If you don't know what either game is, they are shooters on the Wii that were mediocre for singleplayer, but I thought the multiplayer for both was really really fun. The pacing was similar to UT, and had some cool gamemodes and such.

Only problem is, the second didn't sell very well like the first one did on the Wii, and not too many people play either anymore. High Voltage Software did make an android port of the first game, but there is no online multiplayer. Also, Nintendo Wifi Connection is shutting down soon.

Past the awkward Wii controls, both games were a blast to play (before the hackers arrived). Nothing I have played has had as unique online gameplay as these two games.

Link to Petition

1 decade ago*

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I actually finished the first one in wii, one of the best games on wii ive played, very fun, had that metroid feel but with his own style

1 decade ago

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I hate how some people say it is a Halo clone just because it has sci-fi elements and shiny lights :/. I think that it does feel more like Metroid than halo anyway.

1 decade ago

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I agree with you, it doesnt feel like halo at all, it just reminds me a lot to metroid prime of wii, but i really think has its own style and i wouldnt say that its metroid clone either...

1 decade ago

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Only if you make a petition to port all the ace combats for pc
And medal of honor european assault.

1 decade ago

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Only if you make a petition to port all the red dead games for PC and Grand Theft Auto V.

1 decade ago

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Well, if you were going to continue the comment trend, atleast choose games that already don't have a million petitions for them.

1 decade ago

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There is never enough petitions for anything until progress is finally made. Common sense...

1 decade ago

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Well, asking someone to make a petition and just not doing it yourself isn't helping either way. Common sense...

1 decade ago

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I didn't ask, but if we were to use common sense, I would add that pointing out the problem makes a difference. What, do you think Rockstar is going to magically port games to PC without people like me bringing it up that they should? What I do sparks conversation, a conversation that might spread to somewhere at some point that somebody at Rockstar will see. When they see enough conversations about it, they will have to release a port at some point. They want money, we want their games, talking about how they should port to PC non stop is doing plenty. Talking about a problem is making a difference, a Hell of a lot more difference than doing nothing. Now THAT is common sense.

1 decade ago

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I own a Wii. I'll play that, rather than expect companies to port all their systems exclusives to make you happy.

1 decade ago

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You see, I own a Wii too, with both games. And the problem is, Nintendo Wifi is going to shut down. So I won't be able to play either game online. So it would be good for them and fans to make a PC port, or even a Wii U version.

1 decade ago

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Wii-U is more likely, given they have recent experience with it. Their last PC game was back in 2008.

Also, if you have a 3DS, they are working on a port of the original for that, most likely will support the 3DS online service. No release date given yet though.

1 decade ago

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3DS one looks kind of promising, but it is a third person shooter :/

1 decade ago

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Really? Thought they were doing a direct port of it. Guess not.

Well, no skin off my nose. Don't even own the games right now, sold them when I needed some cash a while back, along with that Arabian Nights Sonic game and Guilty Gear.

1 decade ago

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Oh wait, I'm dumb. Just one part of the game is in third person, sorry :P

Well, either way, it would be cool on the 3DS, but it would be awkward to aim (for me atleast)

1 decade ago

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It depends on the controls. If it forces players to use the touch screen for look / aim, then yeah, I'm ****ed. If it supports using the face buttons to look, then great. The DPad and touchscreen are fine for other actions, its how I play the Resident Evil games on the system, along with my PSP shooters when I still had one.

1 decade ago

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The project seems to be dead or something though, they haven't talked about it since 2011, which sucks.

1 decade ago

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It hasn't been cancelled either. Quiet doesn't mean dead.

1 decade ago

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but for a petition to be successful, it requires more than writing a few word on change.org, post a link on SG and lean back.

If you were serious, you'd get in touch with other fans, maybe even the devs.
sad fact: a quick google search for "the conduit fansite" didn't bring up any relevant active sites, a lot of the sites I've found aren't even accessible any more, some don't have new posts since 2011.

anyway, good luck with getting your goal of 100 signers on your petition, I'm sure that'll change something.

1 decade ago

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I'm new to making petitions, so I didn't really know where to start. I'm going to try to get more people and try to check out their social media pages.

1 decade ago

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"Past the awkward Wii controls"

The reason I could not play it...yup.

1 decade ago

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I love those kind of petitions :D

It remindes me on this one

Nintendo should not delete the Nintendo WFC service
Reason: on 05/20/2014 I wanted to make a video of "Mario Kart Wii", exactly when the online services are shut down.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Za21.