Hello. I've tried to find out when the summer sale begins but a lot of websites are giving me different dates.
1.Is it gonna start on 23th of June 2016?
2.How long will it last?
3.If a game get a discount, will the discount lower or disappear the next day? or will it be on sale till the end of summer sale?

[b]Long Version:[/b] I started a 2nd account because on this one i have about 225 games, from which i only played and liked about 20 or even less. The others were for Trading Cards. On my new account i want to buy CSGO and Skyrim LE and other games that i will actually play.
[b]TL;DR:[/b] Just added funds on 2nd account. Cant trade/selll/buy on market. Damn it, till 20june at least.

5.I might come with a new question later :(.

Thank you in advance :)
Happy Summer Sale 2016 by the way. :steamhappy:

8 years ago

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Well... for Skyrim, you can wait for Definitive Edition... it will be announced on E3... unfortunately...

8 years ago

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why should i wait for it? I want to buy the game while its on summer sale cuz its going to be -75% off. Cant afford it if its more than 7.5 euro lol.
Anyway, the definitive edition wasnt supposed to be only for consoles? or even so, doesnt it include just some "fixes" for the graphics or something? There are plenty of mods to do that. Anyway, i like the game as it is now. Im just tired of the cracked version :(.

8 years ago

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LOL, I misunderstood the news xP

8 years ago

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Definitive will also be for Steam, but you get a free upgrade if you own Skyrim+all DLC

7 years ago

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Why? You're most likely going to end up paying full price for a $5 game for graphics upgrades that mods have put in that game years ago.

8 years ago

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All I know regarding the date is that it will be in June (probably). As for the prices, I'm pretty sure they stay the same, they don't raise the price the next day or something like that. The summer sale is the best time to get Skyrim since it goes on sale for like 5 dollars! Have fun at the sale!

8 years ago

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$5 for Legendary Edition?! :D what

8 years ago

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I think so? I know its super duper cheap

8 years ago

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rip bought on g2a for lke 15$ and havent even touched it. possible wont ever either dont kill me

8 years ago

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Give yourself a favour and bookmark https://isthereanydeal.com/

8 years ago

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can i secretly hate you at least? D:

8 years ago

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i guess, i just cant get into like ive tried multiple times but i dont see what people love. l

8 years ago

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have you tried modding it? I experienced the same thing as you. The vanilla graphics (although i added the "high resolution" texture packs from LE) kinda killed the thing for me, also the fact that if i wanted to "try" the game again, i always had to do the same first quests, which were boring to do for 5th,6th,7th time againnnn... A friend of mine introduced me to skyrim & mods. I dont regret anything. I already have about 20 mods on the cracked version. I'm not even playing it anymore now because i want to buy the game, and add even more mods. Cant wait for the discount. :D
for mods you should go to nexusmods. Search it on google :). You can also use youtube to check out some nice mods, the most played, etc. If the graphics bother you, remember there are plenty of tweaks you can do to turn poorly pixelated skyrim into Witcher 3 graphics-like at the cost of your Videocard.

8 years ago

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my gpu is almost under the requirements. so play at 720p max textures with high res and my vram as almost maxed out . when it comes to modding i added a bunch before to change some stuff but it still wasnt fun it felt like almost a choir. i play games like dark souls and i love the combat in that but with skyrim i the combat feels slow and clunky to the point im like this is really dumb. the story never hooked me in like other games ive played . there seem to be no redeeming feature that hooks me, even though i love medieval and well dragons are cool as shit

8 years ago

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i know it seems boring sometimes. I added about 20 mods and changed the difficulty. Always playing on Master-Legendary. It brings somehow a challenge! On Legendary you can feel some of Dark Souls difficulty, but still, you cannot compare those 2 masterpieces :). If you add me i can give you a couple of names for some nice mods.

8 years ago

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im probably gonna wait till i get a better pc to even try playing again.

8 years ago

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-75% is the lowest it ever went. that'd be 7.5 Euros.

8 years ago

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Ah right, its probably 10 to 15 dollars then because I think it costs about 30 or 40 dollars regularly.

8 years ago

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  1. There's no official confirmation, but it should held true, as they just added the mistery cards, and the sales usually start 14 days after that:
  2. It'll most likely last two weeks:
  3. The discounts will mostly last from the first to the last day of the sale, but some publishers might decide to do otherwise (like Ubisoft last Winter),
    • anyway, they'll stay the same throughout the sale, as Valve ditched the ideo of "flash sales";
  4. the cards are always added exactly 14 days before the sale, but only Valve knows why...

I'm not sure why you'd need a second account, you could just ignore the games you don't like (or even remove them).
Anyway, should you win some giveaways here, be sure to activate your wins on the Steam account linked to Steam Gifts,

  • and please, don't even think about making another Steam Gifts account, because they would both be banned.
8 years ago

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About my 2nd account... i feel like this account isnt even mine. I mean i have 225 games and, as i said, i never played about 200 of them. Deleting them would be .. idk.. weird and keeping them feels unfair somehow... I already added 5 euros funds on the other acc....
What would u do if u were in my place? Keep the main account? and do what with it. Really I'll do whatever u say right now.

8 years ago

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I understand your feeling, as half of my library is filled with free or bundled games that I'll probably never touch...
But at this point, I stopped worrying about that, and I'll just continue with this account.
Now, when I get uninteresting games from bundles, I just make giveaways here, and that's the main reason why I registered!

As for your situation, you could just keep your older account as main, and use your new one to farm cards from free games.

8 years ago

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Thank you senpai <3 Too bad i already added 5 euros on 2nd account >.> F*CK

8 years ago

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You can use those 5€ to buy a gift for your primary account, it won't be subjected to trade holds if you use the "send" function.

8 years ago

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Keep the account, having multiple ones is a hassle, I have a ton of games that were given away for free that I don't like and probably won't play, not to mention the massive backlog (I don't really play games very fast, even from my wins here I haven't played most of them YET), but my personal opinion, keep the account.

8 years ago

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Summer sale lasts about 9-10 days.

8 years ago

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& it takes 15days to trade cards hmm

7 years ago

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What I want to know is what use are the cards when there's a 7-day hold on them?? I don't have an iPhone, so I can't do the unlock :\

8 years ago

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The hold actually lasts 15 days, and that happens both for trading and market listings.
The only things you can do with mistery cards are:

  1. using them to make badges;
  2. trading them to someone who's been your Steam friend for at least 1 year
    • the hold is only 1 day in that case;
  3. ignoring them.
8 years ago

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crush them for gems :)

8 years ago

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Ohh, I didn't realize that the hold was only 1 day for certain friends! Thank you so much for the info~!

8 years ago

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wait you can't sell on the market now without hold?

7 years ago

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You can sell, but if you don't have the Steam mobile authenticator your market listings will be held, just like trades.

7 years ago

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that sucks should be able to do it over the steam app or email or something

7 years ago

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  1. Not confirmed, though likely to be;
  2. 11 days. Up to two encore days may be included in these.
  3. Flash sales don't work anymore due to the refund system, so it would be your first option
  4. We're two weeks away from the sale (likely)
8 years ago

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thank you :)

8 years ago

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