• I am a GoW fanboy
  • Back in the day I used to play scrims with pro MLG players from the US and Europe and no game since has given me the same sense of team work and strategy.
  • I am curious to see how many members here on steamgifts.com that are interested in Gears of War coming to PC.
  • I am considering creating a private Gears of War Steam group where I will make regular pre-release giveaway's up until it's launch once Steam has a store page for it. Probably it will be a bi-monthly event or maybe two copies every calender month.


  • I will add some links here if anyone needs answers to any questions.

PC Gamer Announcement

Gears of War: Ultimate Edition Tips & Tricks #1 - Movement Fundamentals
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition Tips & Tricks #2 - Lancer, Gnasher, Snub, Smoke
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition Tips & Tricks #3 - Power Weapons

8 years ago

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Gears of War Ultimate Edition coming to PC

View Results
WTF is Gears of War?
Love the franchise - this is good news
Fuck Gears of War and more importantly - F U C K Y O U ! ! !

I had the games on my 360 and played them all by myself and in coop in most difficulties. I loved the wingman mode.
It was hard af since this game really requires some skill but hell, I had great times with it.
Not sure if I want to buy it for PC again tho. Not really that much into multiplayer anymore.

Will it be that ultimate edition thing with all the games? Probably gonna be around 60 bucks, right?

8 years ago

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The learning curve is pretty steep to be honest and I can understand people having difficulty mastering it although even at lower skill levels it is really fun if you don't mind dying a lot.
It is the original game remastered for current hardware providing 4K resolutions and cross platform gaming between Windows 10 users and Xbox One users.
The pricing is quite inviting at $39.99, ÂĢ29.99 and ₮39.99.

8 years ago

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I remember watching Gears of WAAGH a while back. Pretty sure there is some gay porn that's less homoerotic.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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As you can tell I'm eager to watch some more! :D

8 years ago

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When you play co-op with a friend and both of you are running, the grunting noises you both make does sound like a severe bumming session. Not that I know what a severe bumming session sounds like, obviously : )

8 years ago

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Not even for "research"? XD

But yeah, the choices of noises is rather unfortunate. Though might have something to do with the female writers for the game (no joke, one of the main writers is Karen Traviss who tends to have a lot of rape mentioned.)

8 years ago

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Yeah Karen Traviss is the author of the books I believe and apparently can only cum anally : )

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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We have met before for sure : )

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Yeah hopefully, I think it will. PC community seem to be more mature imho.

8 years ago

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I must confess I did play once and it was like being on a typical US Army base.

"Hello, are there any adults around here?"

8 years ago

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like the HALO franchise, most of their games are console exclusives, and hell will freeze before i play a shoter with a controller =P.

8 years ago

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Its keyboard & mouse, so you got no excuse. I would love to see the new Halo come to PC, it looks sick.

8 years ago

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Unless they fail to make dedicated servers or update netcode lol.

8 years ago

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Its dedicated servers but even though they promise dedicated servers I don't believe them. Gears 3 was dedicated servers for the first few months and then back to shitty p2p hosting.

8 years ago

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That can make or break a game unfortunately.

8 years ago

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Which is why CSGO, TF2 and DOTA are so successful I suppose. Nobody likes a dirty host.
Host advantage is ridiculous for Gears on Xbox.

8 years ago

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I think they are honestly popular due to being able to make dosh on those games, not because the said games are any good.

Still find it funny there's games from 1999 that have better netcode and better tickrate than games today.

8 years ago

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I agree TF2 isn't any good and to be honest CSGO is starting to bore me. But they're online quality feels pretty smooth for me most of the time and a lot of people still play these games, if online quality was shite I doubt many people would still play them.
Generally it is about how many calls are made on the engine.
So a simple game with simple and few calculations will normally have a much better response between players.
The problem is Gears isn't a simple game and there are a lot of calls made, although playing Gears of War 3 on dedicated servers was really impressive with very little ping between the players and the server. The problem was we were region restricted so if we played with a friend from a different region you were almost certainly fucked.

8 years ago

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I think it's great that more games are coming to PC but I have no interest in Gears of War.
I don't know very much about it and from the outside it looks like an over the top macho shooter. :s
Not exactly something that would gain my interest.

So... what makes this series so amazing? :)

8 years ago

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actually I don't know how to answer your question and I suppose "because it is" wont suffice.

