
9 years ago*

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I have a requirement to comment on my private giveaways, if you don't and you win I'll re roll but if you don't comment don't win, I won't put you on a blacklist.
I just think it's nice and kind of polite. I really enjoy reading comments, and I like to know that people have read the description of a giveaway.

9 years ago

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Yeah, it's not unreasonable to expect a token of appreciation in return for a giveaway, especially not on a private giveaway where the entrants are of a lower number and less likely to be just skim-clicking through from the index. However automatically blacklisting seems way too heavy-handed and arbitrary given the sheer number of entries people can make in a single week. I think your approach works best, really.

Besides, it's only a similar common courtesy to alert the entrants what you intend to do if you don't comment. Fair warning is only... well... fair, right? Even then, it's all too easy to zone out if they think it's a copy-pasted description text.

9 years ago

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Well, why not.
My giveaways, my rules (that must be approved by support of course).

9 years ago

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Just useless comments.

9 years ago

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These people have gigantic egos, and if you don't acknowledge their existence at every possible opportunity they don't even want to believe you exist.

9 years ago

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well..Im helping homeless peoples by giving them food.
But when one of them dont tell me thanks i take back the food and kick his ass so hard...!loll

9 years ago

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That's the spirit!

9 years ago

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Yes.Im giving them food,so they need to act the way i want! ;)

9 years ago

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lol, well you do have to know that there's a difference. Food which is needed to live is different from video games to enjoy in your free time. If you have the luxury of free time to play games the least you can do is respect a giveawayers wishes to enter for THEIR giveaway. there are still a bunch of others you can join if that doesn't satisfy you.

9 years ago

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Homeless peoples have luxury of free time .... :)

Btw GA with rules doesnt bother me...and im just kidding.

But when im giving,it's not for something in return...But that's only me ;)

9 years ago

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I might sound a little irritated from comments up there, but im reasonable if you thought I was mad cus of up top I wasn't XD, but I might of worded it in ways so that certain people might read it also and might understand. but no I wasn't tryin to start anything with you, forgive me random passerby XP

One way to notice is that I started my reply with lol ;P

9 years ago

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You have no choice. Make a blacklist on your own and add every single person applying this policy on it.

9 years ago

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Is posible to know if a giveaway that you won was rerolled?
I want to say, if i won a giveaway and the owner rerolled it before i can notice it, Can i know that?
Is mandatory for GA owner to wait until 7 days to rerol it?

9 years ago

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When you get a reroll your green bar disappears. No other signs about it happening

9 years ago

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i got rerolled on a giveaway that had a comment rule cause I didn't comment "thanks"

so even if someone makes up a rule that you only have to comment, your comment still has to be what they want your comment to be or else you do not qualify.

9 years ago

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Depends on what rule gets approved by the mods. I've got the rule that people have to comment approved, but they can comment whatever they want. Even if I say "You had to comment saying thanks" and someone comments with something else, I can't get it rerolled.

9 years ago

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Not in my case, I got rerolled twice. My comment was just "cooment", yet I got rerolled regardless. The person who wrote the rule in their giveaway only said "As usual, please comment when entering - rule validated by Rinarin from SG support."

Nothing about saying thanks, he simply said to comment.

9 years ago

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If i undertood well, they can reroll if you doesnt follow the rule. Do they need some kind of proof to reroll? im asking because it seem they can reroll if they wont like the person who wins...

9 years ago

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Reroll if it's a person they don't like also sounds like the main feature of the blacklist thing people are talking about. I mean if people are going to be that way why don't they just create a private giveaway and only share it with their friends or those they like? Or just create their own closed group. The extra rule stuff seems really unnecessary when there's so many other options available to us.

9 years ago

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I agree with you

so they can rerrol if you dont like and you can't do anything... bad

9 years ago

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Hopefully there's a legitimate alternative to steamgifts.com someday, instead of indiangivers.com which is what this site has turned into.

9 years ago

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Stop telling bullshit. You were rerolled because you were blacklisted, not because of your comment.

