When i see the new form of gifting i think that i could create now GiveAways without region restriction, so everybody could participate now. But i was completely wrong.

Now is more restricted than with region restrictions D=
My region is South America, i create a new giveaway to see if even with the other countries with my region restriction i could send them. And unfortunately i cant even send for example Brazil users.

So before creating a giveaway and you plan to send it via the new way of gifting in Steam, make sure all your participants can receive it. You can check here how much is every game in every Steam Market https://steamdb.info/calculator/
You cant send if the prize is 10% or more above of the market of the receiver (winner) as far i investigate.
Dont know if below, but i dont think below is restricted. (That will be stupid)

¿What will happened to the winners of my giveaways i created yesterday?

All the users that win in these giveaway will received another game as prize, the one that are in Humble bundle for 1 dollar (The deadly tower of monsters, They bleed pixels, Super Mega Baseball: Extra Innings) by winner choise
All giveaways will be deleted as soon as the winners receives their prize in agreement of both parts.

¿What will happened to this giveaway that i enter in panic and i delete it?
I will make a private Giveaway with those users, will check what game they dont have in common between Humble bundle 1 dollar bundle.
(I have the list of who entered)

And sorry for all the users that spend points in my past giveaways, i didnt know Steam will be more restricted. And for my whitelist i will create Humblebundle giveaways so everybody can participate :D


7 years ago*

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if i understand you correctly, you plan on giving the winners fo the GA you listed here another game?
that is against the rules.
you have two options:

  1. delete the GA and maybe re-make them region restricted.
  2. let the GA finish, then, if you can't send it, find some other site for full price.
    3. ask support to delete, they might agree, as this is a brand new system and we are still learning. however, i wouldn't count on it
7 years ago

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they mentioned deleting the GA after giving out a consolation prize though :/

All giveaways will be deleted as soon as the winners receives their prize in agreement of both parts.

7 years ago

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Thanks for your concern but thats between winners and me, i put it to inform them. If they dont agree they can put as not received.

For all the rest of the users its the warning of making giveaways with the new gifting system.

And sorry if its sounds rude, im in an Ipad so i cant see your secret message until i copy and paste it on a note.

7 years ago*

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  1. ask support to delete, they might agree, as this is a brand new system and we are still learning. however, i wouldn't count on it

secret one :D

also, you are not rude.

7 years ago

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I hope but no, i assume my error hope the winner understand.

7 years ago

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Yeah you are not rude, that purple guy is rude

7 years ago

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Im happy i can gift now without region restriction, but if it happens that the winner cant received the gift
will be rerolled =(

You are hoping for that support will be willing to go against the guidelines then. You promised a working game in those giveaways and it is not the winner's problem that you cannot send your current edition, especially if there is a global option available at some other site.
If you are in a country with USD prices, then you can send it to any LATAM country, since gifting is only prohibited if the item would cost more to the recipient; since Brazilian and Mexican prices are lower than the rest of SA, those countries can send them gifts, just not receive from.

7 years ago

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I didnt rerolled, im sending other games to the winner so he agrees in delete it

7 years ago

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I always feel like giving away free games to people is more problematic when a problem occurs :(

(edit: some people may not have the expendable income to have to purchase elsewhere when they had extra Steam Wallet, and thought they could giveaway what they could without a problem, and so and so.. but yeah.. it's completely the giver's fault (spoken with a twist of mixed feelings) but I wish people would simply agree to it being deleted in the rare case instead of being entitled to a win, I guess)

7 years ago

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Many agree to deleting, but this is up to their pure kindness. The rules don't like winners who run away with keys, but they mostly protect the winners against misuse of the giving system.

7 years ago

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Can't really abuse a Gift in this case, though.

7 years ago

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"Oh, hey man, sorry, I didn't realise my gift was region-locked. But I can send you a key to a <totally different game that was usually from a mass free key drop> instead, okay? You can just mark it as received and it's all good."
You wouldn't believe how many accounts were suspended and fail SGTools checks because of this.

