Which do you think is better and why?

1 decade ago*

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3 is darker. vegas has more life.

1 decade ago

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As in literally? or the gameplay/story?

1 decade ago

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I think he means setting-wise. FO3 is very desolate, with only a few towns struggling to get by, whereas New Vegas takes place around a population hub, with two armies scattered across the area setting up camps and running raids. Story-wise, New Vegas is much darker, since every side has it's dirty secrets and bad apples, whereas in FO3 the Brotherhood are the totally righteous merry band of Good Guys.

1 decade ago

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Indeed. In Fallout 3 you barely find people but in New Vegas you can find people sooner or later.

1 decade ago

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Ehh, if you're into science, don't give shit about casino's, like energy weapons and power armor then FONV is not the best choice.

1 decade ago

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Wait, energy weapons? FO3 had like 6 of those. New Vegas has several dozen.

1 decade ago

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I've found and used far more energy weapons in NV than I did in FO3.

1 decade ago

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Fallout 3 has a better story line

Fallout New Vegas has better game mechanics.

Each can be modded to your liking. I enjoy both and would rate them equally enjoyable, just enjoyable in different ways. New Vegas has a better companion system. The questlines are easier to follow but You do have to make "life changing" choices where in Fallout 3 there were only a few choices that really mattered.

1 decade ago

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NV Was REALLY buggy at release though, Like.. Holy god buggy. Is it still like that? Or did most of the bugs get fixed?

1 decade ago

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loads of patches since then. Anything that isn't fixed has a mod that fixes it as well although I'm almost done with the game and dlc, no bugs yet.

1 decade ago

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FO3 Crashes for me sometimes. NV hasn't done that much.

I can't say I like either better.. FO:NV felt like it had better shooting mechanics than 3. I liked the stories in both. SOrry, not to descriptive. I'm tired. lol

1 decade ago

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FO3 crashes for me constantly. I was unable to play the game due to the game freezing every 5-10 minutes. New Vegas has no such issues.

1 decade ago

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I recently found a fix for the FO3 regular crashing.


"Find Fallout.ini file in My Documents\My Games\Fallout3
Find the line:


change it to:


Add another line after it and insert:


This will limit the game to 2 cores and prevent the engine bug from causing the game to freeze.

*If the game still crashes write this iNumHWThreads=1"

1 decade ago

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I prefer NV in most ways really. It's not as open as FO3 but I think the more guided storyline helps it. Kinda just petered out for me in 3 and I lost interest. Both enjoyable though.

1 decade ago

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The one thing that really bugged me in NV is the selection of music.

In FO3 every channel had its own (broad) selection of music, most of them are entertaining, plus there's radio shows like that of Herbert 'daring' Dashwood to keep you entertained.

In NV, there are only so many songs on the radio (feels like 5, and all of them suck) and every radio channel uses this pool of songs, and almost no radio shows or other forms of entertainment . If I hear Johnny Guitar one more time I will murder a president.

1 decade ago

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One of the first things I did was install a music mod that added a few hundred era songs.

1 decade ago

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I MUCH prefer New Vegas. But I've only played the PS3 version of each without DLC. Just got both with DLC tonight in the QuakeCon Pack. But, anyways. I found New Vegas to have a much better story. In Fallout 3, you're a man who was born and raised in a vault and forced to go out into the barren, mutant-infested wastes to find your father. Your only real battle experience is shooting rad roaches with a BB Gun, you never had you fend for yourself or scavenge for food. Those who lived in the wastes were forced to learn to scavenge and to defend themselves, yet you somehow have the combat abilities of a one man army.

In New Vegas, you're a courier who drew the short straw with the assignment you chose and are quickly betrayed, and nearly killed. You miraculously survive and set out to find and punish those who tried to kill you. Sounds like a simple revenge story, but it goes so much deeper. You have many more moral choices in NV than in FO3, and they have a bigger impact. In FO3, you really just choose how to get to the end - The endings are all nearly the same. In New Vegas, you choose your own path - You choose what tribes survive and which become extinct, you choose who rules over New Vegas, you choose to have allies or to become an evil tyrant.

New Vegas also has many gameplay and design advantages: New Vegas has a better karma/reputation system, a better companion system, a better difficulty system (addition of Hardcore), more weapons, no "This road is blocked off, backtrack and find a subway tunnel to go through just to get to the next block" segments, more ammo choices, more groups in the wastes and they all have dark back stories to discover. It is just a superior game in every way.

1 decade ago

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Wow, you just made me regret my purchase :(

1 decade ago

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And yet, looting containers which belong to evil mass murderers - who are also already DEAD - still gives you a karma loss.
Killing them is honorable and appreciated, but TAKING THEIR STUFF is a crime!

1 decade ago

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Stealing is WRONG! D: You can kill my dog and rape my girlfriend, but leave my worthless junk alone!

1 decade ago

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I agree, this irked me in New Vegas as well. Luckily, there are several mods that fix this. There are also mods that remove the karma gain when you kill bad guys, if you're just defending yourself.

