Can't be more off-topic then me asking for help. If someone speaks computer (unlike me) or just simply into Skyrim and modding please don't hesitate to shoot me tips to solve this problem of mine.

So in-game I can load any of my saves but that's about it. I can't move cursor or my character past that nor can press any key. As for Nexus Mod manager it doesn't start and the trace logs vary between these two:

1,Tracing an Unhandled Exception:
Font 'Segoe UI' does not support style 'Regular'.
Full Trace:
System.ArgumentException: Font 'Segoe UI' does not support style 'Regular'.
at System.Drawing.Font.CreateNativeFont()
at System.Drawing.Font.Initialize(FontFamily family, Single emSize, FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit, Byte gdiCharSet, Boolean gdiVerticalFont)
at System.Drawing.Font..ctor(String familyName, Single emSize)
at Nexus.Client.MainForm.InitializeComponent()
at Nexus.Client.MainForm..ctor(MainFormVM p_vmlViewModel)
at Nexus.Client.Bootstrapper.RunMainForm(String[] p_strArgs)
at Nexus.Client.Program.Main(String[] p_strArgs)

Tracing an Unhandled Exception:
Parameter is not valid.
Full Trace:
System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid.
at System.Drawing.Font.GetHeight(Graphics graphics)
at System.Drawing.Font.get_SizeInPoints()
at System.Drawing.SystemFonts.FontInPoints(Font font)
at System.Drawing.SystemFonts.get_MenuFont()
at WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.AutoHideStripSkin..ctor()
at WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockPanelSkin..ctor()
at Nexus.Client.MainForm.InitializeComponent()
at Nexus.Client.MainForm..ctor(MainFormVM p_vmlViewModel)
at Nexus.Client.Bootstrapper.RunMainForm(String[] p_strArgs)
at Nexus.Client.Program.Main(String[] p_strArgs)
Running Threads (0)

Cheers in advance! Have a good one!

Ed.: I'd like to thank the community for showing up for me! Take care!

7 years ago*

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Can't help you. Other than giving you a bump!

7 years ago

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Cheers nonetheless!

7 years ago

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Wish I could help, but I don't use mod managers, and I never really run into issues myself, so I'm not used to trouble shooting em. Here's a bump though.

7 years ago

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Cheers for the bump!

7 years ago

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I had the same problem when i installed a mod for horses. Did you add new mods recently? If yes, try uninstall it. It could be an incompatibility with other mods. If not, try to update your drivers, it may can help!

If you tried to use a controller remember to check the box on the option menu.

That's all i know, hope you solve your problem! :)


7 years ago

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I installed all mods together before playing first. Haven't added anything since then. So i honestly don't know what caused this now... I guess I could try to look up manually deleting mods and try to off them one by one until it finally fixes.Thank you! :)

7 years ago

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I recommend using a program called Wrye Bash and create a merged patch. I donΒ΄t remember all the details but itΒ΄s especially helpful if you use multiple mods.
I ran Skyrim with, give or take, 80 mods and never encountered problems after I used Wrye Bash.

7 years ago

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Doesn't solve the current problem I'm having but might do the future ones so cheers!

7 years ago

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Just some guesses here:

are you launching Skyrim via NMM? i had tons of issues with that **** and switched to manual due to constant random stuff.
Check mods for poor packages! some mods like tossing really bad stuff at you, which hardly anyone wants or needs.
Is SKSE properly installed and recognized? MEH321 has made a total essential mod called "Crash fixes" which also warns if SKSE is not recognized (happens when using it as shortcut)
Are you using ENB or ENBoost? it caused trouble with Nvidia experience some time ago (2 years) not sure if that's still a thing?

had a very ugly thing happen to me in NV once, no probs but the next day it IMMEDIATLY started a new game while at the same time beeing stuck in the main menu and since you can't play in the MM I got crashed when i receieved items. only way to resolver was uninstalling everything and then reinstalling - all was fine afterwards. This is always a thing if really everything else fails.

EDIT: also Antivirus tends to block mods or mod managers, so exclude those! or the whole Skyrim folder if possible.

7 years ago*

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NMM doesn't start for me in the first place, so I am stuck with launching from steam library. Everything seems to be in order with SKSE.
Can't say that I even heard of ENB or ENBoost.
Cheers for your insight!

7 years ago

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Use loot to sort your load order.
Then use TES5Edit, its bit complicated to use, better watch some youtube video for it.

7 years ago

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Watching the video right now, fingers crossed! Cheers!

7 years ago

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Your nick seems kind of appropriate here...
Sorry I cannot help, I am a complete noob in this matter. But I'm good at bumping.

7 years ago

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You got a smile out of me so that's a help in my book!

7 years ago

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I'm good at making people smile! Really, I am an improv comedy actor :)

7 years ago

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What sort of mods you downloaded - just "new weapons" or something with bigger changes?
Did you read all the readme files to see if there will be no conflicts between mods you downloaded?

Also, maybe

7 years ago

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The maybe was the answer to my prayers! Cheers!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This one right here! Thank you man, have a good one!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Is it skyrim special edition? Be sure that ALL YOUR CONTROLLERS ARE DISCONNECTED. I don't know why, but it seems like it uses a controller by default.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by WHYALWAYSME.