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15 BEAUTIFUL GAMES for only $ 2.99
96,6% of Greenlight games from our previous Bundles got Greenlit.
Don't forget to vote. Once game is on Steam, you get a Steam key without need to ask for it. Simple

BUNDLE ENDS ON October 12, 2015


Steam games:
Cargo 3
TRIP:Steam Edition

Greenlight games:
System Recovery
The Haunting of Billy
Cyber Team Manager
One Final Chaos
Your Quest
Worlds of Chaos: Corruption
Once Upon a Platform
Indie Game Battle
Voidspire Tactics

❤ Steam ❤

TRIP:Steam Edition 50% - 2 click
Cargo 3 53% - 2 click
Advent 50% - 1 click

❤ Greenlight ❤

Swiftly % - 0 click
Rumble % - 0 click
System Recovery & - 0 click
The Haunting of Billy % - 0 click
Cyber Team Manager % - 0 click
One Final Chaos % - 0 click
Your Quest % - 0 click
Worlds of Chaos: Corruption % - 0 click
Once Upon a Platform % - 0 click
Reckpunk % - 0 click
Indie Game Battle % - 0 click
Voidspire Tactics % - 0 click

Thanks MireK771 and MilleW for poking me about this one :)

8 years ago*

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Buying this bundle ?

View Results
Yes of course!
Noooooo stop please
Omg too many bundles
Aliens are real


Yeah I'll buy it...

8 years ago

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^story of my bundle life! xD

8 years ago

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Rachel you are simply amazing. Great work as always. You deserve our Bundle for free. I'll send you an email :)

edit: As about MilleW poking you about this one, we sent you an email as well since you asked me for it and I didn't forget :)

8 years ago*

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Thanks so much :) I sent an email back explaining and thanking you :) thank you for remembering! I appreciate it dearly and hope you continue doing so in the future!

8 years ago

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I have to admire you publicly as well as I did in the email since you deserve it. You're doing such an amazing job and with other things you do, you're a true inspiration for everyone :) Everyone, give it up for Rachel.

8 years ago

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Thank you, my dear! This made my day! I've been having such a yucky week without sleep and studying for tests and turning in essays. Thank goodness it's friday :D Have a great weekend, and keep an eye on your emails !

8 years ago

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Thanks for hosting the bundle site! ^_^

8 years ago

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I was going to skip this, but then I noticed Voidspire Tactics. That game looks great!

8 years ago

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You have some work this week, don't you? :P

Infinite thanks ;)

8 years ago

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I just drank a cup of coffee. I think i'm going to bounce off all the walls. :D But yes ... too much work this week. I think I have like 5 essays due and a quiz to study for.


8 years ago

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You should take a little break away from the forums, at least Bundle Stars week is over! (I've just read it in one of your threads).

8 years ago

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I live in the forums :D

Haha i'll be around :) It actually makes me very happy being able to interact with people on here.

8 years ago

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Bundle Stars fortnight actually. Most of them were not too interesting but I pretty much expected that. Too much of a 'good' thing.

8 years ago

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are these.. games?!

8 years ago

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No no, those are cookies. You need to insert them into your mouth and eat :D They are delicious!

8 years ago

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My cookies tasted like monitor. Yum!

8 years ago

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Monitor lizard?

8 years ago

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Are those available in LCD variety? I think that's what this one tasted like.

8 years ago

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I thought that cookies should be baked first before serving...

8 years ago

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Nice, I think I'll pick this one up. Whoot!

8 years ago

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There's no option "games are crap" in voting :(

8 years ago

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I try to let people express their opinions through comments! The polls remain neutral (I try to at least make them that way) to not offend anyone.

8 years ago

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OK "crap" is a little bit hard, I admit. But if you would like the polls to have some usable value other than just fun, than maybe you should put serious voting options like "I won't buy it cause I have most of the games" or "I won't buy it cause I don't like the games", besides potato and other rather silly options (not that I dislike them).
I'm just saying, it seems like lot of representatives from bundle sites are present here on SG, maybe they could use some feedback in order to make better bundles in the future.

8 years ago

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To get the kind of feedback you're talking about would probably require too much of Rachel's time.

8 years ago

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I apologize for the "fun" nature of the polls and if you don't find them useful ...

But ...

I do not think all the polls I have made so far are all "fun". Sure, some are silly, but I do take the polls seriously, and I'm sure the community does too. If you are basing your opinion on this sole poll above, then yes, perhaps it does come off as fun. But this is not a pattern I see in my other threads ... unless I am mistaken. I try to serve the large community of different players, whether they be serious gamers, game collectors, or just game-players who will play games irregardless of quality. But of course, this list is not an exhaustive list of players who use SG, nor are the polls exhaustive of the opinions people may have.

