The solvers were (in order of completion):

  1. nellyneko
  2. perrolijo
  3. abc567
  4. mecorx
  5. m3rc
  6. game3412
  7. Tyrogus
  8. tso184
  9. revilheart
  10. Avonyel
  11. mandrill
  12. Aldcoran
  13. SpaceClick
  14. kukeemon
  15. Waxlor
  16. Numeron
  17. theBlindOne
  18. sweetcuppincakes
  19. chichiryu
  20. MemT
  21. coldcocoa
  22. zombiehug

Congratulations to the solvers! And I would like to say thank you to everyone who attempted, maybe you'll have some better luck next time!

Now for the solution. It's for this puzzle!

Step 1: How

If you look in the source code of this thread: The How Thread

You will find this hidden inside it: E w Q G E 5 4 b o j B 7 R C m

Using this sentence: "Parents ... it's like they only hear every other word, at least they always hear the first." You were supposed to start with the first letter (E), and then do every other letter in order to find link to an ITH puzzle. So it would be: EQE4oBRm

The solutions for the ITH were:

  • Q1: 442 ((previous + 3) * 2)
  • Q2: 307 (previous * pi, alternating between rounding up and rounding down)
  • Q3: 458330 (previous ^ 2 +1)
  • Q4: 121 (previous * 2 + position number w/ the first number being in the 0 position)
  • Q5: 144 (accidentally made the Fibonacci Sequence), 233 (previous * 2 + all numbers before it)
  • Q6: 73 (The Big Bang Theory reference)

Solving the ITH gave you a series of coordinates: (1,1), (4,3), (3,5), (7,1), (9,5), (11, 2), (13,1), (17,2), (14,1), (20,1), (16,2), (22,5), (24,7), (21,5), (28,1), (29,1), (34,6), (35,6), (41, 5), (43,3), (40,2)

Step 2: What

If you look in the source code of this thread: The What Thread

You would have found this little story: Find the brave Sir Theo and do him dreadful ills Myrida not Zeus must forgive him for many wrongs began towards thine own heritage But at once you may sleep knowing that his besmirching tongue has been silenced Now good night and farewell

Using the coordinates, you needed to match them up with words and letters in this hidden story (with the X-coordinate being the word and the Y-coordinate being the letter, as the story has 43 words and the highest X is 43).

Doing so would result in the message: Freddy, Zombie, Grym, Retro

I also had a hint on the format of the message in the source code of the giveaway that was linked through the What thread:
"- - - - - - I - - - - - - I - - - - I - - - - -" and "Its four words so fill in the blanks PS the Is are commas"

(I wasn't very strict with the format though, as long as you sent me all 4 names in the proper order and proper spelling I was okay with it.)

Once you had the message you just needed to know where to send it.

Step 3: Where

If you look in the source code of this thread: The Where Thread

You would have found this code: xF how FqG what W

It's an ITH URL missing 2 letters. These letter were both hidden. The How letter was hidden in the description for the How ITH, while the What letter was hidden in the source code of the What thread.

Substituting the two letters gets you this ITH code: xFuFqGdW

The solutions to this ITH were:

  • Q1: Zoey (from a comment on my profile)
  • Q2: bitcoin (easily Google-able)
  • Q3: 08/14/2015 (easily Googled or search on the IGB website, but when the website went down I had to edit in the answer)
  • Q4: Pompeii or Mount Vesuvius (also Google-able)
  • Q5: Y or Wye (homophones of Why)

Solving this ITH gave you this code: Hidden for posterity!

Which led you to a small giveaway train.

Using this sentence from the Where thread: "Almost forgot, sorry, was busy. Anyway, in the middle of it all, I guess everything will turn out okay!"

You would have known to look in the middle of the train (the FOTONICA giveaway) for where to post the message.

Looking in the source code of that giveaway gave you this e-mail address:

That was where you supposed to send the message, if the right message was sent, I whitelisted you.

EDIT: Added spaces where the periods were for the source code messages, apparently I was breaking SG.

8 years ago*

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Did you like the puzzle?

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Go die, you potato!

Did you like the puzzle?

  • Yes: 22
  • No: 78
  • Go die, you potato! : 9001

I happened to vote yes, though. This is of course a pure and unbiased decision.

8 years ago

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Also, your post messed up my SG web layout. Still voted "yes" though.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I think it's maybe because you typed then copy-pasted from another program. Some of the formatting won't play nice with SG's and now all of my text frames in this thread are borked. My SG elsewhere is fine though.

8 years ago

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It's clearly your web browser's fault. :P

8 years ago

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Finally the solution!

8 years ago

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The event only ended a little over 2 hrs ago. Give me some time. :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Aw balls, due to time constraints I didn't make past the "How" ITH, but it was a really nice puzzle.

8 years ago

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Thank you!

Maybe next puzzle.

8 years ago

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It was too hard >.<
I lost so many hours... SO MANY HOURS!! Q_Q

But it was worth it.

Please don't team up with other hardcore_quiz_makers :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This doesn't clear up any confusion at all.
CreepyHappy Deer for you!

View attached image.
8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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I was on track... Sadly started late .. Sry little time for luxury like puzzles. 2h brought me to get into the numeric puzzles which as i found pretty daunting. Not too used to solve that stuff. Unfortunatedly it strongly looks as those were the hardest parts the rest seemed pretty obvious to me although i missed the piece of hint hidden in the GA. (Thought i checked that hmmm...)

Actually i did alot of mind twisting and recoding until i thought of ITH. Not a puzzle regular that i am. 8chars do fit as a pastebin code too.. Was off road for very long.

Thx for the puzzle. I did notice that i am enjoying those. Might run one of thoses in future though i'd better stock some good prizes beforehand.

8 years ago*

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I don't think I even have a pastebin account. xD

8 years ago

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Not that you'd need one to create stuff <:)

8 years ago

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I've just never used it before.

8 years ago

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Its nice if you want to storekeep some pile of information. Even more so if you store code snippets there.

8 years ago

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Why So Evil ?

So now we know what Mushclone298 can do and ser barriers around his puzzles.
This forum is getting smaller by the day... :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Divide that phrase into several lines to avoid breaking the layout

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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HAH! I knew the problem is not on my end!

8 years ago

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Probably was still your fault. :P

Didn't happen for me.

8 years ago

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Firefoxies be broken :<

8 years ago

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Yeah, I use Chrome.

Firefox has too many updates that I never feel like installing. xD

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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I found the hidden hints of the three threads but I didn't know what to do with them. So I didn't even find the ITH links :(

It is the hardest puzzle I've ever seen on this forum but thanks for the effort and for posting the solution.

8 years ago

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Maybe next time you'll get it!

But ... I'm planning the next puzzle to be harder than this one.

8 years ago

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Well, the most important hint for all this puzzle thing is to know how the puzzle-maker "thinks", to understand his particular logic. I mean, for example, Tevemadar's puzzles at first sight seem hard as f***, but when you know his way of doing them they aren't so difficult to solve. That's why I read this long solution, I'm studying you! xD

8 years ago

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Don't expect it to be nearly the same thing next time. I'm much more spontaneous. :P

8 years ago

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It doesn't need to be the same kind of puzzle, the most important thing is now I know a lot more about your logical thinking ;)

8 years ago

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What logical thinking? ;D

8 years ago

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There's some kind of logic behind your madness xD

8 years ago

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No ... I refuse!

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by mushclone298.