So my dad and his girlfriend Wendy came home with fish a couple weeks ago. They got a decorative skull for the tank that the fish can hide in... Foreshadowing I tell you! This is the third time my dad set up a home aquarium and we never had any survivors before, we just can't take care of fish... Wendy said it would be different this time since she knows how to take care of them. After 2 days our golden gourami killed 3 neon tetras so we isolated him. I told her all our fish die!

A week later and things aren't looking so bad. Now Wendad are on a camping trip for the week and I'm in charge of feeding their fish. It's been 2 days since they left and the fish already almost fucking died.

I woke up this morning and fed them, and hadn't looked at them since. That was like 14 hours ago, and while I'm in the middle of a game my brother starts spamming me on Steam that the fish are dead and there's NO WATER IN THE TANK WAT.

I run out to the dining area and the water is literally down to the rocks and there's water all over the table and underneath the surge protector. There was a stray tube smaller than the circumference of a pencil hanging out of the tank and it siphoned all the water out throughout the day. I couldn't believe it. That tube connects to a bubble wand at the bottom of the tank that isn't in use atm because the pump we have isn't strong enough to run the bubble wand and the under gravel filter, so we unhooked it but left it in there. I really don't know squat about home aquariums lol.

Somehow I feel like this is my fault but dad said the tube had been out for days before they left. Now that I'm the one looking after the fish something happens. :(

One fish is swimming sideways, he's definitely on his way to the aquarium upstate... :p the others seem ok.

TL;DR fish aren't that easy to take care of and die all the gatdam tam.

P.S. Fish or fishes?

9 years ago*

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:( Sorry to hear that.

9 years ago

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Man, I just hate that fish always die in our care. Ya see them at Walmart in nasty, nasty water so you bring them home cus you wanna save them, but they die within days... :(

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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That sounds like a movie plot, are you Ben Stiller by any chance?

Anyway, your story reminds me of the time when I bought this and put it in the aquarium with ~20 other fish... it was a fucking massacre when I came back from school.

9 years ago

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I'm a black girl.

Haha just a few days ago Wendy told me she has Oscars back home in Alaska. Cool-looking fishies.

9 years ago

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So, yeah, Ben Stiller.

Among some other fish, there was a goldfish that I had for at least 2 years before they died. They were my first and last fish, and we had some good times. Never forget you, Goldy!

9 years ago

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best fish friends

actually i wanted to do a "sitting lonely in front of aquarium joke" but then i found the best fish friends. now i want some best friends. and i'm sorry for goldy of course

9 years ago

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The first time we got some fish it's because I wanted a Lionhead Goldfish. Still have a picture of him ([here], look at that damn adorable face! I named him Ferdinand. I only wanted him, but my mom just kept bringing home more and more fish and he quickly got ammonia and died. :(

9 years ago

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Brb re-learning how2link. I always forget.


9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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How does one get a pet fox? I want a pygmy marmoset. :3 but I can't even take care of some freshwater fish, so...

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Look at this fennec fox. So cute. If we had raccoons in Hawaii I'd probably try to tame one...

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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You DON'T WANT a raccoon. They are cute only in movies and cartoons. Here in CA they are practically pests in cities, almost on par with rats. One late evening I was taking out trash and this creature was sitting on top of a trash container. It didn't even try to run away or move at all, no - it HISSED at me! I'm not a scaredy cat, but picking up a fight with that...

9 years ago

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I was in Torrance last year and saw raccoons for the first time. My friend pointed and told me to look, and I asked "what the hell is that?" it was dark so I couldn't I'd never seen one before, didn't know they could get so big. They were eating cat food put out for stray cats hehe.

I dunno, this chubby guy looks pretty harmless to me. :)

9 years ago

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lol... XD
That's probably same as with cats - you can snuggle with a Fluffy all you want, but you wouldn't try to pet an old stray one on the street.

9 years ago

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One question: why your brother spammed on steam when yelling or dragging you out of the room would be more effective?

