Tokyo Anime MEGA Bundle

visual novels ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Two Tiers:

  • $1 min for tier 1
  • $2.99 $3.49 for Tier 2
  • HH: $4.36
  • 13 games total


Tokyo Hosto 47% - 1 $4.99
Orion: A Sci-Fi Visual Novel 71% - 2 $12.99
A Wild Catgirl Appears! 46% ❤️ 1 $2.99


Sickness 93% - 0 $14.99
Echo Tokyo: Intro 66% - 0 $2.99
Always The Same Blue Sky… 84% ❤️ 1 $2.99
Highschool Possession 92% - 0 $9.99
Shan Gui (山桂) 83% ❤️ 1 $1.99
Lamia's Game Room 83% ❤️ 0 $0.99
Quantum Conscience 71% ❤️ 2 $4.99
Divine Slice of Life 60% ❤️ 1 $15.99
Beach Bounce 69% ❤️ 1 $15.99
Blue Rose 62% ❤️ 4 $19.99

real value: 111.87
cv: 16.7805

Thanks Tzaar and Navaro

Finding nemo

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8 years ago*

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View Results
YES! OMG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
NO! YUCK ヾ( •́д•̀ ;)ノ
Maybe ? 「(゚ペ)
Eh .. I have these already ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
"He Touched the Butt!" - Finding Nemo

Gone are the days when IndieGala puts something like eden in their bundles. sigh*
But this looks like something Tremor would buy during happy hour. I'll get the two games I'm interested in there.

8 years ago

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just asking, how many games like eden are there on Steam at all? (and within a $20 price range)

8 years ago

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I actually meant quality, not similar to eden*. I don't know of anything like that..
To give you some examples of what I would buy: Oblivious Garden, Littlewitch Romanesque, Magical Diary (already bundled a long time ago), Planetarian - the reverie of a little planet- (with overwhelmingly positive reviews), World End Economica.

8 years ago

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I own half of them (which is the half with cards btw) so I'll pass

8 years ago

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Missing 8 out of 13 games! ^_^ It's a must buy for me! :D

8 years ago

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I buy all the visual novel bundles. ALL OF THEM. Can't wait to get this one when I get home from work.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I will buy it because I am weeb trash, I don't even care that it's OELVN.

8 years ago

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Ahh getting it for Sickness alone.

8 years ago

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I think i'm gonna buy this one just for giveaways :< Yes? Yes.

8 years ago

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I hope it gets a happy hour, because this is nice giveaway fuel.

8 years ago

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hello guys so it's the first time that i bought something in indiegala and they sent this in the email
Your keys and your account will NEVER expire. You can activate your keys
even after a year has passed.
Most of the unsold keys are sent back to the vendor 60 days after the
bundle ends, so replacing keys after this period may be difficult."
this means that past 60 days after the bundle ends the keys will not work or yes? is very confusing

8 years ago

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Yes I've activated keys for bundles I've bought months ago without a problem. If you do have a problem just email customer support and explain your situation.

The keys should still work even after two months

8 years ago

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awesome thx rachel

8 years ago

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I am still using keys from Indie Gala 2, and they're pretty much all fine, so I wouldn't worry too much.

8 years ago

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I believe what they mean is that in case you got a duplicate/faulty key, they won't be able to help you after 60 days.

8 years ago

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I was missing 5 games from it so I bought it. Pretty good bundle.

8 years ago

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Blue Rose : ??GFH-L52ID-JC8ZW

?? hours in a day.

8 years ago

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got it, thanks!

8 years ago

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Np ! :)

8 years ago

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This tempting bundle, i really want to buy it but broke af until next month :(
Damn you IG (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Why now ;_;

8 years ago

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+1 for table flipping. I wish to flip tables too! And I'm also broke as fuck.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

8 years ago

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I have most of the 2nd tier.... from another IG bundle or so. If this bundle came first I'd have gotten this. Time to try my luck with the rest here.

8 years ago

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Will buy it only for Sickness. And I'm currently sick, what a great pun I did.

8 years ago

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I impulse bought this on my phone. Got home, started looking at it. I had all but two of the games already. Whoops. Though I did want Sickness and Highschool Possession a lot.

8 years ago

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I don't think i'll ever play these, so guess it's a skip for me

8 years ago

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"+18" should be universally replaced by "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

8 years ago

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Okay, I can't be the only one whose browser doesn't display that face correctly and sees "I'm so excited/angry my mouth turned into a rectangle!" instead of this. Sorry, it's been bugging me =_=

8 years ago

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Insta buy, you know for the plot and those things ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

8 years ago

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I don't want to cause you extra work but how do you like the idea of adding Happy Hour notifications for those IndieGala Bundles that have it?
You could post something along the lines of "Please reply here to be notified when this Bundle enters Happy Hour." as one of the top comments and then when it starts you (or whoever notices it first) could leave a quick reply to those posts so they get a notification.

I'm not sure if there is enough demand to justify the effort but lately I don't check the Bundle sites as often as I used to but I'm normally online at SG several times a day so it would be very convenient for me... and maybe some other Casual Gifters the actual ones; not the ones that call themselves like that as a joke and are totally not addicted to SG ;).

8 years ago

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While I like your idea, a comment reserved for HH isn't necessary when I could simply change the title of the thread to say it is happy hour. Usually someone will bump the thread, like shandy or Mille, which I appreciate. So as long as people do that, I can keep track of HH

I also change the master list accordingly.

