Yeah. I've gotten bored with all the other Genre so I need your opinion and suggestion.
So far these are my choices currently:
Elite Dangerous: Commander Deluxe Edition I feel like this was a higher choice due to the amount of exploration I can do.<--Officially Bought This
Starpoint Gemini Warlords Since this one has large base combat and exploration. <--Officially Bought This
EVERSPACE™ This... somehow in the neutral since someone told me you can literally complete the game in less than an hour?
No Man's Sky Well, I heard that it has improved by now content wise.
Descent: Underground Looks interesting but somethings not right.
Space Pirates And Zombies 2 Looks a bit like Starpoint.
X Rebirth Is... Is this good because I hear peoples PC getting killed but it looks nice.
House of the Dying Sun Not sure how much content this one last.
Evochron Legacy Somehow also looks interesting.

NO!! I am NOT going for Star Citizen if anyone is going to suggest that.

6 years ago*

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Add Evochron Legacy to your list.

6 years ago

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Oh wow, how did that hide in the radar

6 years ago

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It's made by one guy with no PR department. I played quite a bit of the previous one, Evochron Mercenary. Long before Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen, etc., Evochron had planet landings, space station building and you can pilot a mech on the surface of planets. It doesn't have the graphics of the big budget AAA games, but it's fun and in some aspects more realistic.

6 years ago

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huh. wonder why people never notice it yet they think NMS was the 1st ._.

6 years ago

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It has a cult like following. It's also available DRM free from the the official site, as well as a demo.

6 years ago

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WHY do you want to play one of these games? - you seem to be choosing graphics over gameplay!
the X series i generally considered superior in its (infinitely cheaper) X3 setting.
Starpoint Gemini 2 was free recently (and thus cheap as a whole in sales right now)
SPAZ 1 was decent enough - havent heard good things about #2

so... tell us what you look for in a game, why you maybe want to play them, and so on, otherwise you will maybe buy something you hate and hex the "genre"

6 years ago

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I need something to go out of Stress and avoid gaming block of other genres.
While the ones i did suggest looks like graphics over gameplay, I also want something new and fresh to relax around.
While I did enjoy SG2, the SGW seems to be a bigger and improvement to my taste but needs more input.
SPAZ 2 really? Since it looks more the ability to control the ship.

Overall I just need a fresh new genre to play.

6 years ago

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okay then. "what genres are you normally playing / bored of?" may be a clearer request and a quicker result to your conundrum.

6 years ago

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Lets see..So far the only Genre i'm still interested is anything related to MMO/RPG.
I got bored with FPS and Fighting Arcade atm.
At least realism I'm bored but nothing on the SciFi/Fantasy/Space Genre.

6 years ago

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Eve Online? ;)

6 years ago

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Nevah XD

6 years ago

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I tried to like X3 but it really didn't offer a clear course of progression or any immediate way to understand how the world operated, which led to floundering at the starting point of the game and feeling unfulfilled until the point of giving up. I remember scooting through space towards various points of interest only to find I couldn't interact with them, or simply couldn't interpret what it wanted me to do to initiate contact. A whole lot of "maybe if I go to this place, I can do something" and then reaching the destination and finding no interaction.

A lot of people seemed to really like it, but I wasn't alone in how lost if left me feeling. It could really benefit from more in-depth guidance or tutorial material.

I would advise X3 only if the OP is very patient and not looking to jump straight into the 'game'.

6 years ago

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Is it easy to understand it if its as simple as Pre mech Warriors control which utilized the entire keyboard as what Elite Dangerous is doing?

6 years ago

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I'm not familiar with Elite Dangerous (even though I own it, backlog lol), nor Mechwarriors control schemes, but I do recall X3 had a ton of keyboard shortcuts. If I'm not mistaken, you could do a ton of it just using the mouse through a bunch of menus, but it's been years since I even poked at X3 so I'll defer to Sachys on this one. Sorry I couldn't be more help, my memory is awful. :p

Plus I get a big feeling it's a marmite kind of game, where people either love it or hate it, with few people who are neutral. Might be worth digging into the steam reviews to get a broader scale of opinions (filter by positive/negative to see the common praise and complaints)?

6 years ago

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About Elite Dangerous, it isn't so good as it seems... I would recommend only if you get ED - Horizons too; but be aware, the grind is real!!! About X Rebirth... If you don't mind a badly optimized game that offers less than it's predecessors you can get it without fear. I tend to agree with the X 3- Terran conflict/Albion Prelude idea; it's old and not perfect but it was widely modded and you have really a plenty of options to play. Starpoint Geminy 2 is good too.

