it looks epic, i'm downloading it at the moment.
what do you think?

1 decade ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

1 decade ago

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It's awesome!

1 decade ago

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I have about 8 hours in it and it's awesome so far. It does the series justice.

1 decade ago

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I actually love it, although I am no Hitman vet by any means.

It's a really really good game, and I am really amazed by the graphics engine - really good post processing effects!

1 decade ago

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Ridiculous amount of bloom is not good :D

1 decade ago

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Not really excessive imho - Battlefield 3, now that is excessive...

1 decade ago

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BF3 have much bloom only when you are shot, to make game harder and decrease your sight.
I think it keeps good balance between amazing, realistic graphics and "excessive" effects. But I'm playing it on medium, so I don't know how it's on Ultra/V.High.

1 decade ago

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Anyone have any idea how long it is roughly - about how many missions and the average length of each mission? I played through all of Dishonored and my main disappointment was that it was a bit short.

1 decade ago

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You played through all of Dishonored in just 6 hours??!! Ofc games are short if you just rush through them -_-

1 decade ago

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If you blew through Dishonored then you are doing it wrong. I have 16 hours in Dishonored and I'm barely through the second mission. I am uncovering every secret, every hiding place, every everything that there is to find.

Hitman is much of the same, getting each of the kills (poison, explosive, snipe, etc) on each mission. I'm still on the mission immediately after the prologue, sneaking around and getting all the unlocks. So if you are going to play this as a run and gun type game then you might want to look into getting something else as you will be disappointed. That's not what Hitman (or Dishonored or Deus Ex) are about.

1 decade ago

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i don't think you can play it "wrong" if someone isn't a perfectionist and has fun with a smooth walkthrought than thats a "right " way to play it, too.
As long as you enjoyed it, the game served it's purpose :).

1 decade ago

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While I agree in principle that you can't play a game "wrong", speed runs are not how the designers made these games to be played. They aren't meant be played like a FPS. About an hour into Dishonored I felt like I was playing a sequel to Thief but with magic and more steampunk flair, and I loved it. I was creeping around listening to the conversations, figuring out each of the stealth kills and secret paths that the designers left for the observant to discover. Yes someone can blow through each level and beat the game but they would be missing out on most of it. That's fine if they enjoy it that way, but to say "well I beat the game in x hours so it's too short" is kinda doing the game a disservice. I don't mean to be critical of anyone's play style though.

1 decade ago

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I like it

1 decade ago

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a friend of mine played all of the hitman games and he loves the new one.
So dont listen to the reviews, and try it for your self :) .

1 decade ago

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Some of the reviews on Metacritic and elsewhere crack me up. One guy gave Absolution a ZERO because he didn't like the way that sniper rifles unpack from a carrying case. Then he goes on to complain about how it's so much different from Blood Money, and then as an example bitches about a feature of Absolution that carries over directly from Blood Money.

So yeah, don't listen to the reviews. Absolution is actually pretty awesome.

1 decade ago

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never listen to the reviews on metacricic D: i remember one guy who gave Diablo 3 zero ONLY because of its price. "Games must not be that expencive D:" etc xD

1 decade ago

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Nice game. Casual gameplay on easy and normal difficulties, and nice gameplay on harder ones.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I'm digging it. I'm playing it on "Hard" and that shit is actually hard for once. Games usually don't get hard till their veteran, hardcore, insane, whatever difficulty. Also, explore everything! Think of interesting ways to get your kills. Running and gunning in this game on at least hard and above (I haven't tried lower difficulties, so I can't tell you what happens there) will get you absolutely raped. Hard and above require discretion. I can't even imagine purist. I might do that on my third playthrough. And I'll be crying the whole way.

1 decade ago

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I just received my copy from Amazon and have played the tutorial/intro mission. It's hard to say anything at this point, but it seems to be structured much more linearly (no surprise), but even on the first level there were several approaches to getting through the level. If i remember correctly you couldn't get through the tutorial in Blood Money without killing guards. You could choose to do that in this, except for a small part where you had to try out some bullshit bullet time targeting feature. I hope that is not imposed in the 'real' levels. Apart from that my impression is positive. I look forward to playing it this weekend, when I have time to delve deeper.

1 decade ago

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The tutorial level is pretty limited on purpose. The game really opens up the possibilities once you get to Chinatown. I actually liked testing out the point shooting feature but I can't see ever using it outside the tutorial where they make you use it. I'm more of the "silent assassin" type, but I'd rather have a feature and not use it than to want it and not have it.

1 decade ago

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It's good "stealth game". But terrible Hitman. Just as Conviction is fun, as long as you don't want Splinter Cell.

But I'm having lots of fun. Which is great.

"I have wood man. Why do I have wood?" - best last words (whatever they actually are :) ).

1 decade ago

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That cracked me up as well

1 decade ago

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I love it

1 decade ago

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Yes, but its extremly hard on Expert/Purist. -_- Really frustrating!

1 decade ago

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Pretty damn good so to all the people who posted shit about it before they played it/ before it was even out, FUCK YOU.
And have a nice day.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Hydral.