So i ask you what are things you think about gaming or games that people would look down upon your or criticize you for? Ill go first

I like borderlands TPS more than 2.

I dont think skyrim is that great.

I like CoD and play BO3 regularly and have preordered IW.

I think Bioshock infinite is overrated.

I believe The only good Deus Ex game so far is human revolution.

I think MW2 isnt that great either

I think Every battlefield after 2142 is trash

Alrriiiigghhhtt before i get blacklisted by the entire universe wanna GA?

Now post some of your own. Im curious about how this will turn out.

Edit: I should probably put a trigger warning somewhere

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I tried the demo and was bored after 5 minutes, so I just quit.

7 years ago

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I was going to put something along the lines of this. I don't think its mediocre, just.... average. The battle mechanic may be neat but not neat enough for all that publicity

7 years ago

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Well, it's not as if the primary battle mechanic is the reason why the game is popular, really.

7 years ago

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I just meant the fact that you can choose to kill or spare creatures. When I ask people why they like the game, I usually hear that they like the characters, or the fact that you can choose how to interact with the monsters.

7 years ago

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Ah, I thought you were referring to the actual combat, not that. Yeah, the characters, story, and overall quirkiness of the game are the main draws of it. I'm sure you've already heard/seen this from countless fans,but it is one of those games that you have to "complete" before you see it's value. That's the reason why 99% of recommendations you'll see encourage the player to go in blind with promises of "it pays off". The worst part about that is nowadays people (understandably) don't want to go into games completely blind, as well as the fact that the first section of Undertale actually is rather dull to start off with. It isn't for everyone.

7 years ago

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Fair enough.

7 years ago

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lol is better than dota
i like deus ex 2
undertale is boring
portal is boring and repetitive
fallout 4 is the best one
skyrim without mods is perfect

7 years ago

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lol is better than dota

7 years ago

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Meet me irl

7 years ago

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Half-Life is shit.
TF2 is shit.
CS:GO is shit.
Any COD released after COD BO2 is total trash.
Outlast and Amnesia aren't scary.
Undertale is super boring.
H1Z1 is boring and shitty.
Uriel's Chasm is a good game kappa
Euro Truck is boring.
Just Cause 2 is meh
LoL & DotA2 are highly boring.
Dead Bits is actually fun.

Will edit if i remember more.

7 years ago*

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"Any COD released after COD BO2 is total trash."
Wouldnt count that as something people would flame you for believing

7 years ago

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what u mean

7 years ago

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I meant as an unpopular opinion.

7 years ago

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i still dont get it, sorry, my brain is pretty fried up for sleeping 4hours for the past 2 weeks

7 years ago

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He's saying, the point of the thread is to state your beliefs that are contrary to popular opinion. Everyone hates COD after BO2 so your opinion isn't particularly controversial.

Unlike my opinion, which is anything after COD 2 is bro-gamer trash. Yes, the WWII one.

I play Pokèmon GO, even though it doesn't hold a candle to the original games. And the gameplay is shit. And it's a broken mess.
Speaking of, I went as far as breeding for certain IVs in the GBA versions.
I only stopped playing Pokèmon because every series was exactly the same but with more uninspiring monsters and it got boring.
The whole genre of MOBAs are RTS-lite clickfests, you might as well be playing Cookie Clicker.
I have tonnes of games, but barely have time to play them. Most of them I bought retail. I'm a collector. Aka hoarder.
Supreme Commander 2 is a great RTS. No, not as good as SupCom1, but still fun.
I never finished BioShock. I have 2 and Infinite but never started them.
I play most games on Easy mode, not because I'm bad but because I'm time poor. But also because occasionally I suck. And I've been a gamer more than 20 years.
Origin and uPlay aren't THAT bad. But yeah Windows Live was as rubbish as everyone said.
The only turn-based games worth playing are the Worms series.

7 years ago*

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Outlast has good atmosphere though

7 years ago

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Yep, still a pretty fun game to play

7 years ago

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not that i'm saying it's good or anything. I myself never actually played it and i'm not biased on the game. I personally just think the atmosphere is good from the gameplay series i've watched.

7 years ago

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I've played JC 2 for a while, and I agree.

