I often only use the mouse while browsing the site because I'm lazy or I'm sitting in a position where I would have to move to use the keyboard. I highlight some text, right click to copy, and then right click to paste it in the search box, but then I have to switch to the keyboard to start the search because there is no button to click with the mouse.

I know this isn't a big deal, but I find it really annoying that such a simple and essential feature is missing from the site. It doesn't need to be a big button, just a little arrow next to the search box would be fine. You could even put the arrow inside the search box on the right side so the layout doesn't change at all.

Edit: As suggested in the comments, making the magnifying glass that is already in the search box clickable would be good.

4 years ago*

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Do you want a submit button added to be able to search with the mouse?

View Results
Doesn't matter to me

ya i hate having to let go of my junk to hit enter

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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whats a euphemism? is that some type of ding dong holder

4 years ago

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What's a ding dong holder? Is that some type of willie stroker?

4 years ago

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^ this guy gets it

4 years ago

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Just make the magnifying glass icon clickable.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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That would be good. I didn't even know the magnifying glass was there because I have the magnifying glass button next to the game names manually blocked with an ad blocker because it's a feature I don't used. I would have no problem unblocking it if the one in the search bar was turned into an submit button.

4 years ago

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Is it not?!


What the hell?!


Well that's just poor design right there.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I have to wonder if that is why the symbol was originally placed there and it was just overlooked and accidentally not made clickable because it already says "search" in the box to let us know what the box is for, so the magnifying glass being added doesn't really serve a purpose.

4 years ago

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I think most of us have tried that, given that it's entirely normal for it to be clickable.
Well, normally I'm typing into the box anyway, so Enter works just fine but, in those occasions where I'm selecting and dragging into the box via mouse, it's rather irksome having to shift over to keyboard.

4 years ago

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It is also useful when you type only a few letters with your left hand and want to click the button in order to initialize a search. This way there's no need to let go of the mouse.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago

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There is an ESGST feature for it if that's helping you
Edit: Option 2.30 - make the magnifying glass clickable

4 years ago

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I don't use ESGST and would prefer to not have to install another script for such a simple feature, but having that feature in the script shows that other users are interested in having the button.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I use a script for a dark theme which ESGST probably has, but I have been using the same one for years and like it.

I use "steamgifts discussions enhanced" to do a few things. It allows me to sort the discussion by creation date which is now a feature of the site, but the site requires you to change the setting every time you go to the discussion which is really annoying since I never want to sort by last comment and I probably check the discussions for new threads about 15 or 20 times per day. It darkens threads I have already read to make it easier to see the new ones. It allows me to highlight threads so I can mark important ones that I want to check again. I think the highlighting feature is much more useful than the new bookmark feature that was added to the site. My browser has bookmarks with a steamgifts folder for that.

Even if ESGST has the search button feature I want, it should still be added to the site since it is a basic essential feature that all sites should have. This is a like an FPS game not giving you a mouse sensitivity option.

4 years ago

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esgst really has so many features. there are actually a few dark themes to choose from. i like "sg dark grey" by squishedpotatoe. almost every time somebody makes a suggestion, the common reply is "esgst has it". then there are many things it does that i didn't even know i wanted and aren't even mentioned in threads. you should check it out and see if it's something you'd want to continue using, you can always just delete it if you don't like it. i really couldn't imagine using sg without it.

4 years ago

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That's true, but it doesn't help when you're on phone

4 years ago

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Yeah, its a real hassle to let go of the mouse and click enter on your keyboard when you are on the phone :)

4 years ago

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roll eyes I'm speaking of ESGST which isn't on phone and is sure a hassle. There are things there I would love to be native such as the dark theme.

4 years ago

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lol, did you remove me from WL because I made a joke?

4 years ago

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You can use the on screen keyboard

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I thought it was available on all windows versions, my bad

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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my double bad (?

OP's problem seems to be that he's too lazy to get to his keyboard so I thought this would be useful for him

4 years ago

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You will be surprised how many people actually do this. For exactly the same reason described in topic - too lazy to reach keyboard.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Oh damn. I didn't notice it was a necroed thread. Sorry.

3 years ago

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There is an on screen keyboard in all Windows (at least back to XP), but that is not something I want to use just to be able to click a single button.

4 years ago

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I mean, it's two clicks (at least on W10) and you don't have to reach your keyboard for a single button I guess

4 years ago

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Well, seems "TURBO" may to be removed from the name

4 years ago

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Is there any OS that don't have onscreen keyboard?

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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4 years ago

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It seems like you only read the title. You definitely don't need to type anything to use the search. That is exactly why I want a button, because I often don't use the keyboard when searching.

4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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There must be a lot of weird users here then considering the poll results.