8 years ago

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Okay then. :s
Guess I'll just take your word for it.

8 years ago

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I don't know if I would say it's amazing but it's a high quality 3rd person shooter with some really nice gore and tight controls. Horde mode was really fun co-op with friends but I don't think they are adding it in this Ultimate Edition. The original part 1 did not have it. They really should have added it though.

8 years ago

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I am a GoW fanboy


8 years ago

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Lmao, you can stick Playstation in you're ass two times, yes two Playstations the same time : )

8 years ago

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Well hey, YOU said GoW :P

8 years ago

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God of War does look amazing tho, never got to play it : (

8 years ago

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They ARE really good games, Kratos is a muhphuggin beast, his moves are epic, and you get little sex mini-games too :D

8 years ago

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Must get to play it sometime : )

8 years ago

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I'd rather have God of War than Chest High Walls the Game.

8 years ago

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Or "one inch step in the terrain means you can't pass" syndrome.

That has all ways been a pet peeve of mine, seeminly easy to pass terrain becomes impassable because bad programmers or intended.

Seriously, how can a crack in the ground that raises one side of a sidewalk 1 inch become impassable? ~~grumble

Or in may other games, a chair or table is in the way.... and your life totally depends on you getting to the other side... hello, you know you can climb over that right? (or in some cases involving tables... crawl under)

8 years ago

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No potato or banana option in the poll? =(

8 years ago

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They on holiday making Banatato babies : )

8 years ago

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Yes, I wanna see the Minions movie too!

But, them minions do not shoot and dive for cover like the GOW series guys do.

8 years ago

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do we know PC requirements for the upcoming game?
never played them but I used watch gameplay which got me into cover based shooter ghost recon phantoms...first game on steam.
really like cover based TPS..

8 years ago

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Same here dude, I love cover based combat.
I am not sure about hardware requirements but hopefully it will be well optimised across the entire spectrum.
I would imagine if you wanted to play in 4K then you would obviously need upwards of 6gb available vram to play on a single single screen at hopefully 60fps,
I know the developers are experimenting with global illumination so if you wanted to experience this then you would need a DX12 based GPU.
I believe a PC release date will be announced around the release date of the console version which is August the 25th or was that the 15th I forget. The PC version is expected this fall but there isn't anything official right now.

8 years ago

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"Gears of War coming to PC"
GoW is already on PC years ago, I beat it. Now if they are putting out the rest of the series on PC, I'd like to check out the rest of the games too. GoW Ultimate appears to not be a collection though, just the first game only AGAIN.

Kind of like if MS rolled up and said "hey We're bringing Halo back to PC, the remaster editions from Xbox One!'
"Oh, but just Halo 1 and 2 that were released on PC before. None of the rest. Enjoy!"

"Back in the day I used to play scrims with pro MLG players "
I can just never take anyone seriously that plays a shooter with aim assist (console games).

8 years ago*

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It's a remastered version, I never played the original on PC.
I have no idea if they would recreate the other two games for PC or even Gears of War Judgement but I would definitely be interested in playing them if they did.
I think because Microsoft bought out the franchise from Epic Games and Microsoft's push to cross platform Windows 10 users with Xbox One users there is a likelihood that Gears of War 4 will come to PC sometime next year.

"I can just never take anyone seriously that plays a shooter with aim assist".
As for aim assist I believe this to be experimental with each update released for each of the games, there is definitely assists to chainsawing and melee strikes, as for power weapons there was never any aim assist at all ever.
I believe there were aim assist for the gnasher shotgun at close range in some of the later games but to be honest aim assist in Gears of War is rarely moaned about.
But to be fair there have been so many changes to the mechanics of Gears of War since it first release it is hard to pinpoint a definitive opinion to aim assist overall.
I'm just glad to see they have gone back to their roots and refined the original mechanics that are undoubtedly the most balanced and preferred among fans.

8 years ago

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Weird poll options. How about it's interesting news but I have never played any of the games.

8 years ago

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Could come under WTF is Gears of War, maybe.

8 years ago

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I guess so. Although I'm aware of the games and have read about them.

8 years ago

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I don't care about GoW, but I'm glad to see game communities growing larger. I want all games to be on all platforms. :)

8 years ago

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I agree : )

8 years ago

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My only experience with GoW is through this thing. Would be interesting to see the thing that it is based on.

8 years ago

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Damn, never knew about the board game, looks interesting.

