Does it?

9 years ago*

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0 %

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Only in that you can't win while suspended, even if you are the only entry. Once it has ended, you have the same chance as anyone else entered in a giveaway.

9 years ago

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You mean you can enter giveaways even if you're suspended? What's the point of that since you can't win? I think it's a pretty stupid rule, well, it's not exactly a rule but you get my point...

Is it because it would be too hard to implement? ← don't want to be rude here, I'm just asking ^_^

9 years ago

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No, you can't, but you are still entered in some unless you don't enter giveaways. You just won't have a chance to be rolled as the winner for those ones.

9 years ago

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Oh okay, I hadn't thought of that, sorry! Thank you! :)

9 years ago

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You can't enter while you are suspended, it would have to be an entry made before you were suspended.

9 years ago

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Thank you for the explanation, that makes much more sense now! :)

9 years ago

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Things that reduce your odds of ever winning a giveaway:

  1. Getting banned.
  2. Complaining about not winning, even once.
  3. Not winning for a long time. The more times you enter and don't win, the more unlikely it will be that you'll ever win.
  4. Teasing people in the forum for asking how the odds work, which is actually a completely valid question.

Oh no!

9 years ago

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What did you do ? (i know, i am curious)

Edit : Or what are you planning to do ?

9 years ago

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