7 years ago

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Dead Bits is fun hay, I was expecting it to be crap but quite enjoyed it :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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I don't blame you for Bioshock Inf. I found it pretty easy even on hard (except the fucking Handymans) but yeah, the looks and the atmosphere is the best in the game, not the actual gameplay.

7 years ago

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stardew is work, i got paid in turnips.

7 years ago

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I thought I was the only one who liked LaCroix. I am pleased to meet you.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This one time, at band camp…


7 years ago

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an actual secret? not just what games i hate?

i botted in wow for 8 years with out incident.
no one knows.. but now that i dont play anymore (on my own accord) i can tell you that i made alot of real money from it

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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used a 3rd party program do fight for me.. did not have to worry about rotation as the program did it faster than i ever could..

7 years ago

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How much can be made from botting per year?

7 years ago

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per year is hard to say.. gold sales fluctuate so much.. i made roughly 2k a month in pandaria expac. i played for myself in warlords so i did not make any real cash.

7 years ago

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So that's $24.000 for a year?

7 years ago

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now that was just the 1 account that i used gold farming on.. there are people that make 6 times that .. some can bot like 14 accounts all at once and its just insane

7 years ago

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Skyrim is kinda boring after the first few hours.
The best 3d sonic game is Sonic Lost World.
A controller is better than k+m except for a few genres, one of this exceptions is fighting games.
Cities XL is a good series.
Buying a flashy tower is pointless, is the part of the computer that you never look at, a black box with no lights is the best way to go.

This is kinda hard actually, if I can think of something else I'll add it later.

7 years ago

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I don't really like skyrim either tbh. Though I can see why a lot of people like it.

7 years ago

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I never understood the whole good looking computer either. I only care what the computer can do. I use a NZXT Source 210 case that I got for $22 shipped after a $10 rebate. I actually don't like a flashy computer, I would prefer that it is all black and doesn't stand out.

I didn't want any air going into my case where there wasn't a filter, so I literally took clear packing tape and taped over all the extra fan locations on the top and side of my case. I also taped over all the unused pci expansion slots because they were vented and every other little hole that I could find.

7 years ago*

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Yep. Ventilation, construction quality, being roomy for hardware, thoose are things I can understand people looking for when shoping for a case, but lights and pretty shapes is really superfluous.

7 years ago

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Thank you! !!
My computer is under the desk where I never see it. The magic happens on the monitor. Why does the inside of the box need to be lit up like a damn Christmas tree?

7 years ago

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I don't like the lights at all and prefer to not have them. It seems like all manufacturers are going crazy over RGB lately and I see it as a negative. I am on the computer a lot at night with no other lights on in the room. I hate when electronics put bright power leds on them, like the monitor, mouse, modem, router, and the computer. Sitting on the computer in a dark room with a bright led shining in the corner of your eye for hours gets really annoying. I put small pieces of tape over the lights so they don't bother me as much.

7 years ago*

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For my last build I went with a pure black, noise dampening AeroCool case. No show-through panels, no fan sounds, no regrets. :)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Alan Wake has bad pacing and bad mechanics and is boring
Mafia 2 isn't that good
Dead Space 1 is a bad game

The Tomb Raider reboot was terrible. It was incredibly easy, Lara Croft is a whiny cry baby and isn't a badass like she used to be. The story was boring and uninteresting and very poorly designed and almost all of the characters were as depthful as a tiny puddle on a road. The puzzles are a joke and the combat is so easy it's just a boring inconvenience

FarCry 3 isn't that good of a game
Bastion isn't really all that great and the narration wasn't really all that spectacular. It was okay though. The only time it was good is when he explains the pasts of Zia and The Kid.

While I enjoyed Undertale, it's not that amazing and it was a little shallower than I thought it would be. Toby Fox didn't fully capitalize on the potential the game actually had.

And last but not least. Call of Duty is good (gameplay wise. I don't like the propaganda and all the bullshit. I just mean, solely, the multiplayer gameplay. Shooting the people and whatnot.) I don't get why people hate on the series so much (multiplayer gameplay wise), people enjoy it and have fun and it's a satisfying casual experience for a lot of people and that is fine. I don't like how they use real gun models in the game in which they have to license and this in turn supports the creation of real gun manufactures Relevant link-a-dink

7 years ago*

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"I don't get why people hate on the series so much" From what ive gathered its because its popular. Just look at the steam reveiws for BO3.

