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8 years ago*

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Would you buy it on Console or PC for that price?!

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i would like to have no mans sky but, you are right, not for that price. Its an very interesting game with an awesome gameplay if you really think about it.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Wouldn't buy it at all ... until its proven to be great, course i'm intrigued -
but not that keen to pre-order a hyped cat in the box like No Man's Sky.

Besides if it proves to be "tits" the ~ 60$ range will stick to it justly for a while, but one couldn't go
from 20 - 30$ to 60$ if the games proves to be great later on > enjoy the stupendous outrage.

8 years ago*

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What preordered game is not a cat in the box?

8 years ago

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some are others aren't, not big on per-ordering games unless its pretty clear

Witcher 3
Zelda Titles
re-releases ...

8 years ago

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Metal Gear had a paid $20 dollar preview, making the total price $80.
DOOM: it's clear, because.. well, there's nothing really to expect from the game apart from new graphics?

8 years ago

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Metal Gear Phantom Pain is worth the money + it was given for free with
new NV-GPUs, that reduced the price before it released to ~ 30$
DOOM - yeah pretty much, same for Shadow Warrior 2

8 years ago

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i rarely preorder anything these days to many companys screwing customers removing and locking content behind payed DLC's on day one,buggy games that dont even feel like they were bug tested,over hyped trailers making the games look much better then they are, these days i usually wait til the games out read some user reviews then buy the game when it hits a price i feel is proper for it.

8 years ago

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Had zero interest in this since its first announcement. They haven't even said what the hell you can do in the game besides visit red, green and blue planets and walk around red, green and blue dinosaurs. Then give it all names. I can't even sarcastically suggest how exciting that sounds.

8 years ago

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Here is a copy-paste joke that should fit your description(the original is with elephants):

Q: How do you shoot a blue dinosaur?
A: With a blue dinosaur gun, of course.

Q: How do you shoot a red dinosaur?
A: No, not with a red dinosaur gun. You strangle him until he turns blue, and then shoot him with a blue dinosaur gun.

Q: How do you shoot a green dinosaur?
A: Tell him a dirty joke so he turns red, strangle him until he turns blue, and then shoot him with a blue dinosaur gun.

8 years ago

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People who thought this extremely indie looking game was going to be 60 dollars and aren't surprised by the price at all, are kind of insane.
I seriously never, at any point, believed this game to be any more than a 20 dollar game.
On that note, enjoy your 60 dollar indie game I guess. #nohate

8 years ago

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Indie looking? Indie is a form of funding lol

8 years ago

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PCMasterRace .

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm really thinking of buying no mans sky...
Actually mostly depends from region price =)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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It's not really that difficult, is it? Just a three-step process really.

  1. When IF you like a game, decide how much you like it, decide how much money that liking is worth to you and adjust that amount based on the relative worth of said money to you in your current personal situation.

  2. Wait for the game's price to drop down to or even below that price before proceeding to step 3.

  3. Buy the game.


  • You think No Man's Sky is worth $100? You're in luck, since you can get it for only $60. Whether or not you send the devs a $40 tip is up to you*
  • You think No Man's Sky is worth $60? Buy it somewhere near launch or even pre-order it, if it really sucks there's refunds...
  • You think No Man's Sky is worth $30? Wait for a sale... everything over 50% should work.
  • You think No Man's Sky is worth $5? Wait for a lot longer... or hope it gets bundled soon. (real bundled, not just sg-bundled.
  • You think that one game you saw a trailer for isn't worth your time for even watching that trailer to begin with? Ignore it, press the awesome hide-this button on the first giveaway you see and don't ever bother with it again.

And hey, if the price is so high nobody buys it, they will drop that price sooner :)
Did personally not expect price to be lower than 50-60 though... at best hoped for it to be lower, but doesn't matter.

8 years ago*

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+1. Buy it when it costs as much as you think it's worth and you're willing and can pay that much.

8 years ago

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Meh, I'll wait for a sale. Part of me feels it is going to crash and burn on launch, but who knows.

8 years ago

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Isn't this the standard price for majority of E3 shown console games anyway?
I can't believe anyone would expect less. Hoped for, maybe.

8 years ago

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good thing I couldnt care less about the game

8 years ago

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Its a big release, price is normal

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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ANd I'll wait for the bundle ;)

8 years ago

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The luxury of having a backlog. Any game released now can be bought after couple years in a good sale and there is still plenty of games to be played between now and then.

8 years ago

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Exactly what I expected it to be. The way they were talking about it made it look like a really big game with a long developement time - so why wouldn't it have an AAA-game price tag. I mean, I hoped it would be something like 40$, that would still be a lot to some, but it'd be 20$ cheaper than a regular big title, which would be very appealing and probably would've gotten them more sales. All that said though - the 60$ price tag was to be expected and I don't really get why so much people are shocked now.

8 years ago

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I didn't cringe...? This seems normal to me.
Sure it seems "overpriced" but like all games, eventually it will be reduced.

8 years ago

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I just wish games cost $60 here in the UK -_-

8 years ago

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+1. I remember (Could be wrong) when games were £30 new on my Xbox original. Now they're £50 to £60
Edit: But then again, we don't have to deal with Trump

8 years ago*

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I remember when they were £50 - £60 for the Nintendo 64. Playstation 1 games were (I think) £35 - £40. Wasn't into gaming before that so can't comment on anything further back.

Now in 2016, AAA games on Steam are... £40. Factoring in inflation and the abundance of sales we have now, gaming is definitely cheaper than it was back then.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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I never preorder games, there are too many examples in recent history why you shouldn't either.

8 years ago

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Everything is free on the internet.

8 years ago

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Okay, so I'm gonna look at Mirrormoon EP for a couple of years more.

8 years ago

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Are we really losing our shit over new games being priced at $60? It's been that way for about a decade.

8 years ago

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A decade? It always has been like this.

8 years ago

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Who honestly didn't expect this game to be less than $60 at launch?

8 years ago

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I wonder about Homefront price ('second tier'). Will it have some kind of Season Pass or what?

8 years ago

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I'd rather know if the game would take longer to play than download this time. And hell, my download speeds weren't even slow at that time. :P

8 years ago

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