Actually, most of the times I do take the polls seriously. But when you have 5 bundles going live and trying to make posts from your mobile phone/in the middle of class and keeping up with everything else going on in life, putting out the threads and information is what matters to me the most. I do value the polls and want to make sure that everyone benefits, so this is by no means me trying to complain about having no time to do my best in conveying information and pleasing the community. I value everyone's opinions, and if they have constructive feedback or outright want to bash me or are giving me thanks, I accept it all and take it into consideration. An informed community is a productive and lively community, and that is what I want to see in the SG forums and beyond.

While I agree with you on the more serious tone of the polls, I do make the polls with the following options:

1) Yes, buying,
2) No, not buying,
3) maybe buying, and
4) one BS option if people don't feel like putting anything in stone.

This is a conventional polling scenario that I've modeled after others' before me whom have posted threads on bundles.

However, I think the polls are not able to give full context of the bundle quality. If you want to evaluate the bundle quality, it takes some voice and wording, and that is where the forum and comments come in handy.

The poll and comments go hand-in-hand. I like the ambiguity of polls because it invites users to question the meaning of a high yes rating, or a low maybe rating. This curiosity can then lead the user to read the comments for further clarification on the statistical results. Questions such as I wonder why the poll is skewed this way or Why is this bundle so unpopular according to the poll? are things that I encourage people to explore with the polls. Polls are great! But one must critically analyze the situation further if they are to get the most out of things. Maybe some people do not find the polls helpful at all. But they have other resources available here including the:

a) chart
b) comments
c) dialogue amongst others
d) links
e) external sources
f) voices other than my own, because I know I have my personal beliefs and opinions, so I invite anybody and everybody to weigh in
g) information included in the OP order to make a more informed decision.

FYI - I did do a "Rate the quality of this bundle using numerical values 0 - 5" poll once to see what the community thought of this kind of polling style, but that was HUGELY unpopular. Many people voiced that they did not like this type of poll and preferred the "will you buy this bundle" Y/N binary questions. Thus, I have chosen to stick with the conventional poll options of Y, N, Maybe, and one outlier (for participation points).

Statistics say one thing, but to put something in context, you have to actually explain yourself. I like that people feel comfortable writing and expressing their opinions through the forum because we need more community input on things like these. If the developers and bundle sites really cared, they would read these comments and try to improve themselves and the quality of the bundles. For example, Thursday's HB bundle upset quite a number of people, and while the poll did indicate a sweeping majority of people voting "no," what really brought the "poor" quality of the bundle into perspective were the opinions of those commenting below. When you see statistics, I think you would also need proof that the bundle is good, neutral, or bad to actually be able to put words to the numbers and decide for yourself whether the bundle is worth it. But commentary and polls alone are not enough for a serious buyer to consider. Which is why I also include a chart with links and ratings and some information in the OP regarding the bundle and games.

When I think about the complexity of a poll option, there could be so many deviances to the word “yes” or “no”. The meaning is quite nuanced because “yes” could indicate that yes, you are buying the bundle because it is great. Or yes, the bundle is great but you do not want it. Or yes, even though the bundle is great, you do not like the developers, so therefore, no, you will not be getting the bundle. But then, how do you choose between yes and no? Yes, you think the bundle is great, or No, you think the bundle is great, but you will not be getting the bundle because:

a) you have all the games already
b) the games are actually “crappy”
c) you can’t decide

...which would mean you move to option 3) and you choose maybe because you are in limbo between yes and no and can’t make up your mind at the moment but will come back to the poll later on or purchase the bundle/not purchase the bundle at a later date. But then option 4) is there if you just can’t think at the moment and need something to put down because you are in a rush, or perhaps, you really have no opinion on the bundle but want to contribute to the poll.

OR, perhaps yes and no in a different country/culture do not mean the equivalent to what I think yes and no mean in the American culture ... so in making the polls a bit neutral, a user can use his or her best judgement and interpret the options to however they want. If I included all these options into the poll, it would be quite overwhelming and an eye-sore. Polls are certainly not the most representative ways to express how one feels, nor does it give a complete picture of the community consensus of the bundle, but is one of the options, and many times, it can be accurate. For the serious bundle buyer, I would think they look at more than polls and numbers and investigate the bundle itself.

