And it's region restricted. Oh no, it didn't have any warning so when I went to give it away I got rather unlucky and someone from one of the restricted areas won the game. No problem, I said so I shelled out twenty bucks to get him the game that they won. But now I'm stuck with two copies of a game that I need to unload so how about I just give them away here.

Please don't enter if you live in one of these regions:
This product will NOT work in the following countries: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Holy See (Vatican City State), Åland Islands, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Svalbard and Jan Mayen.

8 years ago

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That's a bummer, have a bump.

8 years ago

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Seems like this kinda thing happens often enough that gmg would look into it. Wonder if it's the developer's fault or gmg's.

8 years ago

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GMG states they do it deliberately.
They also refuse to not replace or refund keys that don't work, if
1: They suspect you've given those or any other keys from the purchase to friends
2: The keys were purchased more than 7 days ago

Source: Discussion with the extremely discourteous GMG Support member "Karl"

Given what Karl indicated to me- and him noting several VERY creative (and legally dubious) interpretations of their terms of service and refund policy, I'd say the site is very 'buyer beware' :X

Given that I was not allowed to speak to another support member to get a secondary confirmation, I can only assume he accurately represents the company :/

8 years ago

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That sucks, I feel you dude.

8 years ago

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Lastly too many shops provide region-restricted keys without notice. Getting row games to giveaway become very hard(

8 years ago

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Yeah that happened to me too, it was also a Deep Silver game. It sucks.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Sorry to hear about the unexpected regional restrictions, but thank you for the chance :)

8 years ago

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Yeah that sucks...happened to me with a key off amazon that was NA only, don't think there was any warning, although I believe there is now. I'm more hesitant with keys now.

8 years ago

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Strange how come Serbia is only EU county that isn't listed o.O I think I'll pass it just in case; thanks tho!

8 years ago

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Thats a nice blacklist you have there, lots of swag indeed.

8 years ago

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I got 2 region locked game from greenmangaming

8 years ago

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Have a sympathy bump!

8 years ago

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I haven't heard of this before. I thought places were good about noting warning of restricted items. I'm sorry to hear that happened. :(

Makes me worry about some keys I just bought from Amazon to give away.

8 years ago

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Deep Silver LOVES NA-only region lock...

8 years ago

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That's not nice. Especially if it's not noted.

I just bought this to make giveaways for. It doesn't say anything about being NA only, although some of the other Sega packs do. So I should be okay to gift them anywhere, I would think?

8 years ago

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Using GTA as an example, under where you pick the edition, it states "Requires Steam Client to activate. Steam key only valid in North America.".

Although, as PsyKo mentioned, Deep Silver loves them. I don't believe deep silver has that region lock warning on their amazon pages, but I'm pretty sure its only rockstar and deep silver that has them.(region locked keys on amazon).

8 years ago

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I hope so. I would hate to have a winner unable to activate the key. I mean I could always buy another one that would work, even if in Steam gift format, but it'd still be unfortunate.

8 years ago

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Yeah that happened to me a while ago, I like to stay away from amazon now. Prefer GMG anyways cause they dont charge me tax :P.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Ha! You weren't kidding!

Seems similar to some islands I have been to in Alaska. This one in particular. (Not sure why they say it's uninhabited. Quite a few folks living there.)

8 years ago

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Aww, sorry about the region-restriction, but thank you for the GA's!

8 years ago

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Cheers! You could also have tried to trade it. It would have been tough though with the bad reviews :p

8 years ago

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ah yeah its always good to see deep silver awesome (300) different region locks in action again.

i can understand region locking games from cheapest regions (even if i dont agree with it) but adding a region lock to region with ROW pricing, and making it so it cant be played in another region where it costs pretty much the same, if not more thanks to usd to eur conversion... thats just plain retarded and its getting ridiculous really. Yeah its very consumer friendly though, so theres that.

also gmg support telling you what should you do with your key is just as ridiculous really, i hope you havent bought that other copy there too. I know i wouldnt. I have purchased quite a few games from gmg and never had any problems with it but i also havent had a pleasure to deal with their support so maybe i just dodged a bullet >:<

8 years ago

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Aw how unfortunate :[ at least you made up for it

8 years ago

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Sometimes SteamDB can forewarn you. If you install Enhanced Steam, it'll create a link to this directly on the Steam game page. I'd recommend checking for any GA you intend to make.

Definitely sucks that GMG didn't put warnings on the game page, but according to SteamDB: "Cross region trading and gifting is disabled for this item."

I recently made of GA of a game that can't be run in Germany. GMG didn't post that info either. :P

8 years ago

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aww :(((, well have a whitelist to make up for your misfortune :)

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by thelaughinman.