I guess this calls for a ban on it?

1 decade ago*

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Why can't i hold all theses points?!?

1 decade ago

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nah.... it's because THQ is giving the game key away on facebook. it will be only for a few days.

1 decade ago

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Let me make a change on that: "... for a few hours more..."
Their MySQL server is flooded already XD

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I'll try to win it first :P Then we can ban it.

You can also download the filter for steamgifts where you can hide metro on this site.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, but an addon doesn't make the site faster or makes the contributor value right ;)

PS: It looks like the new servers failed at the first "test".

1 decade ago

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As I said during similar events before, this is no better or worse than people who buy games on steep Steam discount and gift......I don't think it should be an issue as long as no one is getting scammed or cheated.

1 decade ago

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There is a difference between getting games for free and spend money on games.

1 decade ago

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So you truly see no difference between buying a bunch of games on 75% or more discount for under 2 bucks apiece(example) and giving them here & grabbing a bunch of codes for free and handing them out? Both can be used to "game" the contributor system, imo.

People should just be happy for free games and not complain that someone is giving something away just because they don't like how someone is giving something away(Barring exceptions like people giving away stolen stuff/etc)....of course I do agree as another poster said that people shouldn't have rushed to post all their codes as giveaways here(to keep the site going smoothly).

1 decade ago

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There is a big difference between getting games for free and buying some on discount. When there is no difference why is the site not every time so slow when there is a sale? When people are making giveaways for these Metro 2033 keys they give stolen stuff away (they won't have an endless amount of keys). What is the purpose of giving games away here that people get for free? They are only doing it for the contributor value and it is morally totally wrong to do that.

1 decade ago

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There isn't much difference, imo......both allow users to get contributor score for little to no investment, and both can be gamed easily. One just requires a tad more effort.

(Imo the "problem" would probably go away if the contributor system was dropped and people made giveaways they wanted to limit the number of entries in to private giveaways.)

1 decade ago

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But the difference is the "little to no" investment. E.g. on the summer sale was Railworks -90% and user got $50-$70 (I don't know how much exactly) value for ~$5 but there wasn't as nearly such a flood like when there is a free game giveaway somewhere.

1 decade ago

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By difference I meant there is/was no real difference(If one does either to get contributor score quickly.)morally, imo.....I wasn't trying to compare the effects of lag on the site/etc between the two.

And yeah the site is flooded more now compared to when sales happen but that's partially due to the number of codes being given away for free in such a short time(and so easily).

1 decade ago

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IMO it is morally much worse when you give something away that you get for free than when you paid for it (even when it only would be 1 cent).

1 decade ago

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If someone is giving something for free and they do it for good reasons(And they got the item legally.) then who cares if they paid a dollar for it vs paying nothing?

Are you honestly saying that someone giving away something they got/made for free is worse than giving away something they paid for? I don't think the method should be questioned here but the reasoning behind the act itself(i.e. motivation.)

Both(as I said above) would be equally morally wrong if one obtained codes for nothing/a bit of money with the intent of using them in bad ways/for the wrong reasons. But just because someone gets game codes/etc for free and gives them away that doesn't mean they're doing so for bad reasons .

1 decade ago

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This makes no sense. I am sorry I do not dismiss anyone opinions ever but this is nonsensical. How can you compare money to something you hit "Like and get a code" with actual money... I don't think you know this but people work for their money. Even if it's a measly 2 dollars they work for it.

You don't see the difference between 2 dollars and free? I really hope you're not serious.

1 decade ago

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You obviously mistook what I wrote then. I said I don't see much difference between the EASE of one being able to get contributor score from buying games cheaply and giving them away vs giving away freely obtained codes, and I also see no difference between the ease that both could be(and probably are) used to game the system.

As such, I believe that if people truly think everyone is giving away codes to games the system/fears that people will do such then both games given away for free/games sold on deep discount should be banned off the site while the codes are being given away/the game is on sale.

1 decade ago

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There is a difference of the difficulty to obtain them. It is much easier to make 10 Facebook accounts than to earn and pay $20 for the games.

1 decade ago

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I said under 2-3 dollar games......also I didn't say there was no difference, just that there wasn't much difference in the difficulty level between using both methods to game the system. Imo if people want games banned from giveaways when codes are being handed out then they should call for games on deep sale(games under 3ish dollars on sale or so) as well.