9 years ago

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He's my older brother and he bothers me for the littlest things all the time, so I rarely answer right away when he knocks. And he mumbles so I couldn't hear him. I'd die in a housefire someday if we were home alone together and we didn't have Steam.

Living with him reminds me of a scene from King of Queens.
Doug: Hey, do you know where the scissors are?
Carrie: Doug, we have lived in this house for 9 years, ok? The scissors have always been in the same place, and yet you continue to ask me where they are. Not to mention the spatula, the pot holders, the pens. Well I'll tell you something, honey. I have been a tour guide in my own kitchen long enough.
Too many precious moments have been wasted showing you where things are. Just learn. LEARN! I mean, what if I died? How would you flip a pancake? How would you - how would you ever cut anything ever again? Would you just sit here weeping and soiling yourself until somebody came in to help you? No, you wouldn't. You would remember where something is.

9 years ago

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he's older than you? blame him!

9 years ago

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Awww soeey about that, I'm not a fish lover and never had one, but I do a good job murdering tons of goldfishes in my pshome XD

9 years ago

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Start making an airtight alibi or be prepared to become a goat. An escapegoat to be exact.

9 years ago

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I woke up, I found them, that's all I know.

9 years ago

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I liek fish. Sorry to hear that :(

9 years ago

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Time to upgrade to baby-sitting.

9 years ago

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yeah, those creatures grow-up no matter what you do with them XD

9 years ago

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That's why I can pet only cactuses and succulents.

9 years ago

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Hahahaha lol xD I'm sorry for your loss xD Anyway, I don't think it's your fault, just let us know what will happen to the others xD I'm curious to know which one will be the last to survive xD Good luck!

9 years ago

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Lol fish always die I gave up on getting some already. I stole my buddy's turtle a while back tho, since he never really took care of her. I've had her a year or so. The only annoying thing is sometimes my cat wanna play with her sometimes, and take her out of the aquarium to follow her around when she's walking.

9 years ago

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You stole a turtle? lol. I stole a kitten once.

9 years ago

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Well if i didn't stole her, she would've probably died, he never changed her water. Also that kind of turtle needs to have an aquarium where she can be under water but need some spot outside of water to rest, so I think i helped her more than anything else by stealing her. Also she's not scared of my cat anymore so they can play together :)
Stealing a kitten for helping him or if he doesn't belong to someone nice it's a good thing :)

9 years ago

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What do u mean by ur dad and his girlfriend 0.o shouldnt it be his wife/ ur mother?

9 years ago

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Hello there Mr. Dinosaur!

9 years ago

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Sometimes, son, when a man and a woman fall in love... they get married and divorced and start seeing other people.

9 years ago

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k mom

9 years ago

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Fishes die all the time, it's really hard to take care :( Hope that one fish that is swimming sideways get well soon. :/

9 years ago

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Sideways-swimming-fish was found upside-down still breathing but immobile while tiger barbs pecked at him. I put him in his own container to die peacefully without being nibbled on. Poor bastard.

9 years ago

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That was good of you. The only way you could have done better was to kill him or her quickly so as not to prolong the suffering.

9 years ago

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FYI: in reply to your P.S., "fish" is the plural form of "fish", while "fishes" if the plural form of "fish". Learn the difference!

Just kidding. "Fish", if mentioned as one type or one species, or in general, has the plural form of "fish" (unchanged). While "fishes", on the other hand, means "more than 1 types/species of fish". E.g.: "I have fished a lot of fish today" means "I have fished a big number of fish individuals", while "I have fished a lot of fishes today" means "I have fished a big number of different types of fish".

9 years ago

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Aye. Its much like the proper usage of money and moneys/monies.

9 years ago

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Let's call that "double plural" :) Nice explanation.

9 years ago

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I Feel a disturbance in the force

9 years ago

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That was just Faragona demonstrating how to speak proper English.

9 years ago

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