
Righty then, I'm trying to make an exclusive group giveaway to a certain group I am a part of. Let's just call this group "123"

So if I were to setup a group giveaway for 123, would it only appear on this website to people who are part of 123? Or is it that the giveaway will appear to EVERYONE, in which anyone can see it and anyone can join this group that I have made.

I wanted to make this a 'group exclusive' offer, but at the same time the group 123 I am referring to is public. Therefore that gives way for any random person to join up just to have a chance of winning my giveaway and not necessarily active in the group at all.

So... what should I do? Create a group giveaway or just keep the giveaway private?

Any help would be appreciated, hurrr.

1 decade ago*

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Only the members will see it. However, when it ends, everyone can see the group the giveaways was in.

1 decade ago

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You switched from 123 to abc, is 123 supposed to be abc? K, you changed it.
Has the group already been made and is it public or invite only?
If your group is private then there should be no worries.
Because when the winner accepts the gift, it'll show Group Giveaway on the bottom of the homepage and people will be able to join it if it's public.

1 decade ago

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Heh, I realised my mistake :p Yes, my group has already been made and it is public.

So in a nutshell, if you aren't a part of group 123 then you won't be able to see it listed on steamgifts? I'd rather that when I made my giveaway that it doesn't appear on steamgifts for people who aren't part of the group.

1 decade ago

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The thing is, although it is a Group Giveaway, nobody will be able to spot the giveaway (unless you're in the group) until it says gift received on the lower homepage.
So pretty much, after the giveaway ends, some people will be bound to join the group afterwards since it displays on the bottom.
I'd advise you to just create a private giveaway perhaps and just post it in your chats etc if you're not looking for leechers.

1 decade ago

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Aha I see. Well I can root out the leechers very easily and it won't be a big deal. If I have a sudden influx of 30 members then I know who to wipe out from the group, heh.

I suppose if no one is able to spot it until the giveaway is over then I don't find it a problem. I'll go ahead with my group giveaway :) Thanks DanKnee and Gh0st.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by merchant2006.