Speaking with Kotaku, CD Projekt RED game designer Maciej Szczesni said, “We are trying to get rid of DRM. If someone wants to pirate a game, eventually he will.”

Managing director Adam Badowski continued, “Which is bad, of course. But you can’t do anything about it, so. We want to give the best user experience possible. When we removed DRM, people on those torrents were actually asking people not to download our game, because we [weren't using DRM].”

These guys are awesome.


1 decade ago*

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Never understood why companies keep throwing money down the DRM hole. They won't ever be able to make a 100% working solution and to even get close to that, they need to start severely interfering with the paying customer's experience... and that's just not OK.

Hopefully more companies do what CD Project RED is doing.

1 decade ago

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just look at Simcity sale charts and u will know. People hate it but buy it in millions and we are making those companies continiue they strategy

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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EA can't hear you from atop their pile of money. Or should I say your money.

1 decade ago

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Are you kidding me? EA have been losing lots of money since John Riccitiello became a CEO. That's why he left.

1 decade ago

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wait what is drm

1 decade ago

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This Long story short, it stops you from being able to download games a certain amount of times. Also always online requirement is another type of DRM. You get the idea though, its to stop piracy but sucks ass. When you buy a game you should be able to keep it regardless of how many installs.

1 decade ago

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Worse, also if you have the disc it stops installation times to certain amount...

1 decade ago

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CD Projekt are continuing the great path of customer-friendly service they're on. I will (again) reward this with a release day full price buy which I very very rarely do these days. And Witcher 1 and 2 are great games, so I'm quite confident Witcher 3 will be the same.

1 decade ago

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Will buy it on sale regardless since it is a DRM free dev. Despite I think witcher 1 is better than 2.

1 decade ago

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lol drm free is gonna be bad for em

esp if game leaks somewhere there might be a pirated version pre day1

has happened b4

1 decade ago

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It was not bad in the previous games, why would it be now?

1 decade ago

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WoW, this is pretty nice move from them! I can't wait for Witcher 3! Although I hope it'll be available on steam... lol :D

1 decade ago

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gog rocks!

1 decade ago

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CDProjekt is nice, they trust their customer, I will buy their games no doubt and keep pirating EA games as always

1 decade ago

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CD Projekt RED never had DVD protection crap, so yes I did pirate the first game, The Witcher, to try it out from a mate... Liked it, ended up purchasing The Witcher - Enhanced Edition, The Witcher 2, and will happily buy The Witcher 3. As far as I can see, pirating their game made me try it which i would of otherwise overlooked, like it and therefore buy it, they focus on quality and I'll support the developers for that!

As for EA, DRM ended up costing them more than actual pirating, online only protection screwed almost all of them legal purchased customers and in order to actually play the game without any issues - cracking it was the way to go. Pirating saved that new Simcity game from going under. I won't even bother looking at SimCity or their future games.

They consider pirating is costing them money, when really they wouldn't of purchased that crap in the first place anyways.

The same deal happened with GTA 4, loved the GTA series, then Microsoft infected it with their security crap plus forced online social network. Ended up the cracked version works perfectly/smoothly compared to the bug ridden purchased copy you have to try install 5 times just to get to run like a lag dog. I brought the game and ended up ripping it apart just to get it working, then got a refund... you lost another customer.

DRM and DLC are hurting game developers more than the pirates!

1 decade ago

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I completely agree with you. Whenever a new game appears, if there is no demo I can try out, I'll download the pirated version, try it for an hour or so, and then decide if I should buy it or not. Fact is, so many games look great in trailers, but when you buy the actual game, you get more than disappointed. At the moment my steam library might not be huge, but it is ok by my standards, origin has some of it's own, and even though I dreadfully hate Uplay and it gives me a hell damn lot of problems (Far Cry 3 problems are constant), I still have games there too. Piracy nowadays has become less of a steal and more of a... how should I put it? Test-drive. If people like the game, they will surely buy it.
As for DRM's and such, for me the whole GTA IV charade was a lot of fun, with their public announcement that they spent a sh!tload of money into their new game protection and they dared the scene to crack it... If my memory serves me right, Razor1911 cracked it first, and when starting the game you would get a pop-up window mocking their announcement and saying they cracked it in less than 24 hours. :)
Companies waste money on DRM, I cannot think of one game that has not been cracked (except for MMO games, but a lot of those were also cracked eventually), so... why bother? Why waste money on this instead of using that money to improve the game? People will buy them, especially if they do not ask for a huge amount like 60euros. Drop the DRM, this way you can lower the game price a bit, and the games will be sold a lot more that way. This is my opinion

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I'm actually ok if the steam version has drm. But if they do that, There should also be a place to get a drm-free version for no extra charge like what gog did with Witcher 2.

1 decade ago

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Propablu all got addonitial copy at GOG.com ;), like in Wither 1, 2.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by SymphonyARG.