This is the giveaway:

The ga was removed from the page:
"At the moment, beta keys, guest passes, and free games are not allowed to be given away."

So why was I banned now? For not activating something that you aren't allowed to giveaway that I have still won? Thanks a lot.

//Edit: Alright, forget everything above. I was completely WRONG!

I sincerely didn't know about that other game I won anymore, not going to call it (and him with it) out here...

I won it, however his key didn't work. He was extremely (genuinely) sorry and very kind in Steam chat and instantly gave me other game keys too, which is why I thought: "Poor guy, he'll get banned maybe for sending out keys that don't work. Let's just mark it as received even though I myself will not be able to win it anymore afterwards, which is a little unfortunate for me, but yeah."

Turns out that this is not the only consequence and what I did was probably against all rules too... I'm extremely sorry if I offended anyone in here without even being in the right. I'll follow all rules in the future hopefully and will not do someone that (accidently) puts a non-working key a favor anymore.

But thinking of it, it also makes sense to ban people for doing what I did, as you could easily farm this on-site level thingy, by marking things as received that you didn't really receive. However in this case I really didn't know the guy and I thought it'd just be kind of me, which is the treatment he deserved as he was really kind too. :)

Special thanks to: Sundance85 / robilar5500 / TempeteJoachim / HAKIMODO / Myrsan / Ryzhehvost for their helpful comments and tips that led towards clearing this up!

6 years ago*

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I wonder why you enter the giveaway if you already own the game in the first place.
Just let him reroll for another winner. He should create a support ticket for that.

6 years ago

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I entered, then went onto Reddit, found it free, instantly got it and yeah. I've also won the giveaway after that.

I asked him to reroll, nothing, I got banned in the end, after my ban the support told me that they've now removed that giveaway...

Great! 2 weeks ban for doing nothing wrong...

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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Nothing happened, support had to remove it in the end.

6 years ago

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You activate it?
It used to be against the rules to give out keys to games that were in mass giveaways, but I think now they just made it so that it doesn't count towards levelling up, like the description of the giveaway says.

6 years ago

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I can't. I've gotten it for free before I won.

First the game got free on humble.
This guy then created a giveaway for it.
I entered, forgot about it, got to know about the free game and got it.
Then I won the giveaway on here aswell.

That's how it went down.

6 years ago

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Wow. Xcom declassified for free. This game is really cool.

6 years ago

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It is.

6 years ago

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nothing happens... you can now make giveaways for games that were given away in mass. the creator gets 0 points but it is allowed now.

6 years ago

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But I couldn't activate it.

I entered the giveaway on here, before I knew about it being free & took the free one before of course.

I got banned for 2 weeks -.-

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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That's not what he was suspended for. Please don't encourage people to make useless tickets.

6 years ago

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dont you get suspended if you enter a game you already own? also the reason for it should be on the ticket he got for suspension.

6 years ago

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No. Normally SteamGifts doesn't even let you enter when you already own a game. But even when you enter and win a game you already own (for example because of an API error or because you haven't synched your account since getting the game) it's not a big problem.

He got suspended for something completely unrelated than what he claims but I'm not allowed to say because of the calling out rule.

6 years ago

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ok, thanks.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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"He got suspended for something completely unrelated than what he claims but I'm not allowed to say because of the calling out rule."

Wait what? Can you tell me it privately?

I would really like to know since the page said "You've been banned for not activating won gifts",
which I also couldn't do, as I described.

6 years ago*

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Wow... I always assumed you get a more detailled explanation what you did wrong when you get suspended. How are people supposed to learn from their mistakes if they don't know what they did wrong ? Hope this helps clear things up.

I've sent you a message with the explanation somewhere private. If you want you can tell me when you've read it and I'll delete it ;)

6 years ago

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You get the suspension reason, suspension length, name of the game, link to the giveaway, name of the giveaway creator and link to their profile, giveaway ending date, quote of the relevant guidelines with a screenshot of it, and a link to the ticket creation page.

6 years ago

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Responded to you in private since my comment includes the exact nature of OPs infractions ;)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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He just asked me to explain it to him so apparently he honestly doesn't know.

Apparently the only notification he got was "You've been banned for not activating won gifts." which is accurate (although not complete) but I always assumed you get a more detailled explanation when you get suspended like which game and stuff like that.

6 years ago

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It's definitely NOT allowed!

Referring to this: "At the moment, beta keys, guest passes, and free games are not allowed to be given away."

6 years ago

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What's the problem about that?
The people giving it away don't earn anything from it, it's a nice gesture for others who don't want to make an account just for a free game tho :)

6 years ago

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I got banned for 2 weeks, even though I created a support ticket before AND asked for a reroll -.-

6 years ago

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The suspension was for something unrelated. Don't you get a notification why when you get suspended ?

6 years ago

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"You've been banned for not activating won gifts", I explained why I couldn't activate it.

This is what staff said, as to why the have have removed the ga I had entered and won:
"At the moment, beta keys, guest passes, and free games are not allowed to be given away."

6 years ago*

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Games wins not activated

Guacamelee! Gold Edition (2017-02-19 11:37:00)
WARZONE (2017-11-15 14:44:00)

I don't see Warzone on owned games in your steam profile.
= is marked by you as received.

This is a real reason of ban.

6 years ago*

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maybe you got suspended for something else?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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"You have been suspended for not activating won gifts" - So I don't think so. What would it be?

I had only one, which was this one.

It has now been removed: "At the moment, beta keys, guest passes, and free games are not allowed to be given away." is what it says on the page where I entered the ga.

6 years ago

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Games wins not activated

Guacamelee! Gold Edition (2017-02-19 11:37:00)
WARZONE (2017-11-15 14:44:00)

I don't see Warzone on owned games in your steam profile.
= is marked by you as received.

This is a real reason of ban.

6 years ago*

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1) don't mark game as received.
2) don't touch the key, don't even reveal it.
3) ask giveaway creator for reroll (just write a comment in giveaway)
4) wait
5) try to be more careful next time, and leave a giveaway if you got a game.

6 years ago

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1) I didn't.
2) I didn't use it. I don't know, maybe I revealed it. But I honestly don't think so.
3) I did that the second I noticed what was going on
4) I did that and also made a support ticket. No reply by staff or the ga creator.
5) I forgot about what I had entered before tbh.

6 years ago

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Then you did everything right and your ban wasn't related to this case. You can check if you have non-activated games or multiple wins with this convenient tool, give it a try.

6 years ago

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Regarding 5 to avoid this in future:
You can check your current entries on this page. If you're very active, I suggest to use the 'Sync Account' button here every time after activating something on your Steam account. It automatically removes your entries from GAs, if you own it then (API exceptions: DLCs, Packs).

6 years ago

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So why was I banned now?

u know the answer, why u asking? O.o

6 years ago

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Solved itself now. I genuinely thought it was related to the xcom game.

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by nurax1337.