So, I missed part of the winter sale because I was visiting family who did not have the internet. Due to the trip, and the holidays in general, I have very limited funds, but I thought that I would give myself a tiny gift.
These are all on my wishlist, and are close to the same price. which should I get?

p.s. sorry no GA, but I plan to put some up soon (maybe not until after new year's though).

8 years ago

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Which should I buy?

View Results
The Banner Saga

Really, nobody has any input on this? :(
Is it because I didnt include a GA?

8 years ago

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Just saw this post, dont know what you like, but based on my personal preference I would recommend transistor. I never played it myself, but I played bastion, and if it is anything close to bastion, its awesome :)

8 years ago

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I would go with Banner Saga, love turn-based strategy.
Halfway great.
Transistor is also great.
Stay away from MassiveChalice; screw DoubleFine.

8 years ago

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+1 about Massive Chalice. I own it and feel underwhelmed with it.

8 years ago

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The Banner Saga is great, but i don't know for the others, sorry..

8 years ago

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The Banner Saga, definitely. Great story, turn based strategy (units) game, and how can you go wrong with Norsemen?

8 years ago

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first time i actually hear someone talking about Halfway, didnt really know that game exists prior to this topic. But it does look interesting :o

Its not like you left us with easy decision, both Transistor and banner saga are awesome games, but very different too. From what i could see massive chalice was a really promising title too, but just like most newish games from Double fine, it feels somewhat unfinished (people complaining about, well lack of this or that which is normal for early access titles).

so its a toss up between transistor and banner saga imo so it comes down to personal preference really. Transistor for all thats awesome about it, doesnt look like something id personally enjoy so id go with banner saga, but thats because i like turn based games - maybe because my tiny brain has more time to react in turn based games? :P

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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The Banner Saga and Transistor are my 2 most favorite games. Both have the best voice actings/artwork and not too hard gameplay.
If I had to pick one, I would pick Transistor but I really recommend both of them :3

8 years ago

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I voted for Transistor as well. Voice acting and artwork are nice. Their previous game "Bastion" was awesome.

8 years ago

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I have not played any of the games, personally, but The Banner Saga looked like a promising title. So my vote's on that one. Cheers.

8 years ago

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Transistor, Banner Saga good
Massive chalice had nothing that grabbed my attention and I almost fallen asleep during the first fight :D I'd pick something else

8 years ago

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Thank you all for your input. Seems that there is a clear winner, and a clear second. I will give it a little longer, but so far, it seems that I may be playing Transistor in the next few days.

8 years ago

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Definitely Transistor (although I haven't played the Banner Saga, which looks pretty good too). Also, the winter sale is still on, so something else might come up. Alien Isolation went 75% new...

8 years ago

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Transistor is AMAAAAAZING! Seriously, everything about it is perfect

8 years ago

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haven't played any so can't give you a good answer sorry been tempted to the Double Fine Bundle 2015 with Massive Chalice in it though

8 years ago

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Transistor is decent. how could you miss Winter Sale, it's your duty !!! :D

8 years ago

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Banner saga i'd say. Thou Transistor is work of art too. If you can - get both.

8 years ago

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