This would be a conversation between me and a "veteran" BF3 player on N4G. It just disgraces gamers worldwide.

@@@KingAnon2d ago

BF3 is still in its BETA phase & if you don't see it you're a blind fan boy, I know hardcore Battlefield players that agree 100%.

There still balancing out the guns, in what world are all guns balanced? wake the fuck up.

Betafailed 3 is by far the most pitiful game in the series, Battlefield 2 on PC owns Battlefield 3 on PC.. The console port of Battlefield 3 is horrible in every aspect.

@@@ExCest2d ago

BF3 is what I can call the most balanced shooter I have played. Each gun is usable and constant patches are out that try to fix everything you people yell about. When you begin to rant senselessly on BF3, you are the one who is blind and can't live in the present. Not only did you just rant on something without any proof, you also dissed the console port. Have you no shame in that? Personally, the console port is superb. Much better than other ports (as in the ones that don't exist. It's hard to find a game developed for PC then ported to console. It's often the other way around). So before you blow off steam on me, think about it. Are you truly correct? Or are you just a raging fanboy?

@@@KingAnon1d ago
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Balanced + shooter = FAIL

You cannot balance guns, if all guns were even they'd only make 1 kind of gun.

Most of the patches have been to fix the game (can we say BETA?) It's had more fixes then Skyrim which also was a BETA at release, which has had more fixes then any other Bethesda game to date.. yet BF3 has still has had more fixes in it's patches.

@@@ExCest19h ago
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Do you not understand the term "balancing"? It's to make even. It's not to copy and paste guns but to make each of them equally usable. They won't be exactly the same as they will each have different ups-and-downs. That's what balancing is.

An FPS made by a AAA company without constant patches doesn't deserve to be played. That means that they don't try to fix anything. You want to know the reason that BF3 has so many? DICE is kind enough to fix a game with a new engine. Remember FB2? Yeah it came with BF3. It was also new tech. So I suppose we can all be considered BETA testers. But with that logic, any new engine that is released to the public can be called a BETA. Which it isn't.

BTW, Bethesda is one of the companies that can make extremely glitchy games. So no, it was not a BETA just as BF3 was not.

@@@KingAnon5h ago
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Period, end of story.

You just keep paying $60 for BETA's you dumb ass blind fan boy.. fuck you retarded mainstream sheep fagot ass casual gamers.

Fuck how you feel.

(He blocked me)

It made me laugh inside but it tells me that the BF3 community might be degrading a bit. What about you people? How do you feel about it? Of other games?

1 decade ago*

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He bothered you quite a bit if you felt the need to share this.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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BF3 community? Wut? I just play the game, I don't need to listen to the scum of the earth...
The SteamGifts community is where I feel at home.

1 decade ago

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Yeah.. at BF3 forums are jerks. They call you stupid because you have a problem with the game...

1 decade ago

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This is..... scary. Are people this stupid?

1 decade ago

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The Games does not deserve to be played by me yet... 90 hours played, many bugs found... unpredictable weapons spasms , unnatural deaths ( you jump from 2 meter height with full health and suicide) and some unexplainable not working grenades (explodes near the enemy and does not damage him), texture glitches and exploits (fuck yeah, I like dat Metro's dark side), some small rocks can block the tank and player, invisibru walls... fuck yeah, the game is perfect!

What I would like to say about Balancing?
Balancing is always needs to be implemented and it doesn`t mean that all guns will have same stats, some weapons are just to imba, because they got high fire rate, dps and almost no recoil and bullet spread radius, they just need to be cut down a bit, because such weapon in good hands can fuck everything alive in the radius of vision... I hope you get the point of this wall of nonsense text...

1 decade ago

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never had any problems like yours, and about the falling, i mean you have alot of stuff on you, that increases your mass... it also hurts if you jump with something heavy, it falls down and maybe against you if you wear it ;)

1 decade ago

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(let we think this is all happened with the same gear on you) yeah, but fall deaths, they're unpredictable, I mean, I can fall from, for example from the roof on operation firestorm few times in a row and survive with 25-35% of total health, but die from falling from a place 1 meter above the ground... it`s like there is a bug with height damage calculations...that's why I put this into my buglist

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by eXcesT.