Hey there!

I recently won a game, I just wanted to say thanks :)
I'd left the GA open with a thank you response written, but I was blacklisted by the time I tried to post it, guess I took too long, sorry
I'm making this into a general thank you everyone who ever makes GAs, just for the thread to have some more purpose

Anyway have some secret kitty gifs

It looks like I actually managed to get the thanks comment through and got un-blacklisted! which is great and unexpected :)
Of course anyone is free to BL anyone for whatever reason they want, that's just the way it should be
Also I found some other cat ;)

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8 years ago*

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You are a nice man
We need more people like you
Don't mind the BL maybe the creator just want you to leave the chance to others

8 years ago

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Nah, I'm not that nice :p
Yeah, that could be it, I'm just kinda bummed I didn't get to say thanks at least :/

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

8 years ago

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Makes sense I guess
It kinda makes it hard to say thanks though ^^u
I think it was my fault though, I left the post open when I went for dinner and left it like that for some hours

8 years ago

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Had this once also, but I was blacklist within 1 minute after I won didnt had time to say thank you
It was very frustrating, cause I Always say thanks

Btw this person blacklisted me too and I didnt even win anything from this person, so I returned him/her the favor
Almost never do this but I really dont know this person
If its the same person we are talking about that is :)

8 years ago

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Joined, thank you. Sorry for your recent experience.

8 years ago

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It's possible that it was due to a poor win/give ratio, some people want users to have a ratio close to 1:1. But the most likely reason is to give a chance to other.

8 years ago

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I'm almost 100% sure it was the ratio.

8 years ago

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Bwhahaha yeah, I really wouldn't be surprised.
My ratio is awful, seriously horrible, absolutely ridiculous XD
I've gotten a couple more BL after opening this topic too guess it made people look at my ratio
I do intend to fix it, I just have to make some time for it :)

8 years ago

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Nothing wrong with your ratio. Some people can give a lot of stuff, some people can't. As long as somebody gave even a little bit back they're fine in my book.

8 years ago

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Some people BL everyone who wins a GA of theirs. But maybe they also BL'ed you because of your good luck streak (8 wins in the last week). Or it could even be your ratio - as mentioned by 007 above me, some people prefer others to have 1:1 ratio. Either way, it's no biggie, don't let it get to you.

I don't personally think people need a 1:1 ratio though. As long as someone isn't winning say $1,000+ in games and giving little to nothing back to the community, then I don't see it as a big deal. Many people can't afford giving games away very often, ya know? q:

8 years ago

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I dont understand the ratio thing but Im kinda thick anyhow. Im of that mentioned group, but when I can I try to give back even if theyre cheap its something. OP thank you for the Thank you thread. Nice gesture and I hope the bl guy at least reads it here.

8 years ago

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Yeah, the ratio thing is really just a pointless concept q: Well, it looks like you've given away quite a bit more than you've won, but nevertheless, you do what you can, that's the important thing. Just because one don't give away a AAA game every week doesn't mean they're undeserving o:

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thanks for reminding me I need to eat a cat

hed fish for lunch. Perhaps smoked salmon.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Cat?! No such thing here, go look somewhere else sir!

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8 years ago

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emmm strange :/ you didnt give free games so why blacklisted ?!! anyway i will add you on steam ;D

8 years ago

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Hi there.

I just noticed this thread now and I guess I should make it clear that everything's settled now. I've had quite a few people not thanking me after receiving their games, some even with multiple wins and still not a single comment left behind, so my bad for being too hasty. It's nothing big really but personally I think thanking the giveaway creator is a common courtesy and it literally doesn't take more than 5 seconds to post a simple thanks. I'm not aiming at you because you actually took effort to find a few cool gifs to post as a reply and I appreciate it, I really do. This is for those who just grab and run with the key, after I specifically mentioned in each and every one of my giveaways to leave a simple thanks afterwards.

8 years ago

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Oh it was about you :) Then I found unintentionally someone else who blacklisted me
you are on my whitelist :)
So never mind my post in this topic

8 years ago

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Oh, no worries, no offense taken. He didn't specify me exactly so it's understandable to speculate. Btw, appreciate the Whitelist! Cheers :)

8 years ago

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Yup, all cleared up! :)
Yeah, it's totally understandable, regardless, blacklisting someone is totally up to the user so it's not like there's a need to justify it anyway~

I just usually do lvl 1+ GAs and hope participants are more or less decent users.
Also, with SGTools filtering out people is a lot easier than maintaining an updated/active BL imo.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Bump and meow.

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8 years ago

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