8 years ago

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It is actually quite nice. Some people don't like the "wounds" mechanics, where the cards you use for actions also represents how many hits you can take (so when you're hit, you discard cards), but I think it's actually a clever way of representing the regenerating health of modern shooters (you draw cards at the start of your turn), while at the same time introducing some more tactical elements to the game. And the models are excellent, though there is one big flaw in regards to them: I can't tell the player characters apart as they are all burly men with shainsaw-guns.

8 years ago

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Some of my friends play table top games similar to this so maybe I will pick it up for us to try out thanks for letting me know dude

8 years ago

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i don't really care too much, despite buying the xbox for gears of war, got the gears of war 2 bundle plus the classic edition of the first :p

The first chapter was already available on pc, I remember trying it.

8 years ago

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It was the first game I played on Xbox 360 back in 2006, quite a while ago. Gears 2 was meh and Gears 3 was a big improvement on the Gears 2 but my all time favourite is the original so I am pretty hyped at how it has been improved for next gen.

8 years ago

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I've still to play gears 3, I've judgment as well, I've started it but since it's a direct sequel I've stopped playing it witing to find the 3° for under 10₮ :D

8 years ago

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Judgement is okay but my preference is in order.
1 - Gears of War
2 - Gears of War 3
3 - Gears of War 2
4 - Gears of War Judgement

8 years ago

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I don't know man, It seems that this game will ONLY work on Windows 10. I have Windows 7 and i'm really fan of GOW series but, I don't wanna downgrade to windows 10, just to play this game :/

8 years ago

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I hope it it works on your OS but I think Windows 10 is for cross platform. I doubt they would limit it to just Windows 10.

8 years ago

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I know Gears of War purely by rep. And I'm excited simply because I'm excited anytime a reputable console exclusive finally makes it's way to the PC. I won't be the first in line...in fact given shooters aren't my first love I'll probably wait for a sale where I can get it for less than $10. But I definitely will get it.

8 years ago

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$10 sale, that would be awesome for everyone : )

8 years ago

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It will happen eventually. :)
And I'm amped, but not amped enough that I can't wait until that time.

8 years ago*

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Meh. I owned 1 & 2 on the 360. Could never get into the multiplayer as host advantage always ruined the game.

8 years ago

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True host advantage was a serious problem

8 years ago

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so, does that mean GOW 2-3 gonna come to PC too?

8 years ago

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Probably not, it be cool if they did.
Most likely Gears 4 will come to PC

8 years ago

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i though when dev said it's too much of a task remaking all 3 games at once, that's also mean they will come to PC eventually...

8 years ago

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Possibly, I would love to see that. probably depends on the response the get from PC gamers.

8 years ago

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Have they confirmed for steam yet? or will it be some weird win10 store thing?

8 years ago

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I'm not entirely sure but if I were them it would seem like the most logical way to distribute it.
I'm hoping I can use Win 7 or 8.1 I'm not too sure about Win 10 at the moment, a friend has been using the beta with version no problems playing games. I know you need Win 10 to play cross platform which would be pretty shitty if this is the only OS we can use.

8 years ago

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Ehhh,. was happy when i seen these titles coming to the PC, but what scaress me are the rumors of poopy GFWL 2.0 being introduced )#=

Hopefullly, it's just an icky rumor

8 years ago

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Fuck that, I don't want no GFWL crap, I never had a problem with GFWL myself but it has stopped me playing alongside my friends because of the problems they had with it.

8 years ago

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I've already played Gears of War 1 on PC, I don't understand why are we getting the same game again. Why not port GoW2 + 3 instead?

8 years ago

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Fair comment, it's just remastered with visual improvements and animations and a renewed multiplayer system with dedicated servers.
It is almost 10 years old and will most likely set the precedence for Gears of War 4 in 2016.

8 years ago

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I know what it is but never played it. Where's that option?

8 years ago

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I don't know, on purpose : )

8 years ago

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GoW has already been on PC. Remastering really doesn't mean much to me given the entire thing was a pretty bland affair.

8 years ago

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Fair comment

8 years ago

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i remember the constant crashes, lost progress, and that system date bug that made impossible to play it.
that's MS and G4WL, it was "cool".

8 years ago

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Ahahahaha those were the days : )

8 years ago

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I never played any of the Gears of War, but I heard a lot about it so I'll give it a try.
Thanks for the information :)

8 years ago

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