6 years ago

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I got SPG2 and SPG:W now ^^

As for ED+ED:H, I love the grinding because it gives me a goal XD

6 years ago

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Well, if grinding isn't a problem then maybe ED is your best choice since Star citizen isn't an option. The game seems shallow after some time, but you like to explore and ED have a lot of places to explore, you only need patience to find interesting places. Read some tutorials from players before start and good luck. An interesting update is coming to Horizons soon.

6 years ago

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I bet I'll find piloting the ship easy and breezing the tutorial XD
What I hate the most in Space Sim is Landing it XD

6 years ago

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Then you'll have some problems in ED... ¬¬; Landing a ship can sometimes be harder than fight with it. ^^; Try to land An Anaconda in a 4G planet. xD

6 years ago

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XD Haha, I'm sure I'll do well...
Wonder how much the repair for poor landing cost XD

6 years ago

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It depends in how much dmg you take and what ship you're using; a disastrous landing with my Anaconda can cost me 20 + million... Luckily i only had one disastrous landing since i bought it. ^^;

6 years ago

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Check some YT-Reviews about Everspace... the info you got is wrong, pretty good game...

6 years ago

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+1, haven't tried it myself but my friends love it and I watch them play it.

6 years ago

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Huh. Went and saw TotalBiscuit video about it. Gonna check.

6 years ago

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+1 I haven't played it - I heard of it and I believe (could be wrong) these are the same people (or they have the same people) that worked on the Galaxy Of Fire series on the mobiles game and for a cheap mobile space game it was pretty good, so if you ever tried the Galaxy on Fire games you could maybe like it.

6 years ago

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Because you know... Space

6 years ago

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lol not that kind.

6 years ago

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I expected deep space waifus. I'm disappoint.

6 years ago

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You can play it with loli sounds in background... done!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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price will be dropping after steam sales. dont buy it now!

6 years ago

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I saw the dumb move the Publisher did but increasing the Price whilst ignoring GDP+Regional pricing.
They have reverse it but the Original/Drop price will return back to normal after the Summer Sale.
They literally lost a lot of customers for this Sale.

6 years ago

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What is with this thing I keep seeing plaguing all of the paradox games on the reviews? to my knowledge It didn't look like the price increased since for me it was 39.99 before the sale?

Or was it, they just increased the price for different regions other than USA where I am from?

6 years ago

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They think its Justified to ignore Regional Pricing and GDP and try to increase all the country to match equal to the USA GDP Pricing.
This in itself is unjustified as no only the base game price was increase and more expensive but also poorly executed right before the summer sale.
They think USD $1 = $1 to every other country which is not true.

They have reverse the price increase and apologized but the price change will take effect after the Summer Sale.
Officially they have lost a lot of consumers for the summer sale as noone is going to buy the games currently since its based price even with the summer sale is officially expensive and increase until after summer sale.

6 years ago

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nicely summed up.

6 years ago

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Atm :P Bethesda and Scamtivision are currently ignoring Regional Pricing and GDP

6 years ago

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I got that and its a Real Time Simulation.
Clocked in 400+ hours since Launch.

6 years ago

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This game was on my discovery queue today Universal Sandbox 2

6 years ago

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Huh, not my type sadly.
Think I'll get a headache learning Physics and aerodynamics and Mathematics XD
I'll add on the wishlist though.

6 years ago

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This probably won't be up you're ally since most of the games you have listed are 3d, but there's this one game. It's a top down 2d space simulation game that's more or less like Elite. You get a ship and you can explore space and do whatever it is you want to do. Trade, pirate, join different factions, ect.

It's called EV Nova and it has a free trial here. I've recently discovered a game inspired by it on Steam here too and it looks quite promising.

6 years ago

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Sadly not my style :S

6 years ago

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Dead Space - Horror, in space. Sorry, but I hate space\spaceship genre.

6 years ago

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I've completed the Dead Space Series on the console.

6 years ago

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Even the mobile version on phones before it got removed, and the prequel on the Wiiu? Well then I got nothing...Aside from Warframe I guess, doesn't happen in space all the time though, but sometimes. But I guess you want a genre to do very much alot with space and not shooting or whatever from a person's perspective....You could try EVE Online and you'd be set for life.

6 years ago

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hell no on EVE. I already lost so much ISK on my 5x Jackdaws, 10x Corax, 2x Covetor, 1x Naga and x3 Caracal.
(Yes Im a Caldari lover)

6 years ago

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Ah...Could have mentioned that before....I mean, does it have to be space? How about flash games, tug of war, sidescrollers, beat em ups, vehicle combat arcade racing, RTS, tower assault, survival games, browser games, isometric RPGs, rouge likes, roleplay servers in various games, fighting games etc? If not interested, then I can't help further...P.s. no idea what those things are you named. And if anything, you SHOULD look forward to it, if you're not a grandma by the time it comes out, it will be a game everyone will know and love for hundreds for years to come.