7 years ago

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You say you played Dead Space on normal difficulty and then half of your review complains about how easy it is. You can't complain about game being too easy if you haven't played it on hard difficulty (which I'll admit is not very hard but some mistakes will get you killed).

You also complain about weapons you get early in the game being a viable choice, especially when modded. Well of course, each weapon should be viable choice in first/third person shooters. I personally dislike when games give you garbage weapons early game and then start giving you better ones towards the end. It's better when all weapons are viable and perform differently like it was done in this game. Of course the exception to that are obviously RPG games and RPG hybrids (like Borderlands) where I prefer getting stronger and stronger weapons as I go.

I am surprised about your comment on Undertale since I remember you praising it almost religiously on SG before.

7 years ago

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I like Yu-gi-oh games so much shame................

7 years ago

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no shame allowed. You keep enjoying those yu-gi-oh games.

7 years ago

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They've gone to shit after they brought synchro monsters in my opinion. Everything before that was good. I love playing Yugioh now its too fucking confusing

7 years ago

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Yu-Gi-Oh! is fantastic. I got my username from it. ;) But yes, XYZ/Synchro monsters are garbage.

7 years ago

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Far Cry 3 is overrated.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 is boring.

7 years ago

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I agree with far cry 3, A lot of people find Euro Truck simulator very relaxing and comfortable.

7 years ago

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That's what I was expecting too, until I tried reverse parking the truck. Then I knew it was a lie lol

7 years ago

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ha ha ha xD true that.

7 years ago

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If you have a proper wheel and gated shifter it becomes much more challenging and enjoyable than just driving in automatic with a keyboard or controller.

7 years ago

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Sakura series games are really good, with a lot of gameplay, decisions to make and serious considerations at every minute that you spend on them.

7 years ago

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View attached image.
View attached image.
7 years ago

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I'm sorry. What were you saying? I was busy reading.

7 years ago

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The expected answer!

7 years ago

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I've never played Pokemon.
I've also never played any of the Zelda games.
I've never played a TES game.

I spend the majority of my time playing the same three games over and over again, and I have not visibly improved in either for probably a year.

7 years ago

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how the fuck do you have so much time on nekopara

7 years ago

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infinite idling

7 years ago

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Unless the little girl in your pic is your daughter or yourself, I find myself worried when combining that to your nekopara obsession.

7 years ago

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How come being his daughter make it "better"? I'd be worried ten times more if it was his daughter O_O

7 years ago

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And how did you even manage to be more hours activ for 2 weeks than they already have?

7 years ago

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I found Undertale really boring.

I thought The Binding of Isaac and VVVVVV were too frustrating.

I gave up on all of them.

7 years ago

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i dont like valve games
i think goldeneye was better than half life
i think hotline miami and the dark souls games are really easy

7 years ago

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And i think Limbo is garbage

7 years ago

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"Limbo is garbage"

View attached image.
7 years ago

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ok you get whitelisted simply because Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared is awesome :P

7 years ago

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XD the second one is my favorite.

7 years ago

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What's your favorite idea?

7 years ago

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what's my favorite idea? I don't understand.

7 years ago

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Think creatively!

7 years ago

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I don't know, I like to think about "special effects" that affect the overall atmosphere and mood of a given scenery or place.It's interesting and inspiring .

7 years ago

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I was reffering to animation you posted :p

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Is just my opinion, what i think about the game, calm down
I didnt like the game because looks too edgy and "artistical" for me, i like the fact of having an atmosphere but having just black, white and gray and a awful lot of blur just end being looks like a product of the time, like "being edgy is cool today, lets make an edgy game", but like i said, is just my opinion and my way to think, if you like the game, more power to you, its just not my cup of tea

7 years ago

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It's no secret, but I love Nintendo (although admittedly, sometimes it's more of a love/hate relationship).