Edit: I guess I might be a little weird. Often I have come across this issue because of how I sometimes sit in my chair. I have one of those desks that has a pull out keyboard tray that is under the desk and one of those comfy leather office chairs with the arm rests that connect from the seat to the backrest. Sometimes I will lay sideways with my back flat on the seat of the chair, my legs going over one of the arm rests, and my head on the other arm rest. The chair needs to be close to the desk so I can reach the mouse when I sit like that and since the chair is so close I can't pull the keyboard tray out because it hits the chair and I have to fish my hand in under the desk to get to the enter key.

4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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If you try it, just don't fall asleep in that position. I have a couple times and your neck and back will not be happy when you wake up :)

4 years ago

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hmm, i wonder if something like a small bluetooth keyboard would solve your problem?

4 years ago

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This is the only site where I have an issue and it doesn't happen that often, so I don't want to have to go as far as getting another keyboard. It's not that big of a deal, it's just a simple feature that almost every site has, so I figured I would ask about having it added. I wouldn't be surprised if the magnifying glass on the right side of the search bar was originally meant to be a button and was just overlooked.

4 years ago

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This has bothered me numerous times as well. I'd love this to be implemented.

4 years ago

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I agree with you because I often want to search for something from my bed and thus - copy/pasting or dragging the words to the box does the trick, but then I gotta get out of bed and hit enter xD A QoL improvement, that's what it is.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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try asking here https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/TDyzv/
they tend to add stuff faster as all user scripts do

4 years ago

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I take it you didnt read any replies in this thread? :)

4 years ago

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nope :(
the topic is not for me but I thought i could help, so i left my 2c

4 years ago

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ESGST already has the feature, but I don't want to use another script for something so simple. It's a basic essential feature that every site should have which is why I think it should be added. There's already a little magnifying glass icon in the right side of the search box which seems like it was meant to be a button, but it isn't clickable.

4 years ago

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the thing is, rolling updates to the public takes time and loads of testing to make sure nothing breaks for everyone.
even if it looks simple on the surface. other tasks might be on high priority or the resources is limited to work on.
so you can wait for the site to add this feature (some script features were added to the site), or you can try user scripts where it fails its not failing for everyone

its still a valid feature request and i keep bumping it ^^

4 years ago

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I have no problem waiting, I just wanted to make a thread to make it know since I didn't see others talking about it and it has bothered me for a while.

4 years ago

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In windows 10 isn't there like an accessibility setting that allows you to bind keys to other buttons? Bind "Enter" to middle mouse click or if you have a gaming mouse, one of the other buttons?

4 years ago

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I only have left, right, and the scroll wheel. This is the only site I have an issue with, so I wouldn't want to dedicate the wheel click to enter just for this site. Also, I use the scroll wheel click constantly, it's probably my most used mouse button on this site.

  • click a link to open it in a new tab
  • click a tab to close it
  • click a blank spot in the tabs bar to open a new tab
  • click and hold on the page to scroll with the mouse
  • click and release on the page to lock the scroll with mouse feature
4 years ago

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6 month bump.
CG, can you just make the magnifying glass in the search boxes clickable so we can search with the mouse?

3 years ago

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In both Firefox and Chrome you can search any search bar from the address bar natively.
assign a keyword, use it and your term to search.

For a site that has no search you can still do it, use a custom Google search string limiting it to the domain you want.
check the search settings for the above.

For mouse only searches... There are a few plugins that can add this same function to the right click menu.
search for "right search click" & "right context menu". Both should give you examples of what you want.

I've been doing this for years on Firefox. But its an old ver. So I took a quick look for chrome.

Here is what I used just a min ago.

I can't vouch for it. I've only just tried it. Works fine with Steam Gifts.
If I am on any web page and want to see if any giveaways are happening for it. I can highlight the game name, right click and pick "Steam Gifts" from the menu. A search will popup in a new page with my results.

Custom string for the plugin search is the same as setting up a chrome search string for the address bar.

View attached image.
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3 years ago

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Honestly, those all sound way too complicated to submit a simple search in a search bar that is already part of the site. I would rather just push the enter key on the keyboard.

I just don't understand why there isn't a search button since there is already an icon in the search box that can be used as a button and it seems like a very simple thing to implement. A button to submit a search has been a fundamental part of searching on websites basically since the existence of searching.

3 years ago

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My explanation is the expanded version of what its doing, applicable to any website and search combo. Install the pugin, add the search engine to the plugin using the string I provided and your done.

While I agree that it should be clickable. I never noticed. My enter key is hit with my thumb and is habit. This lets you search from anywhere. No need to open Steamgifts first.

3 years ago

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I would rather just push the enter key on the keyboard.


3 years ago

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I know the enter button works, I was just saying that I would rather use the enter button instead of plugins and workarounds. That seems like a complicated solution for such a simple problem. I would still prefer to have a simple mouse clickable button instead of having to always use enter though.

3 years ago

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Yeah, understandable. But couldn't leave such a great opportunity go and not comment :D

3 years ago

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I'm supporting your request. It doesn't look complicated to integrate and is such a quality of life improvement. Copy pasting a term, clicking on the magnifying glass, have something searched. Convenient :)

3 years ago

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