9 years ago

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Why was I blacklisted?

As jmif said "it seem they can reroll if they wont like the person who wins..."

9 years ago

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If there's a mandatory "comment to enter" rule in GA (ofc non public GA) it may also serve the purpose that entrant read GA description. Ofc someone may post ty without reading GA description, but if someone enter without commenting I may be pretty sure he did not bother with reading GA description whatsoever, hence I will feel no remorse requesting a reroll ;p

9 years ago

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Geez some angry posts against those who like to receive comments on their giveaways really bother me D:
It's just a comment, spending 2 seconds to write something to the giveaway creator just to show that you care about the giveaway and it isn't just a way to spend points should be normal D:

9 years ago

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A lot of people feel entitled. They deserve to win GAs, it's their right! Screw Contributors - I'm the most important person in the universe, and even if I act like a dick, don't bother even reading GA description on GA for game someone paid his hard-earned cash for he's the one to blame for posting such a stupid rule! ;p

BTW - I bet at least 50% of these angry comments are posted by angry-driven creeps that got GA they won rerolled because they didn't fullfill requirements (because they didn't even read them) and now pour their frustration into forums ;p

9 years ago

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exactly, on your first point

9 years ago

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yup I agree, everyone whines "cv is too high! You need to comment! aww but you only do private and group giveaways, geez, want me to directly give you the game?
I wanna at least feel that the game went to someone who really wanted it :)
The winner of my last giveaway didn't bother to comment, nor to thank me after I gave him the game, feels great :D

edit: and I just saw he didn't even activate it, it's in his inventory -.-

9 years ago

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Report the HERETIC!

9 years ago

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I won 2 giveaways without writing useless comments. When I received the gifts, I thanked the kind people giving them to me and we parted as friends. No re-rolling involved. SO I have no personal reason whatsoever reason to be angry with the cunts who make the giveaways with this stupid rule. I'm angry at the very principle of these giveaways because the ones that make them are stupid attention whores. Hell, if I did win some giveaway and it got re-rolled because it had that stupid rule, I wouldn't even know about it probably.

9 years ago

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If you don't like the rules don't join the giveaway. Simple as.

Some people like to have fun with their giveaways, let them.

9 years ago

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Well you sound quite entitled, attention whores, cunts, stupid rules.
You're here from 1 year and didn't even bother to create more than 1 giveaway let alone of a game that's in the bundle list since 3 years, gg what an example to follow :)

9 years ago

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And your point is? I have a clean conscience, thank you very much. I didn't set up a stupid rule to caress my own ego, I didn't waste my time seeing which one of the people who entered thanked me and which didn't(completely IRRELEVANT TO ME) and I don't even remember if the person that won thanked me or not(I think he did), but I sure as hell would have given him the game regardless. So...I really don't understand what you're reproaching me about? Not making more giveaways? Making a giveaway of a bundled game? How is that relevant? As far as I know, all that's required for being a member of this community is having a Steam account. So...

9 years ago

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There's no point talking with you, have fun :)

9 years ago

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Sounds like you should sound the HERESY alarm?

9 years ago

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ahah :D

9 years ago

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I am going to get all analytical right now and say that they probably do it so that they can have some form of control on their giveaways. People seek control in strange ways. Maybe they think the winner will be more likely to mark it or not to regift it.

9 years ago

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They sound like authoritarians.

9 years ago

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Yeah kind of. In a way.

9 years ago

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I get more upset when someone puts in a comment that's just filler ("thx, thanks, thank you, thank's for the giveaway", etc.) or autoreply than if someone says nothing. At least if you say nothing you're a leech like me, whereas people who are fake want to look nice, boost their comment to entry ratio, etc. and are wasting my time with their empty words.

9 years ago

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Why do people even care about that ratio? Like I'm pretty sure there isn't a prize for that, and I don't know where that ratio is found.

9 years ago

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well not really, but there was one time where one private giveaway's entry fee was to have about 75% comment ratio to enter. Only once have I noticed it though....

