It's been way too long since I've seen a good, old-fashioned space combat game, and this looked cool! Headed by the same guy that did SW: Galactic Battlegrounds.

It's still in the early stages and not coming out until August 2013 though. :P Threw some money their way anyway.

Starlight Inception is a realistic and relevant 1st person / 3rd person free-roaming space combat experience. It has a unique blend of action with an involving storyline. Features include ship based combat both in space and on planets and moons, interplanetary exploration, and multiplayer dogfighting.

  • DRM-free digital download on PC or digital download through the Playstation Store for Sony Playstation Vita

  • Dramatic and realistic storyline: Players will experience an enveloping space saga with a deep and involving story that spans the solar system.

  • Richly detailed: Rich detail will show from the capital ships, environments, space fighters, transports to explosions.

  • Space action: Action in space and over the surface of planets and moons. Fly over a planet’s atmosphere then swoop down over surface vehicles and troops for a visceral experience both at high and low altitudes.

  • Camera perspective: Switchable 1st and 3rd person cameras let the player tailor the game experience to their own liking.

  • Lots of stuff to do: Blow up stuff with the most advanced fighters known to man, salvage destroyed vessels for cool stuff, defend your ship against incoming marauders, locate and destroy ground targets, blow up more stuff...

1 decade ago*

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If it plays anything like freespace/wing commander did then this game will be awesome.

1 decade ago

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if somenone could make something like infinity engine would be awesome. (epic space-planet transition)

1 decade ago

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This is a dead genre??? If so, why and how? Who decided this? Space combat is awesome! Whoever decided the genre is dead is a moron and should be horse-whipped accordingly.

1 decade ago

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If this game is anywhere as good as Freespace sign me up.

1 decade ago

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I might as well start getting into kickstarter they provide people with what looks like good indie and other games by the feedback :P

1 decade ago

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Can't help but be turned off by this from an indie.

"Pleadge $30 ... all launch DLC ..."

So at $15, you get an incomplete game. Even at $30, you can already look forward to needing more DLC in the future.

1 decade ago

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"NOTE: All launch DLC is currently listed as a $30 pledge. We've decided to give this to every backer at a $15 pledge level or above. And so that we don't diminish the value of the $30 tier, we are going to give all future DLC to pledges at that level or above (excluding the Special Promotion items)."

1 decade ago

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Well, that is a good improvement. Still, zero day or launch DLC is still quite an "ugly word" to me. One of my big hopes with Kickstarter is that it enables developers to do better than, and not do the bad shit, that notorious publishers typically do. Whether it is overreacting or not, all that DLC talk in this project is giving me some pause.

1 decade ago

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Fair enough. I'm not a huge fan of DLC either, but it's been way too long since I heard of or played a game like this, and I am a big fan of space combat, so I feel compelled to support something like this even if it means having to put up with a little DLC. It makes me want to break out X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter again.

1 decade ago

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Looks cool! Thanks for sharing :>

Also really like the devs who do this

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by ethanpd.