So, about a month ago I reported someone because I noticed that they regifted something. Today I noticed that the same person regifted something yet again. Should I report this person again with a separate request, add something to the first request, or neither? Should they just already be on support's radar now? I somewhat think the person simply doesn't understand the rules, so I thought about talking to the user, but if they are intentionally breaking the rules, it's really not a confrontation I would look forward to having (I prefer to leave things up to the authorities and retain my shiny, happy version of SG).

Any suggestions?

EDIT: I wanted to clarify that I basically do not want to annoy the support members if it isn't necessary, since they're awesome and I know policing this site (And STrades for any that do both) is probably incredibly taxing.

(also several edits because I can't spell right after waking up)

1 decade ago*

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Bump the original ticket with a mention of the second regift.

1 decade ago

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Add the new info as a reply to your other ticket.

1 decade ago

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What this guy said

1 decade ago

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Like I know what I'm talking about

1 decade ago

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Thanks so much! That's all I needed to know :D

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by rickjamesia.