9 years ago

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Oh wow another ridiculous arbitrary rule some user made up.

New rule for all my giveaways: You have to take a picture of yourself holding your ID, a picture of your steam avatar with your steam name written over it, and doing the splits.

9 years ago

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.....well to be fair, your request is illegal on so many levels as far as I know.

And the rule can be anything, if support approves it. Something as random as "steamgift name has to start with a number" if it's accepted....it can be a rule, rule doesn't necessarily have to have a reason behind it, but if it is accepted by support then so it shall be

9 years ago

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As the king decrees it! lol

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Technically, isn't posting your blacklist publicly the same as calling out?

9 years ago

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ive always found this funny myself XD

9 years ago

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You can add people to your blacklist for any arbitrary reason. It doesn't mean that they broke any of the site's rule so in that sense it's not calling out.

9 years ago

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No, you're allowed to post a blacklist but not allowed to state the reason why a person is on a blacklist. Otherwise I think it would be calling out

9 years ago

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So, if i don't want to call out someone who created a fake giveaway directly, could i comment as "You are on my blacklist without any reason" under the giveaway...? :P

Universal questions, volume 1.
Just kidding. :)

9 years ago

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I'm with OP. I give thanks when I win. Otherwise I'd have ~16000 useless comments.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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why the fuck did you just necro almost 2 months old thread?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Sigh, so many people here to add to my blacklist now. :|

9 years ago

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Hundreds of non-genuine "THANXS!!!11one" add absolutely nothing to the discussion or the giveaway. I know most people are here to try to get free stuff, but all of the "THANKS OP" posts in giveaways feels like nothing but spam. I'd much rather see folks chatting about the game in question.

9 years ago

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in a more perfect world, though it might be hard to talk about a game if you have never owned it yourself XD

9 years ago

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A discussion can easily take place, even if you dont have the game. You can easily discuss what you are most excited to see in the game, how you plan to play it, etc.

9 years ago

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then we kinda end up with the same "spam" issue kinda, I mean like if the reasons your excited, plans, etc. stay the same you will be basically commentin the same thing over and over again. like thank you is to thanks or thnx or gr8 b8 m8 etc8.

9 years ago

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Chatting about the game on the GA page is hard because you don't get notifications for replies on a GA comment. So the only way to check if someone replied to you would be to bookmark the GA and check it regularly which is rather a hassle.

9 years ago

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You can also check your replies here

9 years ago

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I know that... but that page does not include replies from GA comment threads. That page is for replies from the forum only.

9 years ago

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Don't worry SGv2 will fix this

9 years ago

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there's a UserScript that filters all these "standard-thanks" out so that the only comments remaining are (ideally) interesting

This should be the source-script

9 years ago

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Meh, if GA creator wants it then I'm fine with it. Personally, though, I wouldn't do it myself on my GAs. I'd feel like a comment that I get by threatening to put on my blacklist would be disingenuous. I'd rather have comments that people put there because they wanted to.

9 years ago

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I always type thanks message by myself, it kinda became habbit, and I always answer creators question if he has some in giveaway description. It's at least I can do for someone who's giving stuff away to bunch of random people.

And btw, thanks to this thread I just noticed entries number got bugged, was this due to database crash recently?

9 years ago

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web for me is very slow. If i have to say something i can take 10 minutes waiting. I like to say "Tonks" but sometimes I got tired waiting.

9 years ago

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I do the same thing - if the GiveAway is exceptionally good (AAA-Title) then I'm thanking the creator just for their generosity - otherwise for "normal" GiveAways I'll thank if I win - and for GA's which I created I rarely check the comments at all...

9 years ago

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i thank them personally WHEN i win, thats it

It doesnt make sense to me either, so i usually type THIS IS A COMMENT

9 years ago

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I usually give a, "Thank you for this, it's very much appreciated", or similar for the gesture of the giveaway

9 years ago

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I like discussion.

9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by rmdesu.