Of course, nowadays, it is different, especially on low levels. There is a guy now dropping mass amounts of extorted keys and he gives so little fucks about the supposed promotion work that the last time he mistyped the game and sent out hundreds of false keys, all he did was say a "Woops" in the giveaway description and that was it. Thanks to this, we now have over a thousand accounts that come up as red on SGTools checks, since many of them are bots, mindless hoarders who don't give a fuck on what they activate for their card-farming bot, or morons who cannot read.

7 years ago

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Well, I only meant the Gift itself can't be abused. The person can be abusive.
(the Gift itself can't run away with the winner..)

7 years ago

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Oh, that? Yes: if it is accepted, then it will be locked to the library. In this regard, it is a good change from SG perspective.

7 years ago

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That's like the only one good thing from a SG perspective, though >_>

7 years ago

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The regions listed in the GA creation page are completely obsolete. I cannot send gifts to almost all countries in the former South America region, but I can send some games to Russia and countries in Asia... I guess, we'll have to wait until cg change the regional options to create GAs again.

7 years ago

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I didnt know its obsolete for me its shows the correct prize in my market, of course its not warranty it will be send to the user you are willing to gift. I dunno if this Steam will reverse this new system, i think its because they dont want summer off, that all re-seller will take advantage, and one its gone they will make an apologies about that. (Dunno just hopping it will change)

7 years ago

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The obsolete thing is the regional options here on SG because of the changes that Valve just rolled out. They won't reverse. TotalBiscuit already talked about it in his video about his visit to Valve. According to him they are even thinking in ways to get rid of keys altogether to completely kill sites like G2A and devs that hand over a bunch of "review" keys. So yes, unless people riot like the paid mods fiasco, I don't see any changes happening. :(

7 years ago

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Thats really stupid what Valve is making, even in keys devs pays to Valve a certain amount so they can sell/give x-amount of keys, its not like devs can give infinite keys. Also many games have cards, so they win even with gifted games from devs just for the farming of cards. If they do that is like a suicide.

7 years ago

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Actually, Valve does not charge for keys. Any dev can create infinite keys. Farming cards is a problem for them, we people stop using money because they got a ton of wallet cash from farming shitty asset flip games. It's not suicide, it's actually a very good idea from the bussiness perspective. Not so much from the consumers perspective though :/

7 years ago

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I was informed that devs pays some amount, but if your info is right then yes it seems logic moving now for a form of get rid of the keys, or by steps. Region locked keys, life for a key (like 1 day for redeem it or lose it, etc.) Basically to avoid re-selling

7 years ago

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Actually this is how it works for a game to be able to publish on steam. Any developer or company want to publish their game on steam have to pay an amount of fee to have their game on steam server and have store page on your game. After that you have to follow a steam guideline ( you need some screenshot of your game, you need submit picture of your game cards in certain size,...)

Developer always have permission to create infinite keys for their game and they can do whatever with those keys.

@lastM: You also heavily mistake about the farming cards. Cards are actually bring Valve more money , Valve doesn't lost any money because of cards. Let's me explain: I don't care what method you get keys for the game. After farming a while, you get a bunch of cards right? However every single cards that you sell via Marketplace Valve get a cut. Even if a develop just give away like 50,000 keys and suddenly the market have 150,000 extra cards of that game. At the minimum if those cards sale, Valve just made another 150,000 cents.

It's true that you never really spend anymore , you just flip cards and get the wallet balance, buy game and flip cards again,.... However the wallet money don't just appear out of thin air. Someone have to spend real cash for those wallet balance in the 1st place.

7 years ago

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Yup i think that too, just not good enough in my english to explain it about how cards market works, but you hit in the nail. You dont spend more in your wallet because other pays for your wallet. And valve promote cards market with gifting cards and putting cards on almost every game. (Also dont banning bots and idle users). But again i dont think devs can make infinite keys, or any devs will do that if their game is a crap. Same as Valve gets money from cards, Devs would get Infinite for their cards, so i think Valve demands a paid if the devs wants more keys for their games. But because devs can paid it with the cards they are generating with the previous keys they purchase, so the market continues until all steam users had their 5 badge of that game.

