I have a stand-alone DLC codes for a certain game, they are very similar and give access to multiplayer in that game + unlock a certain army. Those are 2 codes. I would like to GA them but i somehow confused them and do not remember which is which and i would prefer not to waste one just to redeem it on my account.

Is it allowed/Is there any punishment for making a GA for certain game and state in description that it may either be option A or B because i mistook keys and not sure which is which?

8 years ago

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Do you own these DLCs yourself, or do you know someone who owns them ? If they are standalone, you might be able to see which one a key activates by trying to activate it on an account that already owns it, since Steam will offer you to install it after trying to activate the key.

8 years ago

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You'll need to make sure the DLCs aren't already installed [as they're set to automatically download with game install by default on Steam] but that the base game IS installed, as unlike standard game keys, DLC activation doesn't tell you what DLC you're trying to activate on a failed activation.

8 years ago

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But if they're standalones, it doesn't matter if the base game is installed or not, no ?

I had no idea that there is a way to do this with regular DLCs though.

8 years ago

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I guess it depends if Steam treats them as standalones or DLCs..? :X

Ah, Steam's approach to DLCs never ceases to cause confusions, eh?

I just want to be able to buy soundtracks without owning a base game [on Steam], one day :(

8 years ago

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If it's a separate entry in your library, and you can install it independtly from the original game, I would assume that what I said would work, but I don't think I have any key I can use to test this.

8 years ago

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Right, but then it wouldn't be a DLC, it'd be a standalone expansion.
I presumed standalone DLC referred to something like DLC for a f2p game.
Honestly, the phrasing is a bit odd. :P

But yeah, I've nothing to check any of this with, either :X

8 years ago

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I just have the keys and i do not own them on my main account. They are both CoH obberkomando and us forces so they are rather similar and same value. I would like to GA both of these but i forgot which key is which.

8 years ago

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Here's what you'd need to do:
Post it as described.

IF the winner agrees to the conditions you listed in the description, you can ask support to change the giveaway to the correct game, if needed.

Otherwise, you may have to give both DLCs to avoid a 'Not Received', meaning if you get a really shitty winner, you could be out two games for the CV credit of one.

8 years ago

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Alternatively, you can ask support to delete one GA (preferably the "cheaper"), and send both codes to the winner, if they are for the same game. You lose some marginal amount of CV and a received GA from your stats, but you can be 100% sure about the key.

8 years ago

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They are both same value. They are CoH obberkommando and us forces armies.

8 years ago

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Only way is to guess
make one GA. if it's the right code, great make another GA. if not, be happy that someone got 2 games ;)

8 years ago

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The keys would have come in an email. Find the email, or log into your account on whatever site sold you the keys.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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It's actually Shion xDDDDD

8 years ago

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