So I'm back to SteamGifts after a week of suspension because I broke the rules. I'm not complaining about the suspension, I deserved it even if I didn't knowingly break the rules. The situation now is that I can't enter some giveaways because I have an unactivated game in my won list. So I was wondering, if I buy the unactivated game will this restriction go away or am I forever marked on SteamGifts?

7 years ago

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If you buy the unactivated game, the restriction should go away. You'll be able to pass the SGTools check.

7 years ago

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^ Yep

7 years ago

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Yeah, if you acquire a copy of the game then you'll be good. If you don't mind me asking, what game is it? I ask because depending on its rarity, you might be able to trade for it rather than shelling out for a new copy.

7 years ago

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It is Killer Is Dead

7 years ago

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Hmm. That was on a BTA tier iirc, but it you still should be able to grab a copy for relatively cheap, like Jiseru says below.

7 years ago

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Looks like you can buy the game for $2 from the trade section. If you wanted to.

edit: I guess rules actually don't want trade links outside of the trade forums. Search if you want!
well, it says 'trades' but links to trade forums probably will make people upset

7 years ago*

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I would take a look at the trades section. I was also looking on, but have never bought anything there. Does anyone have feedback on this store?

7 years ago

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Why would you choose G2A over here? It's YOUR choice, of course, but the hassle seems greater. I've always heard mixed feedback from G2A anyway. Essentially, you're probably just giving money to someone who got the game in a bundle anyway.

Probably worse if you're actually selling something.

7 years ago

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I would try to get the game through the trades section here, G2A is my second option, I was only asking because I had no feedback on that store, and I have already been scammed one time, I don't want it to happen again

7 years ago

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Yeah, most people do not. Just deal with people with very high feedback if you are wary. There's generally a low chance of being scammed that way.

7 years ago

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I bought a few games from g2a... all the keys and one gift worked fine and none have been revoked....

7 years ago

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just one thing, the key you got was bad or you did something else with it?
because if it's the first case, it's not your responsibility and you can mark it as not received (key didn't work or region locked).

ok, so the key you got was region-locked? you shouldn't even mark it as received.

give the key back to the giveaway creator and mark as not received.
if you later get a working key from him, you can change the feedback. or just let the guy delete the giveaway.

7 years ago*

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The key was region locked, so he couldn't activate it.

7 years ago

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The key was region locked, I couldn't redeem it so I traded it (and got scammed). As this is against the rules of SG (wich I admit I hadn't read at the time), I got suspended. Yeah, pretty sad noob story XD

7 years ago

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according to the rules you should have got a working key. but...
most people would have just marked as not-received and wouldn't give back the region-locked key.

thanks for being a better person than the average user on sg :3

7 years ago

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I remember your story: while the fault was all on the giveaway creator, who knowingly made a giveaway for a game with an absurd region lock without even warning about it, you should've been more keen to avoid that happening (you should've either marked as not received, or allowed him to delete the giveaway).

Now, if you obtain a copy of that game (it should be €3.99 during the summer sale, or you can try trading for it), you'll be able to enter SGTools giveaways.

A reminder for the future: always check if games have region locks, and if they do, check the giveaway creator's country.

7 years ago

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Yes, as soon as I learned about regions locks now I check the country of the GA creator before entering. Also if I ever run into the same problem (unredeemable key) I will mark it as not received

7 years ago

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Well, should something like that happen again, you should ask the giveaway creator to request a re-roll, or allow them to delete the giveaway.
Anyway, what you did last time was really generous! You deserve a Whitelist spot for that

7 years ago

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Thanks! I whitelisted you too!

7 years ago

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Wow you are so lucky winning all this good games
anyway you can buy the game and your account will be fine click and you will find people have the game and want to trade

7 years ago

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Yes, I guess I can't complain about my luck so far XD

7 years ago

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Next time, maybe you should send ticket to support to inform you got region locked key and the creator don't state it on the description.

7 years ago

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just remember to sync with steam once it's in your steam library and you should be all good

7 years ago

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