Hi, so I want to make a my first puzzle train, but I'm struggling: how do you make, say a quizz, and want to reward the one who figured it out first, in terms of creating GA on SG?

For example I know you can choose Invite only as an option for the GA but it still bound by a timing and I'm not sure you can specifically credit the GA win to the winner of the puzzle.

Also what if I want to make a train? Should I post a second topic, can it be hidden or rather can I post a Invite only link to the GA on which would figure the puzzle and answers, but then again can the winner be chosen rather than being awarded randomly as with regular GAs? Or maybe do I have to use SGTools to be able to specifically award the winner?


8 years ago

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Itstoohard and make it first to solve it get a prize while the rest get a chance to enter the giveaway?

8 years ago

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For example I know you can choose Invite only as an option for the GA but it still bound by a timing and I'm not sure you can specifically credit the GA win to the winner of the puzzle.

If you want to give the game to one person only you can but it wont count towards your CV unless you have atleast 5 entries.

Edit : SGtools also provides a rule to have a maximum on entrants for the GA

8 years ago

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Okay, so say I create an invite only GA posted on the puzzle forum, but people provide their answer on the GA page. Does the GA always gets credited randomly or can I choose the winner of the puzzle? And CV is not important, at least for now as I'm more interested in making these puzzles

8 years ago

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The GA winner is always random. But I guess you can choose the winner of the puzzle yourself and only give him the link to the invite only GA.

8 years ago

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Also why do you want people to answer on the GA? You are doing it the wrong way around. You put the puzzle first and provide the GA link to the winner(s) of said puzzle. Not the other way around.

8 years ago

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Okay, so how do I set up the timing?

8 years ago

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Of the GA? on the GA creation site.

8 years ago

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No I meant...okay I get it, I'll just create the GA when there is a winner

8 years ago

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If you just want one winner then either give the game key (not as SG Giveaway) at the end of the puzzle or you put a link to a SG Tool check at the end of the puzzle which only one person can pass. Be aware that if he is not interested in the GA or already has the game still noone else will be able to enter the giveaway.

8 years ago

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I think I'll give the key away directly. Too bad there's no private message function on SG, would be convenient to contact winners.

8 years ago

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You can still use old GA's. I did that pretty often and it works well. Granted, that works only if the person has any old public giveaways at all. Also there is the chance that his ITH name and his SG name do not match up or he completed the puzzle anonymous.

8 years ago

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