1 decade ago

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I feel a bit the opposite. I enjoyed the story in FO3 more, because it was like you kind of lived your character, from birth. NV felt more bland to me, I am some random dude with some random problems.

1 decade ago

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I played both and all of the DLCs (I just started Old World Blues recently) and really enjoyed both of them. I can't really say if there is one I prefer over the other. Sure there are a few mechanical differences as people have already pointed out, same with the depth of the storyline/decisioning/influence but they don't make one game better then the other imo. I would recommend playing both of them, starting with FO3 + dlcs before moving to NV + dlcs, just in case someone would be afraid in making a step back in mechanics of the game itself.

What a really enjoyed about both parts, was the modding part. I'm no modder myself but a user of those by heart. Even if it took hours over hours to set up the game the way I would like it, I have never regret one minute of the time that I invested. There are really beautiful mods out there for both games and the community is big and activ. My source of mods have been http://www.newvegasnexus.com/ and http://www.fallout3nexus.com/.

To make long things short: I believe both games are worth every single cent, there is no better or worse part =)

1 decade ago

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Wish there was a site for Oblivion mods too :(

1 decade ago

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There you go :P It's for both Morrowind and Oblivion, but has thousands of Oblivion mods.

1 decade ago

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OmG! This is really for TES IV mods?? TY!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Out of Fallout 3 and New Vegas, I've enjoyed playing Fallout 3 more.

I am a casual gamer and liked the more easy going storyline of fo3 but new vegas has more people and feels less desolate.

My only critism about nv is that once you're finished that's it where as fo3 a dlc extended it so you could continue.

1 decade ago

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actually there's a mod that lets you play after the final mission find it at the fallout new vegas nexus. Fallout 3 was the same till it was patched.

1 decade ago

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A holywar is here!!! Well, New Vegas is better than F3. But F1 and F2 can beat the shit outta New Vegas.

1 decade ago

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NV has better gameplay but I liked FO3's story and atmosphere much more.

1 decade ago

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Especially with the mod that removed the green tint from everything.

1 decade ago

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but its supposed to be a polluted, irradiated wasteland; why not just let it look like it's supposed to look?

1 decade ago

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Radioactive pollution do not look like some green goo, contrary to the popular belief based on TNMT cartoons.
So, the wasteland are supposed to look just like DC looks now, but destroyed. Not covered in green dust. Just look at the Chernobyl area - it may be irradiated, but it looks much cleaner and unpolluted than any industrial center.
Anyway, the bombs fell two centuries ago. Any dust they may had thrown in the air will lay down a long-long time ago. So the air will be even cleaner than now, as there are no heavy industry or millions of cars to pollute it.
The planet is fine, the people are fucked.

1 decade ago

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I like the plot of F3 more than NV, but prefer exploring in NV.

1 decade ago

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F3 was FAR easier than F:NV. By a long shot. And that's not even counting the ability to play it in extreme/hardcore/whatever mode where ammo has a friggin weight, and you can die of thirst & hunger. I'd say Fallout 3 was just awesome, while Fallout New Vegas was awesome plus 1. Only +1, however, due to the ridiculous amount of bugs. Seriously, it could be called Fallout: Bugs and Errors! and it'd make perfect sense.

Still, it's a great game in the series, and the storyline, quests, and dialogue do it's predecessors proud. I am able to enjoy it despite the bugs. The DLC content is better than the DLC for F3, by a long shot. Hell, Old World Blues alone felt like an entirely different game. My favorite by far.

With all that being said, though...if I were to recommend either game to someone new to the series, I'd definitely advise them to start off with Fallout 3.

1 decade ago

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F3 uses GFWL crap while F:NV doesn't.

1 decade ago

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Does Fallout 3's story have any relation to Fallout NV?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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new vegas is most closely related to fallout 2

1 decade ago

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New Vegas hands down. It improves on every aspect of Fallout 3 and the DLCs are better.

1 decade ago

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How long has it taken/ is taking you guys to beat the game. Fallout 3 or Fallout NV

1 decade ago

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I don't really remember how long it took me for FO3 but I guess it was 70+ hours or so. I'm on 118+ with FO:NV and still playing in my first created game + dlcs. But I have to say that I'm one of those players that search every little corner, cave, outpost, box, truck, tunnel, turn over every rock, etc. and plays every single quest/mission there is. Sometimes I even just roam around without a clear goal of destination. I always find new stuff to discover. There is almost no corner left that I haven't been to, in the Wastlands of D.C. or the Mohave of New Vegas.

I guess it really depends on how you play the game =)

1 decade ago

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I'm around 100 hours in. Just started Old World Blues, after having completed the previous two DLCs. I was around 75 hours in when I finished the main storyline of NV, and started Dead Money. I still have lots of undiscovered locations in the Mohave though, and haven't tried allying with Caesar yet.

I don't remember how long FO3 took me, as I lost my saves (damn GFWL).

1 decade ago

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New Vegas took me around 55-60 hours for one playthrough, and that is without DLC or anything.

1 decade ago

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i love fallout series except tactics i didnt like that too much

1 decade ago

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