(Because if one truly wants one banned because it can be used to easily game the system for contributor score then both should be banned because both can be used[To similar levels of difficulty] to game the contributor score.)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Again, they flooded and made the site slow as fornication under consent!
We need a quick ban, and delete all the metro giveaways.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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  • 1
1 decade ago

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Like the ships and the dotas days ago.

1 decade ago

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Just wait a bit, soon fb page will run out of keys.

1 decade ago

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Use filters, filters, filters, filters..

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

1 decade ago

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This is why we can't have nice things.

1 decade ago

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I had 120 points 30 mins ago, now i have 300 again.
And there are only these bundle games, that arent worth much and im not interested in them :<

1 decade ago

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I hear you. I have an entry in every game i'm remotely intersted in active.
Still ranking points up like crazy. I even started entering Ship ghiveaways :-)

1 decade ago

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I don't think this is an abuse of system, it's a giveaway in the end. But do people have to create their giveaways at the exact same time, flooding the site. I mean you have the key; store it in your inventory and after a few days /weeks create the giveaway. Now I have a flood on my points and I can't spend them because the site is overloaded -.-

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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It is an abuse. They are oh so generously giving away a game that is being given away already.

Why don't they just not claim a key and let those who want it claim one for themselves?

They should just ban key giveaways the moment a game is given away in a promotion like this and make the contributor value 0.

1 decade ago

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It is kind of an abuse, if people are making giveaways for outright free games.

If the game is legally available for free, and you just want to give people the game, then just tell them where they can get it legally for free. Making a SteamGifts giveaway while the real giveaway is still running is just a way to pad your contributor status.

The same thing happened with Fairy Solitaire. A bunch of giveaways on this site, while anyone could just legally get the game free.

EDIT: There is also the issue of getting the game through an abuse. The point of THQ's giveaway is for people to get the game for free, not for people to grab free keys that they don't need, which said people will turn around and benefit from by trading, selling, or re-gifting those keys. (If the Create Giveaway page here had a blazing banner that said Metro 2033 gave absolutely no contributor credit, how many giveaways do you think the game would see?)

1 decade ago

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Not saying that all such actions are good/right/etc, but I have to laugh when people applaud american capitalism/success stories & ingenuity yet when people do the same with game keys it's considered automatically a bad thing and that most doing it(Making giveaways with free keys or winning & saving them.) do so for bad reasons.

1 decade ago

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Facebook? what name?

1 decade ago

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The worst thing is the people actually entering the damn giveaways when they can get it free on Facebook.

1 decade ago

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Not all people are on facebook though.

1 decade ago

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Please ban that giveaway temporary.

1 decade ago

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I can't activate my Key on Steam because it says that the key in already used. Maybe some "winners" get a nasty surprise :D

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Hey Loli! :3

1 decade ago

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ban every single one of them. only way people will learn to obey rules. third time trying to send this post

1 decade ago

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Some theme music regarding my feelings about today, some NSFW: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCZO9xeYA8g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2zoVvV2ul8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntBpwvKRzEs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnHm4ro_l8s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MLavzPOCTY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYc2bPbPbgo

Just turn me loose, all I need is the ban hammer and the delete button. Just turn me loose.

Gentlemen, for those who agree with my iron fisted policies, screw the velvet glove, please, support me in my self made nomination for the villain of steamgifts... I will be your Batman, if I can handle a raccoon, I can handle this.

I'm Batman.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I know I'd be suspending any user that submits a Metro giveaway if I had the power.

1 decade ago

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give this man his ban hammer!

1 decade ago

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The rates at which points are regenerating is ridiculous at the moment. I entered a giveaway and my points were almost back up to the number before I entered once I was done commenting on it.

1 decade ago

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I wonder, with all these metro 2033 copies, how mony people can actualy run this game with 30+fps and graphic option so it not look like total crap

1 decade ago

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I've been playing on normal DX10 and it runs perfectly AND still looks amazing.

1 decade ago

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I already have it, so feel free to take this key: MN3CL-CPXBE-DHPZV

I won't make a giveaway, because I CAN READ :P so this is free... like the others, but no giveaway, take or it leave it :)
// Streamlicious - dueify

1 decade ago

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Thanks for the key.

1 decade ago

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I am looking for free book.

1 decade ago

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Get free key and sync account just so I don't have to wade through thousands of Metro 2033 giveaways. That's more valuable to me than the game itself. ;P

1 decade ago

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Metro 2033 is really great game, but STOP please giving it away.

1 decade ago

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I think people should have staggered their giveaways...then maybe less people would be complaining(As an aside I think most people are more angry at the site lag because of the giveaways than anything else.).

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by FusionX.