but I'm not happy about it either :P. Hopefully I have answered your questions and if you have anymore, feel free to ask :D.

8 years ago

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Wow, must be hard for you paying 19 less than Australians have to o: and our dollar is worth a fraction more than yours...

8 years ago

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Can you whine a bit louder please? Ffs, I was just having a lil' bit of fun and of course you take it as a personal offence and get butthurt.

Yes, DS3 is given a regional price, but that is not the case for most AAA games since 80$ CAD ~= 60$ US. Keep in mind that our dollar was at par with the Americans not too long ago and the CAD will most likely fall back to $1.1 = $1 USD eventually (this is the steam default for CAD pricing btw). I find it unlikely that AAA publishers will adjust their prices back down accordingly.

Now fuck off and whine to someone else.

8 years ago

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Uhm, okay. I could pretty much copy your whole first paragraph here and give it back to you. Chill the fuck out, ofc I buy my games online.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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It definitely is a flaw in SG's system. There's no reason someone should be dinged because the price of a game goes down long after they give it away.

8 years ago

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It is not a flaw it just how things work it uses Steam API to factor in the cv price if the price drops so will the CV.So there is a reason for it....and that reason is because of price drops on Steam.

If they are more worried about CV then if you ask me there in it for the wrong reason,to each there own though...

But come on why would you drop that kind of money to boost CV without taking the time to learn how it works.It sucks that they lost CV,but there is no reason they could have not took the time to find out how CV works before they spend a lot on a game to make sure its going to work in the way they want it to.

8 years ago*

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That's the flaw. I'm not saying it's their fault or they can do anything about it. But it's not right. I won't pretend to know how it works, but it just seems strange that they can knock bundle games down to 15%, and free games to 0, but can't keep CV at the level it should be at.

It doesn't doesn't matter why people are giving it away... whether for the CV or not, they should get credit for it.

8 years ago

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Price is always calculated based on the current Steam store price. There's no price history stored because the Steam API is unreliable and will often return the wrong price for a game because a pack including it just happened to become on sale for cheaper than the individual game itself. (We see those price errors creep up all the time) It was either always use the current pricing and let those kind of mistakes correct themselves as soon as the sales are over, or manually have to fix every single price error in the database so CV would always represent the game's price on the particular day the game was given away.

The 15% for bundle is just a mathematical formula applied to the store price. If a previously bundled game drops from $20 to $10 in the store, it's CV value also drops from $3 to $1.50 since the formula is applied to the current pricing.

8 years ago

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Every bundled game costs 100% of it's US price if they were given away before the bundling date, and 15% if given after.
Free games does not cost 0, they can't be given away (and if they are removed from the store, they set to 0, then can be ticketed' to set it to the last price.
These are easy to code and basically means that a game's worth can be two value: full or 15%
If there would be an implementation about price drops, it could multiply. 60$, 40$, 30$, 20$, and if it's price gets dropped after being bundled, then it should have a 15%bundlingtimeprice AND a 15% currentprice. Now multiply this with the number of any games that went through price changes and the number of copies given away so far of each. That would be a truckload of extra things to note / track about giveaways, instead of the two it currently uses (and server performance is still quite a bottleneck at the site)

8 years ago

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Fair enough i guess you find it a flaw i do not as how it works is how it suppose to work.

A flaw would imply there is something wrong with it,there is noting wrong with how it is done that how it works when you use Steam API to get prices it gets updated if they price changes.

SG uses the Steam API so it works how it suppose to,as it uses the price on Steam and gets the CV.So if a games price drops so is the CV it just how it works it is not a flaw,a flaw would imply it not working like it should be.As a whole this works like it suppose to so no flaw.

There can be flaws when say Steam API goes a miss and list a game as free giving you no CV and allowing people to enter for no points and drops your CV.Though it gets fixed but until Steam corrects it you have to deal with it.That is a flaw.\

They manually change bundles and mark them as bundled that how that works,they can not do it for every game that gets a price change on Steam,. One person works on the bundle pricing and a at times it is months before a game ever gets the proper bundle CV.You are talking about checking a few sites bundled games vs checking Steam.Once they are bundled they stay bundled while prices on Steam can change a lot,so this is the best solution imo to use Steam API.

8 years ago*

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So if SG could push a button that would keep full CV for past giveaways, or keep things the way they are, you think they would go for the second option? Since it works as it's "supposed to"?

That's what I'm saying... if you don't consider it a flaw because that's just how Steam API works, go ahead. That just changes where the flaw takes place. It doesn't change the fact that it's a far from fair solution.

8 years ago

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It means there is a flaw in the system not that is flawed,that is the difference.

To be out right flawed would mean it would have to be flawed as a whole.


You have a machine that makes ice cream and once in awhile it makes too much.That means it has a flaw,but as a whole it still works and makes ice cream.Now if it was always making the wrong amount then i would say yeah it is flawed.

Steam API as a whole works like it should,it reports the prices like it should,Are the prices sometimes flawed and wrong yes,but that is not a flaw of the API as a whole it not randomly changing things on it's own.It reports on what is inputted so if what is inputted is wrong it is going to be wrong.

Is it a perfect solution no,does it always work 100% no but at this time i still think it is the best solution.I said best solution not options,Sometimes the better solution is not always the right one.In this case having someone manually change any price change on Steam is not a very good option.

It could also be full of as you put it "flaws" just like Steam API,as what if they change it to the wrong price,or change the wrong game.What if the price drops a month after they change it what if it goes up?Then you have people posting what happen to my cv,i was scammed yadda yadda because human error.

