Well, i finally realized that i had the 14.5 drivers installed and AMD "just" released 15.4 beta drivers. Yep, beta is beta but i still decided to update. Opening the new CCC i found some new options and i have no clue what are those things for. Should i play with those? I'm not really that awesome at that kind of stuff. First time in my life when i heard about GPU Aperture.

So yeah, can someone please explain to me what are those? Should i disable my dual graphics thingy and increase/decrease that slider?

Screenshot here: http://i.imgur.com/S79KNuZ.jpg

Also some keys.

Gun metal

Street Racing Syndicate.


9 years ago

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thank you, after more than 2 min nobody took 9IEQV-99K2J-BC5TF .... ninjas so slow.

GPU eats more power than the APU, this means if you use your APU for non heavy stuff like multimedia you will be saving power. If I understand correctly that option.

i don't have this option on my Catalyst with same version, because my processor is just CPU, not APU.

9 years ago*

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All the keys have been ninja'ed.
As for the settings: Never seen anything like that either. I wouldn'T change anything yet. Maybe check AMD forums first or review sites.

9 years ago

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