Another reason I don't include more options is because I also don't want to convolute the polls with too many options. Again, that is where the comments shine and become useful. A simple yes/no/maybe option allows people in hurry to see if most people want the bundle, thereby indicating that perhaps the bundle IS good quality. If they want to do further exploration, they are invited to read the comments and comment themselves. This keeps the community active, engaged, and it makes way for a lot of serious commentary and sometimes hilarious ones. Putting in too many options into a poll makes the poll itself daunting, in my opinion, and defeats the purpose of reading into the text offered below via commentary. The suggestions you offered in your comment sound practical and could certainly be useful in improving the quality of the polls, but on the other hand, to do this would require the polls to be extensively detailed and include more options than the simple 4-5. This, again, seems like you are asking for a bit more than what is necessary since the majority of the opinions are found in people's voices. That is why statistics are not always representative of reality until you can put a story or message behind it - the context and lots of critical analysis and experiences from individuals.

I also assume that perhaps people do not want to read through a long list of poll options because they may be busy or perhaps polls are daunting or annoying. Thus, I try to keep it short and concise. If you as a user have more time or need something to read, there's plenty of other text to make up for the lack of text in a poll. But like I said previously, it's difficult to cater to a large population of different users with different preferences and needs. Therefore, neutral or sometimes humorous language is what I use to break the tension or mundanity of a poll. It would be extremely boring if I asked the same question every time. With at least 10+ bundles coming out every week, this can become very uninteresting to someone who looks at the polls as a way to get away from all the text.

I like to have a little fun sometimes. These posts and threads might reflect some of my personality and added flair. I know one does not always have to be serious, but I also understand if you do take bundle-buying very seriously and need a more formal tone/perspective. My language may not come off as very professional, but I do try to keep things intellectually stimulating while using a language that is understandable and doesn't offend anybody.

Bundle buying IS a serious business and investment, yes, but again, bundle developers really need to step up the plate and read their customer's comments in order to improve. If people have other opinions not included or voiced in the poll options, they can type it in the comments. If you aren't very serious, well then you can just look at the polls and decide then if you want the bundle or not ... (if polls are the only thing you rely on to determine the quality of the bundle)

But in the future, I think I will include the option indicating "I already have most/all of the games" as this is more representative of people who may already have the games due to other bundles.

That being said, I appreciate your input. I do hope I have not offended you in any way.

edited for grammar and clarification.

8 years ago*

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and one BS option if people don't feel like putting anything in stone

Ooga Booga! Vote not carved in stone tablet. Can change.

Anyway, you have been deemed offensive. By being too concerned about offending someone heehee. Ironic, isn't it? ;)

8 years ago*

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oh yes! haha I meant that .. but in case people feel silly that day ... BS option is the way to go!

oh myyy, you scared me when I read about the offensive part .. and then I revealed the hidden text.
It's a constant concern I have .. I try my best not to make people upset.

8 years ago

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I am offended in every way.

8 years ago

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for you, chola, I'd offend you gladly..

Just kidding <3

8 years ago

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"BS option"? but i voted genuinely thinking aliens are r- okay, nevermind. i'm not crazy.

8 years ago

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Haha I meant it as along the lines of people wanting a BS poll option because some people just come to vote XD

8 years ago

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How about you make your own vastly superior polls and posts, buddy? :) Every day, the minute the bundle is live too. Oh boy, I cannot wait.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Friendzone much?

8 years ago

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Do something productive first before you critic others. What exactly did you do for this community in 1.5 years you've been here?
Enlighten me. I am new, so maybe I missed your tremendous input.

8 years ago

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This kind of elitism is the reason why I avoid posting much on this site...

8 years ago

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Is "hug" an opinion? If so I will be expressing mine.

8 years ago

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a hug would be nice :D

8 years ago

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OMG. That's one busy girl. <3

View attached image.
8 years ago

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That's putting it mildly. :-)

8 years ago

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It's like she owns the deals section =P

8 years ago

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Yes, she is Queen of the Deals Section

8 years ago

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trent, I see you bumpin those threads <333


8 years ago

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Shhh! Okay, I had to bump a couple of them to get my perfect screenshot. But it didn't take a lot of work! =)

8 years ago

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SO THATS WHY YOU WERE BUMPING THEM? haha I was looking at my messages and it was bump bump bump bump bump and I thought you were being nice XD

8 years ago

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Yes, I had an ulterior motive. <shameface> But it was only three bumps. promise!

8 years ago

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You guys are hilarious :D It always make me smile read comments like these.

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Awwww that caaaat, so cute. I want it at home :D

8 years ago

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That is adorable!

8 years ago

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I'd seem him once before on SG, but he jumped off the page to me when I did a Google Images for "happy cat." =)

8 years ago

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haha Trent, you can bump my posts anytime :DDDDDD

8 years ago

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Discussions > Deals > all I see is rachels :D
as for the bundle, it is crap ^^

8 years ago

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I'm sorry XD haha. I hope you are not tired of my incessant spam posts and face

8 years ago

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nope rachel <3 forget the bundles, I am here to see the posts ^^

8 years ago

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daww poopies :D thank you !