In short no matter what solution is picked prices will still not be 100% due possible human error or price changes.

8 years ago*

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You're arguing semantics, but I've never said the flaw is with the API.

8 years ago

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When you say the SG is flawed you are talking about the API as that is the system it uses.

But fine you win...

it is flawed

8 years ago

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"When you say the SG is flawed you are talking about the API as that is the system it uses."

No, that's not what it means.

"But fine you win...

it is flawed"

Ah, that argument. Ok, agreed.

8 years ago

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I was just merely trying to show why i do not think it is flawed as a whole,but yes it does have flaws what system does not? nothing is perfect.

But SG itself uses the API so SG itself i guess can be flawed so to speak but i still do not see how SG is flawed when it is the API that has said flaws and they have no control over it.

It would be like using something that is flawed and then saying the person using it is flawed also because they used said flawed item.

Anyhow i can agree the API is not perfect and it does have flaws,but really having someone manual do it is not even close to a better solution.So is this case the API while still having flaws i still think is the best option and we have to take the good with the bad.

8 years ago

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yeah shitty sg counting thingy.

8 years ago

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publisher's fault. :3

8 years ago

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If the site can keep track of what game you gave away, when you gave it away, why can't it remember the price it was at when you gave it away?

8 years ago

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Because it uses Steam API to decide the price and the points needed to enter a GA.It just easier that way.Though even if they did it themselves there would still be random post about why did my cv drop.Like if a price was changed wrong,or the wrong person got a drop because the wrong game was changed.

There is no simple solution for this and i think the Steam API is fair and the best way to go about it.

8 years ago

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It's a built-in system of inflation and depreciation to keep the GAs flowing.

8 years ago

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this should really be pointed out in the FAQ.. your are not the first asking this..
I think the reason is obvious why SG gets the info from Steam safe bandwidth and storage.

8 years ago

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is not?...i readed faq a long time ago but i know i read this thing in some place.

8 years ago

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It wasn't in any FAQ that I read.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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"New" way

This isn't new.

8 years ago

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This is an old way of losing levels. There have been countless threads on the matter.

A "New" way would be to absent-mindedly leave a level or two in the back of a taxi, or to bury one in the garden and forget where you put it.

8 years ago

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This kinda sucks. If you spent 60 bucks on a game,gifted it away and now its worth only spent 60,you should be rewarded for 60 too. Site should always and only consider the price which was at the time the game was given.

8 years ago

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But people don't, or at least very rarely, pay $60 for a game. They get it on offer then complain when the CV drops.
At the end of the day it's a risk you take when you give a game away here with the only intention of gaining CV.

8 years ago

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Amen, well said.

Also, it is another way to combat price exploits (like the current Football Manager one or people giving away Daedalic games when they're glitched at 100p, etc).

8 years ago

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way to combat price exploits

even easier: it should not autoupdate into higher prices ever.

8 years ago

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:) don't be naive, this sad story is about gaining 30 or 50 instead of 10

8 years ago

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Exactly, if you know where to look you can get MK: Premium Edition really cheap (has been so for many months) that's why there are so many giveaways for it. Even with the price drop "most" people giving it away are still gaining more CV than they paid for the game.

8 years ago

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gaining more CV than they paid for the game.

um, basically everybody does by buying on sale or bundles for every game

8 years ago

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True but most people don't come here complain about it and with MK, if you look on shady websites you can get the premium edition dirt cheap. That's why there are many giveaways for it, people are exploiting the system with this game in particular. So even if you get 40, 50 or 100 CV for it, it shouldn't matter since it's still way more than the 10CV one should get for it. Sure there may be some legit people buying it on the store and it sucks for those but let's not kid ourselves here most of them come from grey markets.

8 years ago

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You don't even need to go to shady sites in order to get cheap WB games. The reason for their low prices is because their keys are not region locked, so if you can buy from a Russian or Brazilian store (doable with a VPN), you'll be able to get the keys even cheaper. Russian stores are cheaper than Brazilian ones, but even then, Shadow of Mordor was actually marginally cheaper on Nuuvem compared to shady sites (I compared it out of curiosity).

8 years ago

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my CV is keep decreasing. But, I actually donot care since I stopped to give away. :p

8 years ago

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Hey! it's been ages.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Any chance to change that topic's category to "announcements"? Maybe more users will see it that way.

8 years ago

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Lol, such selfless folks here

8 years ago

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Ah that's why I dropped CV so much... Explains it but whatever! I'll just give more games away looks at store

8 years ago

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LOL, looking at your giveaways, I see you have $100 credit for Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition, but the current price on the Steam store is $70. The system isn't even terribly consistent.

8 years ago

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It's consistent.
Her giveaway is for this :
This is no longer on the store and never dropped price.
What is sold on the store for $70 is this :

Since they created a different package instead of updating the old one (probably has something to do with the removal of the game from the store), there's no price drop for the old giveaways.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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What if a game you paid for and gaveaway then gets given away later for 1000 copies and its put into the list of games you cant make a ga for-- then does your cv for that "free" game go to zero?

8 years ago

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No, a game that is considered free is removed from the list, but since the Steam Store price remains consistent, nothing will happen to your CV - at least unless the main store price drops as well, which can be correlated with a previously expensive game reaching the free zone.

8 years ago

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If you are giving away expensive, AAA titles because your goal is to farm CV, you are doing it wrong.

Personally, I give away expensive, AAA titles because I enjoy giving and want people to be happy about receiving such a gift. I haven't been disappointed, yet.

8 years ago

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