Hello. Thanks for big help in last thread. So, i will buy one game from my list. What is the best game?

  • TES V: Skyrim
  • Borderlands 2
  • Majesty 2 + 2 dlc for the sims 3
  • Mortal Kombat Komplete
  • Dead island collection
9 years ago*

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Bordelrand 2 goty if u can buy and then dead island

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Borderlands 2 if you have friends to play with, Skyrim if you are alone :c

9 years ago

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Skyrim if you have a beast computer that can handle taxing mods. It's pretty terrible without them though. Borderlands 2 otherwise.

9 years ago

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Skyrim without mods is awesome too!

9 years ago

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It's not terrible at all. If you have Legendary Edition it's even better.

With mods you can increase replay value of the game.

Anyway, pick Skyrim.

9 years ago

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Skyrim would be my bet too

9 years ago

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+1 for Skyrim , don't get BLands 2 or Dead Island if you don't have friends to play with .

9 years ago

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Skyrim is boring, Dead Island is buggy, MK is MK, don't know about Majesty.
Go for Borderlands 2!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Love how you listed Skyrim under boring but forgot to say that Borderlands 2 solo is more painful than a bus running over your foot. I actually saw a bus run over a dudes foot once, but at that time BL2 wasn't out yet so I couldn't ask him to compare the two, but while I played BL2 solo, I got up to go to the bathroom and I looked at the mirror, I had the exact same expression on my face as that guy after the bus/foot thing happened.

As for my recommendation for the OP, go with BL2 if you have at least 1 friend to play it with (playing solo feels like playing a dead mmo game), if not, Skyrim is your best bet.

9 years ago

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I enjoyed single-player in BL2. Of course playing with friends is way funnier but I'm a kind of person who likes to stop and smell flowers in a game and unfortunately I can't do that when my friends are rushing. And I still think Skyrim is boring.

9 years ago

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So you like to stop and smell the flowers in Borderlands but not in Skyrim? Makes sense.

9 years ago

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Can't I have a different opinion? I disliked Skyrim mainly because I think even with mods it wasn't that pretty, the world felt plastic instead of alive (like e.g. in The Witcher 2) and the story was boring...
Borderlands' Pandora on the other hand is beautiful, filled with fun stuff to do and I enjoyed it a lot more than Skyrim.

9 years ago

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If you don't want people commenting on your "opinions", maybe you shouldn't type them on internet forums. What you say doesn't make much sense, by the way. But, whatever.

9 years ago

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Skyrim or Borderlands 2. If you have friends you can play co-op with - Borderlands even more.

9 years ago

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Skyrim for single player and modding.... Borderlands 2 for co-op with friends. Dead Island isn't very good. Mortal Kombat is good, but I'm gonna guess the online is lagged and unplayable like it is on console.

9 years ago

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If Dead Island collection brings both games and all dlc, go for it. The co-op should be good enough to keep you going for a while, single player isn't that bad either. This is the best option out of all of them, even though it's not the best game listed there.

Skyrim without dlc will also get boring quick.

Borderlands 2 without dlc will get boring quick.

Mortal Kombat Komplete, avoid it like the plague, there are better titles than MKK.

Majesty 2 + 2 dlc for sims 3, i don't know man, both things aren't on my "liking" list. Besides i think Majesty 2 has been bundled a few times, i have both Majesty 2 and Majesty 2 collection on steam and i never bought them directly from steam.

The way i listed things is how i would get the games, though the last one listed here i really wouldnt invest on it, unless of course it got bundled. Which is the case.

9 years ago

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TES V: Skyrim

9 years ago

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Thanks! I managed to ninja it.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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What a question... Skyrim, of course! The legendary game of our Steamgifts elders...
Borderlands 2 is overrated in my opinion. Everyone recommended me to purchase it, so I did. Result? I was bored nearly to death. I've heard it's better in co-op with friends, but I've also heard that it was "epic" in solo as well, and as far as I know it totally isn't.
If unsure, go for Skyrim. It's a complex, interesting and amazing game, well worth playing. I played it vanilla, was great, ~100 hours of gameplay and would launch it now and then again for sure.
As for Borderlands 2, well... You can give it a try. I'm not saying it's bad, I was just completely disappointed in the game.

9 years ago

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borderlands and dlc gave me 230 hours of fun. dead island series about 80 all up. I am 150 hours into skyrim and still love it. all 3 are good but bl2 and skyrim are the better of the 3 I have played

9 years ago

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skyrim if you have an overpowered computer to handle all the amazing mods they have, if not then go for borderlands 2 because that game is a great game. Never buy sims 3 on steam its mission some of the expansions so it will just be a waste of money if you want the last expansions.

9 years ago

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I have sims 3 on Origin not on Steam

9 years ago

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Borderlands 2 is crazy awesome. An don't listen to idiots who say you should only play it co-op. Unlike the first Borderlands, the story is awesome and the characters are so crazy and funny, you'll laugh your head off at nearly every scene, cut-scene, line or echo transmission. It's more than worth getting just for that. Game-play wise it's basically Borderlands 1.5. But there's nothing wrong with that. But do get the Game of the Year Edition. The 4 major DLCs offer even more fun than the main game.

9 years ago

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Borderlands 2

9 years ago

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