8 years ago

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Oh well... Why not, better a bundle more than a bundle less. ^^

8 years ago

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all steam games owned, just 1 greenlit, probly passing this

8 years ago

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More Greenlit games will come soon. As you can see :)

96,6% of Greenlight games from our previous Bundles got Greenlit.
Don't forget to vote. Once game is on Steam, you get a Steam key without need to ask for it. Simple.

8 years ago

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The middling quality of the steam games does not inspire confidence in their greenlight games. For $3, I could get a bunch of Groupees greenlight bundles with probably the same, disappointing outcome.

8 years ago

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There's hardly this huge Bundle for $2.99 plus look at our Greenlit score. Don't put everyone into one bag, we work differently :)

8 years ago*

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Voidspire Tactics looks very promising. It could turn out to be a really great game, I'm quite interested in that one.

8 years ago

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Ah, so you have your from China? (The Haunting of Billy takes me to a steampage that is in Chinese)

8 years ago

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O.O noooo... I just found the haunting of billy page on google... I researched again and found the correct steam page.

I'm from 'Murica.

8 years ago

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Ah, makes sense. I was a bit confused there for a moment, but that explains it.

Anyway, here is a link that should hopefully be in English:

8 years ago

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hehe I just updated the OP before seeing this post :) Thanks, and sorry for the confusion.

8 years ago

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No worries, I was just worried I was getting senile there for a moment ;)

8 years ago

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These two possibilities aren't mutually exclusive.

8 years ago

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Haven't checked out most of the games in this one yet, but Voidspire Tactics actually looks a bit interesting. Kind of a mix between RPG and turn-based tactics strategy game. It's nice when my 'generic RPG maker game' warning alarm doesn't go off.

8 years ago

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Looks like I'll be passing on this LazyGuys bundle too. $3 for a few Steam games I already own and a bunch of greenlight titles doesn't seem worthwhile, especially compared to Groupees' BAGB. Perhaps if it was purely a greenlight bundle for $2 I'd buy in.

8 years ago

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Agreed. They could lose the Steam games and just make it a pure GL bundle for $2.50 or less, and it would be much better.

It would even be better if they kept the same number of games, and made them all GL. The Steam games are useless filler.

8 years ago

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We always like to throw in some amazing Steam games so you can enjoy something in the mean time.

We work in a different way and our regular buyers, especially of the Bundles with Greenlight games, are able to tell you. $2 is way too low (remember you're getting those games at laughably low price, even $2.99 is fraction of the cost you would pay normally) and we do it for developers as well, they are not machines just like some others think. They are humans. Creating many Bundles per month which is not right at all because they want only good for themselves and we want good for both developers and fans in the first place :) This is the reason.

8 years ago

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Most regular bundle purchasers will already own the Steam games included in the bundle, so for us, it ends up being $3 for a bunch of greenlight titles, of which only one has already been greenlit. The rest are a gamble, they're not guaranteed to get greenlit and provide Steam keys. It just doesn't seem worthwhile for me personally. I just figured I would share what was holding me back from purchasing and what may push me into purchasing a bundle like this in the future.

That being said, as a consumer, I still appreciate what you do, even if I don't end up purchasing. Just having so much choice is incredible. Thanks for the bundles :D

8 years ago

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I of course accept your opinion :) However, as you can see, 96,6% of Greenlight games from our previous Bundles got Greenlit and that speaks for itself all alone.

8 years ago

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I'm having problems buying this bundle for some reason I tried with both Paypal/MBNet and it's unable to process the request. Has this happened to someone else?

8 years ago

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Make sure you're not using proxy. If that's not the case, use Support page and contact us :)

8 years ago

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Rachel said:

"I apologize..."

Please don't ever do that again. You have NOTHING to apologize for. You are the main reason I've made Deals on SteamGifts one of my daily visits along with Group Buys on Steam and Game Deals on Reddit. This forum has literally become one of the BIG THREE spots for finding PC gaming deals because of you (CheapAssGamer forums don't count, because that space is mostly geared towards consoles rather than PC gaming).

Having said that, in regards to the polls, one thing I would like to see added is a "Only at the Happy Hour price" option. A lot of the Indie Gala bundles are crap and full of mostly repeats, but when you factor in the ridiculous cheapness of the Happy Hour cost, which can be as little as $0.70 for a whole bundle, it changes the value proposition. I wouldn't buy most Indie Gala bundles if they didn't have a Happy Hour where MANY of us participate in Group Buys. That's something that I think a lot of people factor in when they are considering Indie Gala bundles. Just something to think about.