6 years ago

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I want to take advantage of the Steam Summer Sale :P

6 years ago

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Get Starbound instead

6 years ago

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I could just use terarria for that XD

6 years ago

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I own both, they both focus on different things...

6 years ago

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The Away Team is good if you like text-based games.

6 years ago

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huh, since its cheap, i might just add it to the cart.

6 years ago

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Have you tried the Mass Effect trilogy?

6 years ago

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Yep. Completed that on the Console also.

6 years ago

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The Mass Effect Trilogy is the space game of all time and it's on sale right now.

ME1 is mostly about the Great Unknown. (Steam sale)
ME2 is mostly about Character Development & Team Building. (also Steam & in deluxe set sale)
ME3 is mostly about Fate & Sacrifice. (Origin only but also includes multiplayer and is often on sale via Green Man Gaming, etc)

All ME can be played as male or female, gruff or compassionate and you can romance or abstain from male, female and/or alien relationships both platonic and carnal.

You can also play them in everything from Narrative Difficulty (story choices have real consequences but combat is trivial) to Insanity Difficulty (any action mistake is probably your last)

You can even play your character though all of them. Choices from ME1 can have consequences in ME3.

There are mods to bring the graphics up to modern expectations and a follow-up in a new Galaxy (Mass Effect: Andromeda) in a more modern style but not necessarily 'better' graphics or music. The original trilogy shot in an epic movie style while ME:A is in a different engine with different writers & different composers catering to popular gaming today (pastel, upbeat, no heartbreaking choices).

There's also 3 books by the original author and 1 shovelware book done with search & replace from another universe after EA bought their publisher. There's also graphic novels that cover serious story arcs.

6 years ago

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Faster than Light (aka FTL) is one of my favorite, even though it has nothing to do with your list above.

6 years ago

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Aww, what's so bad about Star Citizen? (other than it's currently just a beautiful money sink with no foreseeable release date, and requires a computer that costs pretty penny to run?) X"D

Anywho, I'd go with Elite Dangerous, if I'm choosing from your list. But My personal fave is Freelancer, but I don't see that coming to Steam or GoG anytime soon :/ #sadness

6 years ago

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SC, too much money they are collecting and not enough promised advance on its development >_> even to the point the Spec requirements is above 6-7th Gen CPU and 9th-10th Gen GPU for the better experience. Thats quite a bad optimization.

As for Elite Dangerous, Im torn should I just enjoy the base it has to offer or grab the bundle with the season pass.

6 years ago*

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Totally agree XP I got it very early on for like $24USD, so I get the base game, story mode, and alpha junk, but I laughed at the notion people can and are paying thousands for the "full package" of ships. And then the specs needed, well, by the time it releases, we're probably going to have standard hardware cheap enough to run it effectively X"D

I'd go with the season pass myself, I've got the base game, but the expansions are supposed to add a lot more to it. I was looking at getting the DLC myself, but that alone is out of my current budget as I've already spent most of my allotted money this sale XP Not wanting the girlfriend to get upset this year ^_^"

6 years ago

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What about Rebel Galaxy?

6 years ago

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I have that and enjoyed it a lot to completion. Wish they would sell the OST

6 years ago

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Oh god, the OST is brilliant!

6 years ago

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Pity the Developers won't continue expanding it.

6 years ago

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Elite Dangerous would get my vote. I've never played with the Horizons expansion, and even so I have several hundred hours in the game. If you like exploration, it's definitely the best of these for you.

6 years ago

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Im still in conflict should I just get the Base or Bundle Season Pass

6 years ago

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Yeah, it's a tough call for a game like Elite, simply because it's rather niche, as games go. Like, if you look through a lot of the negative Steam reviews showing up in the default 'most helpful' list, it's hard for me to really disagree or argue with any of them, despite loving the game.

There's a lot to do if you like what the game has to offer, which is a lot of exploration, a lot of flying around searching for cool new sights (and, if you're into the trading or mining game, rare or unique commodities), and punctuating this laid-back experience key moments of sheer adrenaline when you find yourself in combat against other ships, be they pirates, opposing factions, your own innocent victims, or (in the open mode) other players.

But if you're looking for a deep and immersive story, if you're looking to be part of a space opera… Elite's not that. That's not to say there isn't story there: there is, and Frontier keeps adding more, but that compounds my dilemma in whether to recommend the season pass to you, because a lot of the newer content requires Horizons to fully enjoy.

Of course, doubling your investment is a tough call to make, especially for a game that you are not going to be able to know whether you like it or not within the 2-hour refund window. Contrariwise, of course, if you decide to just go for the base game, and find you don't enjoy it because of the dearth of the elements Horizons adds, you may end up writing the game off with incomplete information.

6 years ago

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SPG Warlords is fun, it's literally everything players (and devs) wanted from SPG2 but couldn't add into it. 4x mixed with action combat isn't something you see every day.

