So, I'm a PC gamer since I was young and I never thought about a game console, I mean, i have had some consoles like PS2 and Wii (also DSI) but PC was always my favorite.

I really wanna buy a PS4 or Xbox One but they are so fresh that I can not even decide which one I want (and do not wanna spent that much money in something that i dont know if i will like it) so i was thinking about buying some of the last generation and just play some games que was not released for PC and see if I really wanna to change to console.

Ps3 and Xbox 360 is cheap now so I want some advice about which one should I give a try? I also will use this console as a multimedia device for use Netflix for example.

So guys, what you think about it?


1 decade ago*

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the wii was the best last generation console, but i would go for the ps3 because it can play blurays.

1 decade ago

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They still selling the PS Move controls? My girlfriend love dance games and is also something really fun to play with friends in partys, the only problem is that I didn't found this bundles anymore...

1 decade ago

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You can always check a reatil store,they probably sell some used move controllers.

1 decade ago

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PS3 had better exclusive titles.

1 decade ago

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^ This

let's say the list of 360 exclusives is very narrow, part of them are avaible on pc too (alan wake, halo 1-2, gears of war 1, trials hd, and you can find a replacement for Forza really easily).

1 decade ago

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Let me tell you one advice.

"Buy console for games and not for it spec" Check what games are on both consoles and compare them, which one you want to play?

As for me I love my PS3, IMHO better pad. I just hate this little box for batteries in XBOX pad, it's not totally not

1 decade ago

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PS3. The 360 shared more of its exclusives with the PC. As well as that, many older models of the 360 tend to have more problems than PS3s, not that either system is without that chance.

1 decade ago

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Well... yes... but still there are little gems like Lost Odyssey that are only on XBOX :/

But ow well PS3 has better OS than XBOX. That "metro" thingy is just... bleeh

1 decade ago

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Oh, I agree it has some nice exclusives. I own Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon. Problem is, I just can't think of anything else exclusive that I care about, unlike the PS3 with stuff like Demon's Souls, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Valkyria Chronicles, the Ratchet & Clank series, the Yakuza series, etc.

Its quite unfortunate that I have a 360 rather than a PS3. However, since I can no longer access my 360 account, and Microsoft doesn't seem to care about helping me recover it, I'm currently trying to find a buyer for it. Hoping I can get someone looking for a Christmas present. Then, I will get a PS3.

1 decade ago

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Well it's not your fault for not being able to find other exclusives for XBOX.

XBOX versus PS3

And yeah Valkyria is must have for all PS3 users. And it seems dumdumdumdudmdum {fanfare) that we will get Tales Of Symphonia Remastered HD. Well but than again, I don't want to sound like a SONY-fan. So like I said he must check games on his own and decide.

1 decade ago

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So many hours on Blue Dragon! I never managed to fully level all my shadows either.
I havent had access to either console in over a year now, but when I did I much preferred the XBox. The only PS3 games I was interested in were Demon's Souls, Heavy Rain, and Eternal Sonata.

1 decade ago

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I think that PS3 Will be better, the only problem is that I love the 360 controller kkkkk
But how about the PS3 accessories like The move controller, they still selling? Is better than kinect?

1 decade ago

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I admit to not playing with the Move, but if the games for it are as enjoyable as the SingStar and EyeToy games for PS2, that would be a far better choice. And given the PS3 has support for a number of light gun games for it (some of which I own on the Wii), I would assume it will be good.

Kinect... Well, it has that Star Wars dancing game...

1 decade ago

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PS3 had a lot of interesting exclusives, and was, in my opinion, the better console last gen. I definitely recommend it. Getting new gen would be a mistake - best to wait until the prices actually go down.

As far as PS3 goes, there are tons of classics from previous generations up in PSN, so you know you won't be missing out on those games either.

1 decade ago

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Halo,Forza,Gears of War...

1 decade ago

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Sorry are you trying to say that choice is obvious cause you can play Halo, Forza and Gears of War?

Or are you saying that XBOX 360 is kinda limited to only those three?

Frankly speaking I have no idea what you tried to say. Try writing comment that has more than 5 words...

1 decade ago

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Not limited to those three but everyone should try them in my opinion...I am not supporting only buying one console and go with it but its your choice.I have both PS3,Xbox 360 and Wii and Xbox comes a bit heavier in my opinion but also PSN+ is giving nice free games so its up to you...

1 decade ago

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controller wise xbox is FAR superior to ps3. i have both an xbox and a ps one for some games on the pc, and boy does that xbox one outperform the playstation one. it just fits way better in your hand, the playstation controller is way too small. So xbox would be a lot more comfortable to game on.

but the playstation console is better, so i would go with that.

1 decade ago

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Hmm I can't agree with you... well maybe it is matter of anatomical issues like different hand shape or something like this, ya? I find XBOX 360 pad totally uncomfortable, my hands just don't fit right. This bloody little box for batteries at the back of pad was IMHO crazy idea that destroys everything that Microsoft did right designing front side. Where are you supposed to keep your fingers?

But maybe it is just matter of personal liking …
De gustibus non est disputandum

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by nanmandian.