8 years ago*

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oh my. When I first read this I wanted to cry (out of happiness and surprise). I hadn't realized how big SG was as a platform to find game deals, besides Reddit! Thank you for your words of kindness and reassurance. I apologize and feel guilty for everything, so it is nice to get a slap/pat back on the back from an outside perspective.

In regards to your polling suggestion, I think that's a great option to include. However, if you will be picking it up at a later date, wouldn't the "yes" or "maybe" option be an umbrella term for picking up later? I don't want the poll to become too complicated, and in my opinion, the ambiguity lets people interpret the word in their own way, and if they want to clarify their decision, they can post a comment below. But ... if you think that this would be more helpful for IG polls ... I suppose i could add that option! Or, I can combine it ... for example, "Yes, buying .../ buying later during HH" or "maybe ... I have to think ... / maybe HH"
This is something I'll think about.

I REALLY wish they made an option to edit polls >_>

8 years ago*

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Skip. I never buy LazyGuys bundles. I think I bought just one. They always have Steam games I already have and I'm not going to pay more than a dollar for greenlight games (unless it's 1.5$ on Groupees).

8 years ago

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Keep in mind you get 15 games for laughably low price (not 6, or 8). Developers are human beings that well, they need to live from something, they can not hand their games for free ;)

8 years ago

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I know but it doesn't mean I have to buy what I don't want to buy :) Same goes for games for full price. I think AAA devs get the most money during the first 1-2 months when the game is sold at full price but I bought maybe 3-4 games in my life when paying full price. If LazyGuys bundles had less Steam repeats I'd buy them probably but in every bundle there are most Steam games that were bundled before and the rest is Greenlight games. I buy most bundles so it's really hard to please me when it comes to stuff that I don't already have :)

8 years ago

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When you look at the Rachel's table you can see there are not so much of repeats. If a game is bundled 4, 5, 6 times before it's a repeat but 1, 2 is I personally think alright :) And rest of the games on Greenlight wasn't bundled before. You can not Bundle each Steam game just once :)

8 years ago

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I really don't know what to tell you other than what I already said. All the Steam games from Rachel's table are listed as bundled before so I own them. And I won't pay 3$ for a greenlight bundle.

What more is there to say :D ?

8 years ago

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Sure, I get your opinion :)

8 years ago

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This is the first time I've purchased a Lazy Guys bundle. I decided to buy this bundle because I liked how several of the games looked. I would have preferred if it was an all GL bundle, because the Steam games have been bundled a lot, but that's OK.

Now, one question I have is, where are the or direct download links for the remaining Greenlight games? I got redemptions for System Recovery, Your Quest, Worlds of Chaos: Corruption, Once Upon a Platform, and Reckpunk. Where are the downloads or redemptions for Swiftly, Rumble, The Haunting of Billy, Cyber Team Manager, One Final Chaos, Indie Game Battle, and Voidspire Tactics?

Normally, with Greenlight games, download links are provided either via the bundle seller (such as Groupees), via Desura (in the past, but now defunct), or more frequently now, Whether a game ends up greenlit or not, we've still purchased access to a working game.

I surely hope they aren't selling bundles with games that people are merely promised access to if they get on Steam. Steam is just a bonus for Greenlight games. If the games never make it to Steam, the bundle buyer is still owed a working game. This isn't a lottery and it's not a kickstarter. If that is how they do business, then they have some serious clarifying to do about their business model. They need to make it clear that some of the games aren't ready to play yet, and won't be until they get on Steam.

8 years ago*

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Yes, once the games are Greenlit, you get a Steam key for those without need to ask for them because that's the way we work as our fans know.

For the games you mentioned, there's no key (as shown on the Bundle page). Some of them have demo or beta versions you can download because those games need finishing touches (working on them and waiting to get Greenlit) and getting Greenlit to be released or they're just waiting to get Greenlit (already finished games). IF a game doesn't get Greenlit soon after it is ready to be published but just waiting to get Greenlit, we'll make sure you receive an key but please keep in mind 96,6% of games from our previous Bundles got Greenlit so that's just a plan B option. We got it covered. No need to worry at all ;)

8 years ago

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can i get a key if 12 greenlight game go on steam store ? or just DRM free

8 years ago

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You get 3 Steam keys, 5 keys (for those you will get a Steam key once on Steam as well), plus you'll get 7 Steam keys (once those games are on Steam).

8 years ago

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Swiftly is on We should be getting a redemption key for that.

8 years ago

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