SPAZ2 I don't know much about, but SPAZ is fun though, it's a lot more.....light hearted? I guess? There's a lot of dumb humor and lame jokes in there, it's like the game doesn't want to be taken seriously. Still a good game but it's not for everyone.

6 years ago

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I officially purchased SPG:W

6 years ago

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Cool, hopefully you enjoy it.

6 years ago

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Eh, nothing in the Summer Sale for that to be taken into advantage.
Also the Devs has pretty much nerf everything to be super grindy.

6 years ago

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True enough - you'd get much better deals on plat just starting an account. Whining about the devs is a Warframe tradition, sometimes justified, sometimes not so much.

6 years ago

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what i dont get is how the devs made the Map/Galaxy navigation even worse

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I have it although the combat didn't suit my flavour

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Nah XD too much Mathematics

6 years ago

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In the end I added Starpoint Gemini Warlords into the cart.
Still got until next week for Final Purchased.

6 years ago

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Tachyon: The Fringe is a slightly older, but really good game. Highly recommended!

The I-War series is also good, but I would not rate them quite as highly as Tachyon. I-war 2 is a bit more "hardcore", going for a more robust simulation model.

Let's not forget the Freespace series. Freespace 2 is one of the greatest space sims out there. Freespace 1 is also very good.

And let's not forget the X-wing/Tie-fighter series. The most approachable one is probably X-wing alliance, but they're all quite good. With X-wing vs. Tie fighter, the campaign is in the expansion, not in the base game (the expansion is included on Steam, so don't worry about it, I just don't know if it's launched as a separate exe)

6 years ago

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Might as well wishlist Tachyon.
Since I-War looks cheap, gonna just add that to the cart.
Freespace... Think I got Ascent - The Space Game which was the improvement of the Freespace series but MMO.
I'll just wishlist Freespace 2 in the meantime.
X-Wing I have that from the Star Wars HB last year

6 years ago*

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Hm, I think you might be mixing up Freespace & Freelancer. Freelancer is, from what I've heard (never played it), more like say the Wing Commander. Privateer series, or the Elite series, while Freespace is more like the traditional mission-based Wing Commander series, or something like X-wing Alliance.

6 years ago

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If you don't mind old graphics and clunky interface, nothing can beat Privateer, in my book.

Other great ones:

  • Freespace 1&2 - awesome games and in, many aspects, better than my first recommendation.
  • Independence War 1&2 similar to freespace
  • Xwing Alliance - the best of the star wars sims for me, although the others are good too.
  • Archimedean Dynasty - I'm cheating here since it is not actually set in space but underwater, still it's a great "space" sim.
  • Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages is kind of great even though I still have to get back to it and beat it
  • Star control 2 - everyone should play this, trust me. There's even a free remake called The Ur-Quan Masters.

Have fun :)

6 years ago

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Privateer sadly GoG.
Freespace 2 is on Wishlist currently.
I-War looks super cheap and is currently in the cart.
XWing, got the Star Wars bundle from HB last year.
Sadly thats GoG also.
RR:FotS i think I already got that from a bundle.
GoG again XD

6 years ago

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AquaNox is part of the same series as Archimedean Dynasty, and on Steam. I've not played them, so I can't promise you they'll be good, but they might be worth taking a gander at.

6 years ago

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I have always been curious about those games but the reviews kind of put me off.. maybe some day I'll try them.

6 years ago

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Freelancer is one practically impossible to get legally anymore, but really awesome

6 years ago

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So far Star Point Gemini looks like a Freelance Successor.

6 years ago

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Hmm, i tried Star Point only for short while, it seemed more slow like.

Freelancer is all about space dogfights

6 years ago

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Ahh i see. Think SP expended more from the Freelancer

6 years ago

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Id rather say its different game. Freelancer being more on action side with really nice story

SP more on rpg'ish side maybe? Can't really say, spent infinitely more time in Freelancer.

Plus few years back there was mod that turned game into mmo which was even more fun :D Not sure if it still exists

6 years ago

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If you also enjoy strategy game that happen to be set in space:

The Endless series (Space 1, Legends, Space 2) offers a different spin on the usual CIV-like strategy game formula in which every faction plays mostly the same with a single unique building/unit. Each faction plays very differently and usually revolves around one of the major mechanics of the game. Also visuals and music of the whole series are both quite lovely and relaxing, I find.
Haven't played either of the Spaces myself, but I fell in love with Legends and watched a bit of the other two on YouTube.

6 years ago

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I have both of the ES XD and I enjoyed fully my time on ES2 as the Riftborn

6 years ago

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Haven't played anything from your list so can't really help, but I'd say EVERSPACE looks coolest.

If you don't mind your game being 2D, you might enjoy Drox Operative

6 years ago

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Wishlisted :3

6 years ago

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