Notifying people individually would be added work, and as I stated before, if I change the title everyone interested can see.

Also, there's email alerts you can set up by subscribing to

This tells you when bundles go live or on happy hour

Thanks for your suggestion :)

8 years ago*

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Yea but you know how much some people like to make threads about how to name their new flipknife or which YouTube prank video they just saw so the important threads sadly often get pushed from the first page of Discussions. But you're right... using Deals it's fairly easy to find the important threads.

Nevertheless just in case you remember or see this when Happy Hour starts would you leave me a random reply just in case I would have missed it otherwhise (probably not going to happen but better safe than sorry) ;)

8 years ago

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Sun dance if you are interested in happy hour, just check the deals section and type in happy hour in the search box... I think I'll start adding the words to the tile of post !

But .. I dont know I guess I could reply, but I'll probably forget. :/ I'm not a big fan of having to notify each person individually. Yes I report bundles but I am not going to spend more time notifying each and every person about HH because I'm sure there's tens, if not hundreds, of people who buy happy hour

I'm not trying to sound lazy or like a bitch, because I do like the suggestion, but again, I can just change the title of the post and those truly interested in in HH will see. Also, there's email alerts you can set up by subscribing to

This tells you when bundles go live or on happy hour. It's really helpful for me because then I know which bundle that is on HH. And it's very accurate and prompt!

Again I hope I don't sound rude or like an imbecile >< but thanks again for your suggestion.

8 years ago*

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You don't sound lazy or bitchy at all ;) As I said in my reply to ndx8 below I've stopped paying as much attention to IG Bundles lately so my suggestion was based on the (old) assumption that there is 1x Happy Hour (near the end) for all bundles that last more than one week. If there are several Happy Hours now that leads my suggestion ad adsurdum.

8 years ago

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okay just making sure that i didn't leave you off on a bad note >< But yes, they seem to have a HH very very very often


8 years ago

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Rachel, please don't apologize for or qualify your comments. You do enough work for this community as it is, and don't have to listen to anyone's whining or complaining.

And please don't engage in self-hatred by using terms such as bitch. There's nothing wrong with being an assertive woman who knows her shit and doesn't take any shit. The only time the word bitch should ever be used is when referring to a female dog, never a woman.

As you suggested, GreenlightUpdates is the best way to be notified about Happy Hours. They send email notices not that long after they go live. They're even more prompt than ITAD in that regard.

And one other thing, people don't seem to get how happy hour works. If you want the best deal, you should always buy your first bundle in the first 24 hours that a bundle goes live. That insures that the subsequent bundles you get during HH are cheapest. Anyone who is waiting around for HH to start purchasing is completely missing the point. And if you're just trying to get a bundle cheap, as opposed to buying several, then you should be joining a group buy in Group Buys, not purchasing your own directly. The signups for those start the minute a bundle starts and there are usually several people hosting.

8 years ago

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Thank you for your ongoing support, sickteddybear. It means a lot to me that you put in the effort into replying to my threads/posts.

I try not to ... just a normal thing that I do .. Not having the best self-esteem and not wanting to sound mean or like a bitch is a constant worry of mine. But yes, I do agree that being an assertive woman is very important, and I have learned to become more of one :) Especially when people get on my nerves or tell me things that I should/shouldn't do in regards to what to post or, for trolls, why I even post in the first place

I think many people are in the dark about HH for IG, and even how the BTA - locking works on Humble Bundle. These are important for people to know .. but I guess it's never explicitly stated. I still get people asking me what HH is, how it works, how the BTA locking works, etc.

8 years ago

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last 24hrs was 3 happy hour changing so it seems impossible to alert here

maybe check/subscribe groupbuy steam topics and when its happy hour they begin to flooding

8 years ago

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I agree. It changes way too much. And as I said earlier, I can just change the thread name or people can bump the thread.

8 years ago

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It's okay rachel, you already give us more than we deserve as it is. <3 If people really wanted it, they'd figure out a way for themselves :3

8 years ago

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thanks beryll <33 I figure if people truly want to get HH, they'd be checking the site quite often :P

8 years ago

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I see how that would be impossible to track. Back then when I payed more attention to IndieGala Bundles I think there used to be 1x Happy Hour near the end of the bundle for all Monthly and Special Bundles (basicly everthing that lasts more than a week).
But at the end I think I've seen Bundles that had more than one Happy Hour so if that's the norm now that of course further complicates matters.

8 years ago

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We're overdue for that happy hour.

8 years ago

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yes this needs the happy hour

8 years ago

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maybe no happy hour for this. after that crappy ended, another friday last day hh happend.

8 years ago

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Never played any of these kind of games, but for this price and with this many cards, got to try it.

8 years ago

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happy hour ON

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm gonna giveaways 5 copies each. Yes. Almost dancing

8 years ago

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I feel a little silly but yea same here :D But only 4 copies each for me... I didn't have a single one of them which made the bundle a double hit for me :)

8 years ago

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I also do not have even single one but i wont play any of them soon. Or ever. Yes.

8 years ago

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Yes Finally

8 years ago

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Ooooh, about time! :D and it's $4.36! I guess it's not too bad^^

8 years ago

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Not bad indeed. Got my five-pack finally. ^.^

8 years ago

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