I've been addicted to bundle games, and giveaways for over a year now. I've somehow managed to collect over 1400 games even though I declared I was stopping collecting at 500! I figure I have 2 addictions - one is entering GAs and feeling the need to use up all my points in an efficient manner. This is the worst one for me as I tend to be on SG several times throughout the day so I don't miss out!

It's taking up waaaaay too much time! I've won a good number of games in the last year and a bit but I don't think I have actually played anything that I won. The best win was Dishonored which I would like to play at some point! But when I worked out how much time I was spending, and turned that time into a monetary value (I'm self employed so time is money!) I realised what a waste of time it was. It would be better to just stop entering GAs and simply buy the games I want, if I need any.

I've managed to avoid entering GAs for a couple of days now and it's been fine. I still need to kick the addiction of actually continually buying bundle games that I realistically will never have time to play.. but one thing at a time ;-)

8 years ago

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Will I be able to truly kick this addiction?

View Results
Yeah, easy!
No chance, once an addict, always an addict!
Maybe, if you join GAs anonymous!
Don't know, don't care

I dont have an addiction i can stop whenever i want to.......i just dont want to

8 years ago

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Same goes with sooooo many things :P

8 years ago

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I'm on the same boat.
Was spending too much money buying crappy bundles, now I'm subscribed to HB Monthly and buying only games that I really want to play.
But I still have 2400+ games on my library =(

8 years ago

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I'll always make the exception for the HB Monthly. I've been subscribed since the beginning and I trade anything I'm not keen on. What I end up with is a bunch of games I genuinely want to play. It's the Groupees bundles I need to kick hehe.

8 years ago

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I may have finally kicked my addiction... well, part of it!

You know you're telling yourself a lie, go buy another bundle and be happy!

8 years ago

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Good job! Accomplishing something you want is not always easy but eventually almost every hurdle can be overcome.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Better to quit cold turkey

8 years ago

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One day at a time... :)

Doubt I'll ever stop buying bundles, but haven't entered a giveaway in two years... :) Don't even want to think about how much garbage is in my Steam library, my only consolation is knowing there are a few even bigger junkies around here somewhere... :)

8 years ago

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Yeah I also used to enter all the giveaways back in the day. Now I have 300P 97% of the time :P

8 years ago

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I have the same problem actually... However, I am afraid I wouldn't even start doing anything else if I stopped entering giveaways as I'm dealing with depression for years now and can't get over it. Well, perhaps the time will come for me as well...
Yet again, congrats for winning with this!

8 years ago

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There are no addicts on SteamGifts! Only casual gifters!

8 years ago

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Don't forget casual collectors.

8 years ago

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Of course! And there's always casual traders as well! Now we just need to wait for our casual Student to show up here!

8 years ago

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He only shows up when the name of his favourite game is mentioned.

8 years ago

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Aye, OP should edit the thread to include something about Barbie!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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good for you! Now spend all that free time on this forum with us nice folk!

8 years ago

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From experience I can tell you yes you can! although... you eventually end up back here... so yeah, point invalid! Once an addict123, always an addict123!

8 years ago

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That moment of pure joy that seeing space cat gives you... You need it, you must have it.

8 years ago

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The way i'd go about it - prove discipline while not entirely depriving yourself from pleasure > buy any bundle you deem worthy,
just don't spend additional time on trading/giveaways and reading up on related info and other occasions (free stuff and whatnot).
And remind yourself - games get cheaper and better all the time, the only thing you can't get later is more time. Personally i've
cut/substituted my "play games time" with the meta game "acquire games time". Much room for improvement.. :-D

Good luck on your resolution although you don't need luck for that :D only more discipline you have already proven to have, by coming to the realization and reinforcing it, by posting about it right on the site where find yourself spending too much time (like many others do incl. myself).

# you-can-do-it-if-you-really-want

8 years ago

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yeah I have certainly noticed that "acquire games time" can really add up and it's easily overlooked as you tell yourself "oh but I'm not playing games right now"

8 years ago

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