7 years ago

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What's the shame in that?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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  • I don't think that Mass Effect 3's endings were that bad, just a bit lacking.

  • I think Destiny is a really good game

  • I'm fine with futuristic CoD games and might buy Infinite Warfare.

  • I think that Bad Rats is a fun game when it fucking works

  • I like Origin and I don't think that Uplay is as bad as people make it out to be.

  • I like Resident Evil 5.

  • I think the Xbone is a great console.

7 years ago

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I think calling unpopular opinions 'dirty secrets' is sort of a misnomer, but I see what you're going for.

I think Fallout 3 is way better than NV
I think almost every Final Fantasy game is vastly inferior to many competing JRPGs
I thought Skyward Sword was pretty decent
I like Ocarina of Time better than Majora's Mask.
Bioshock Infinite's story was bad. Gameplay was alright but disappointing compared to to BS1&2
I have an irrational but very firm dislike of Blizzard for some reason. Not entirely sure why.

I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of them right now.

7 years ago

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Risk of rain is not as good as it looks...

7 years ago

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I secretly hate gaming and gamers. It makes me absolutely sick to see people enjoying themselves.

7 years ago

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I laughed

7 years ago

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  • I'm not usually a fan of combat-heavy games, but if one has an interesting enough story I may give it a go but will probably use cheats/trainers to minimise the combatty bits (if the combat is more stealth and/or puzzle oriented though I'll likely play it properly)
  • I often complain about the increasing use of DLCs to milk money out of gamers but also complain about the lack of single player DLC in GTA5
  • I occasionally unleash my OCD on Portal 2 workshop maps using conversion gel to paint the entire play area. sometimes I even make complex shaped maps just to do this with (a couple of which I even modified to have puzzles and released to the community). before discovering Portal I had a habit of wasting felt tip pens on completely covering scrap paper, tablet boxes, friends faces (ok that last one is a lie. I didn't have friends)
7 years ago

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Dude i completely relate to the 3rd one. Try stocking at walmart OCD overload for me.

7 years ago

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I don't think Fallout series are that great. Fallout 4 is kinda boring. I don't listen radio in game (especially i hate the song MAYBE)
Undertale is overrated
I buy every game of Bioware and every dlc (Dragon age, Mass Effect)
Dark Sols isn't that great. Bad port is not the same thing as difficulty
I hate Valve fanboys and don't like Valve games (especialy f2p trash with unlimited donations)
I liked Mass Effect 3's ending
Star Wars Battlefront is overrated
I like all Blizzard games (expect WOW)

7 years ago

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I have putted all "Visual novel" tagged games in ignore list.

I play many games on Easy difficulty, just to finish them fast, but also to see their story and feel some of their gameplay experience.
Same thing for no difficulty options, I use walkthroughs.
If I find one very enjoyable, I restart it as soon as I can to play more seriously.

7 years ago*

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I thought I was the only one who doesn't like visual novels.

7 years ago

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I hate them too. Since i play Final Fantasyy and Ys games my que is anime overload. So much cringe.

7 years ago

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True story :]

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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GTA 5 is boring after you play it on 360 you don't even want to rebuy it for the pc. cuz its boring + there is not much to do after the main story and los santos is small and boring.

7 years ago

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you know theres multiplayer

7 years ago

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I played 1hour in singleplayer... Multiplayer so much more fun with a friend or more!

7 years ago

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I really like Sonic Adventure DX
I think Shovel Knight is ok
I think Ocarina of Time is ok
I think 99% of retro games are bad
I hate visual novels
Edit: Thought of a couple more
I don't care about story in games. I usually just ignore the story, even if the story is great.
I think Minecraft is incredibly boring
I don't like games that you can't beat, such as Minecraft, Ark, CoD Zombies, etc (pretty much just survival games)
I thought the Batmobile sections in Arkham Knight were great (From what I've seen a lot of people don't like the Batmobile in that game)
I like Duke Nukem Forever (I haven't beat it yet and I've never played a Duke Nukem game)
Super Mario 64 has bad/boring level design
Super Mario Galaxy 2 is boring
I don't like playing co-op or online multiplayer games (with the exception of Rocket League, TF2, and Overwatch)

7 years ago*

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