Again thinking in this new system its to stop resellers for summer sales. Im relative new in Steam, i dont have a year with Steam so i dunno how goods are summer and winter sales, it has to be a really good offer more than 90%, so just assuming Valve dont want resellers of their summer promotion, they make this "new system", summers off and they will say something like ohh well, we have heard that you like to store your games in your inventory, well that function will return again (just with more restrictions, like the restrictions we have now, you cant send it to another expensive market). Winter comes and they will say something before winter like the inventory gifting its having some problems, so they will return with no games storing in the inventory while they fix the problem. Winter pass and solution fix etc.

7 years ago

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¿Eso significa que ya no me pueden enviar juegos de la store de México?, la re puta madre.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Por lo pronto no si eres de Brazil, puedes pescar a re-sellers mexicanos que aún tengan juegos en su inventario pero escasearan con cada día que pase. Pero si eres de otro país prueba, igual y si, aunque ya para estas alturas dudo que ya entre paises diferentes puedas hacer gifts.

7 years ago

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todavia se puede mientras la diferencia de precio no sea mayor al 10%

7 years ago

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Por eso mismo...en Argentina tenemos los mismos precios que en EEUU, en México tienen prácticamente todos los juegos a un 50% menos. :(

7 years ago

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Thanks Steam...

7 years ago

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Si se aplica el 10% estrictamente, juegos como el Cubicle Quest solo se podría regalar en tu propio país (por mi parte). Ejemplo, precio actual con 90% de descuento en México: $0.08 dolares. Precio en Rusia $0.09 dolares. Si se toma el 10% del país donde se compro serían $0.008 dolares y para Rusia serían $0.009 dolares. De ninguna de las 2 maneras se llega a los $0.09 dolares de Rusia.

Al menos es lo que entendi... sería cuestión de intentar con alguién de allá. Los precios son de steamdb.

Tengo una copia de Cubicle Quest en mi inventario...jajaja.

7 years ago

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Bueno, pero si esta en el inventario, espero yo no pase nada, me refiero a que según el juego tu lo puedes dar a cualquier pais de tu región, pero si lo compraras en este momento para darlo, no lo puedes archivar en el inventario, tiene que ser en caliente.

7 years ago

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El problema no es tanto si puedo regalar el juego, ya que es algo muy barato (y lo más seguro es que ya este restringido). La cuestión es que si se toma el 10% sin un margen minimo de tolerancia habra juegos que de plano no podras regalar más que a tu país de origen y esto sería un problema más para Steam Gifts.

En este caso México es uno de los afectados para regalar via Steam por los bajos precios. Y no me extrañaría que se limiten los sorteos exclusivamente al país de origén. Porque al parecer si es un rollo. Argentina puede regalar a México, México no puede regalar a Argentina, etc, etc...

7 years ago

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I know from personal experience from when I was rather new here, that not only you but also the winner will get a temp-ban if you do this. This is the way you would go about to try to cheat the points system, you make a GA for a high point game, but collude with the winner to accept a lower point game. And even if you don't do a drop in points value when you change game, so the game given matches in points, it will still be picked up by moderators and handled as a an attempt to cheat.

So I'm sorry - as you're obviously trying to do something nice here - but I think you'll be better off either just deleting these GA:s if winners can't redeem, or do something else entirely with them.

7 years ago

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Im deleting them, just cant contact the last winner. But all the giveaways except one are deleted now.

7 years ago

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Sorry man. That's just the way it goes I guess with the changes in Steam gifting. It's a bit worrying, we'll have to wait and see how SteamGifts will be affected n the long run, and how it can adjust to the new rules...

Anyway, have a good one!

7 years ago

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Que? No podre comprar juegos baratos a vendedores brasileños/mexicanos D:?

7 years ago

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Solo si el juego aun esta en su inventario, pero poco a poco habrá menos juegos en el inventario. Será más difícil dar con un revendedor

7 years ago

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