Is there any problem with putting something like:
"I will request a new winner if your Steam profile is private, or if you have any bans on record."
in a Giveaway....?

8 years ago

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You can write that, but request will be denied: .

So either you will have to gift game, or you'll have to accept getting "no received" on your account.

Unless you got lucky and SG Support will check that guy and find out he didn't activated his previous wins...

8 years ago*

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Pretty much this.

8 years ago

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Yep exactly:)
Althought if it's a private you can ask support to check to make sure they have no unactivated or multiples wins.

8 years ago

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Cant see anything like that in FAQ so no

8 years ago

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in private ga you can

8 years ago

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No you can't: .

Well, you can, but nobody will grant reroll for that.

8 years ago

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well, so i dont get what is the reason of private ga when you can choose the participants

8 years ago

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You can't, everyone wIth the link will be able to join.

8 years ago

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You could do it, but you will have to check everyone that you want to enter and sent them the link over steam or something. And even then if one of them decides to share the link with someone else, you have no control over that.

8 years ago

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Leaking private giveaway links is grounds for suspension. If someone shares your link you can get a reroll

8 years ago

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Remember, private giveaways existed long before Support change that rule.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Try to refrain from entering giveaways for packs if you already own the majority of the games contained within. The giveaway creator may request a new winner if you own a high percentage of the packaged games.

8 years ago

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If you do that, you might risk being blacklisted by people who think you have no respect for privacy... :-/

If a Steam profile is private and the winner won't let you in to check it out, THEN you have grounds for suspicion.

8 years ago

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privacy over the internet ? over the steam ? nice joke

8 years ago

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I respect privacy more then most....o.O
If you consider your Steam profile private, then you don't need to join that giveaway. It's a simple rule: if you say no I will respect that.
I don't badger anyone I meet online for where they live if they really are a guy or a girl, ect. The only thing I may ask are people's age if They want to add me and if they say no I don't ask them again, and the only reason I ask that is to get an idea of what I can talk about around them.
But as for the giveaway, you don't buy something on Amazon and tell them you can't give them your address because you want to keep that private and expect that item to get shipped to you. If you wanted that you would have to shave your hair, get rid of excess dead skin, wear a mask and pay non-trackable cash at a normal store and hope you don't look too suspicious...... >...< and if you do that, more power to you....

tl;dr I just want to be able to somewhat trust the person that I'm giving something that cost me money and not them to.

8 years ago

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I kind of feel the same way. It's not that there is a lot of private information on your steam profile (except if you put it there, but that would just be stupid).

8 years ago

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I don't have to publish my address to the whole world to buy something on Amazon... :-)

I have no problem with you preferring not to give away stuff to any person for whatever reason you want, just trying to point out that another person's desire for some degree of privacy (a recognised basic human right) doesn't automatically make them untrustworthy!

8 years ago

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well that's stupid. If I'm giving something away I should be able to do what I can to make sure that the person actually uses it.... =/ (and screw cheaters)

8 years ago

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If you want to make sure winner is someone who fits your criteria, there's only whitelist or personal-group giveaways.

8 years ago

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Private profiles are not against the rules, but you can still open a ticket for a reroll. Support will check winners profile to see if any rules have been broken.
alternatively you can add the winner yourself and ask him to make his profile public for a brief moment

8 years ago

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Support will check winners profile to see if any rules have been broken.

You mean I don't need to provide actual proof myself? I always check my winners using sgtools (and manually) and provide them the evidence. Didn't know I could just ask them to check it themselves...

8 years ago

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Well, if profile is private then you have no chance to actually check it, which is why SG has weekly syncs.

8 years ago

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I only had this issue once. I asked the winner to temporarily make his/her profile public so that sgtools can access it, and to add me as a friend so that I can manually check if I find anything. This wasn't needed as the profile was clean :-)

8 years ago

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Yes ideally you should check his profile, some of them will refuse to set it to public.
In that case is always better to ask support, rather then giving the game because you couldn't find evidence
For some SG is the reason why profiles are set to private

8 years ago

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I expected to see a lvl 10 power user.
And then reality happened.

8 years ago

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What's the problem with private profiles? You can always add the person and ask them to show you their profile.

8 years ago

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you may request winner to make profile public for you to check his wins and his activation. If he refuses request a reroll based on winner rejecting gift.

8 years ago

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Is that allowed in the rules?

8 years ago

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you are allowed to check your winner for potential cases of rulebreaking. Your winner is also allowed to refuse you - then he is also refusing his win, and "winner refused" is listed reason for reroll.

Seen this posted by support staff member on forums before.

Also as mentioned elsewhere in this topic - you may request support member to check your winner - they have data from weekly mandatory profile sync.

8 years ago

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Or, I'll just find another way to giveaway games >....>

8 years ago

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ok, bye

8 years ago

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Well, with the whitelist, could I make a post in discussions with my rules and if the people who comment on that can be put on a whitelist? o.O

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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you can always do some puzzles and work with whitelists
in my experience most people who "do stuff to enter ga's" really want that game :)

8 years ago

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I mean I have just been looking at people in some post's and have noticed a good amount of people on this site have been banned on Steam before and I am very anti-cheating.....

8 years ago

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You're just giving away games, not the cure for cancer.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Cheaters are a cancer man IDK what you're talking about. 200 years ago there wasn't a single cheater online(albeit there wasn't internet but still) and now there's millions of them. That's as damn close to a cancer as anything.

8 years ago

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guess what genius - there were no online cheaters, because there was noi online. But there have always been cheaters - card cheaters for example.

8 years ago

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There's a reason I said:
"(albeit there wasn't internet but still)"
and why I specified online
But at the end of the day, take a joke....

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Best answer ever :p

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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How am I not calm? o.O Are you staring at me through my window...? Because if so, your looking at the wrong person stalker. =P

8 years ago

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This was mentioned pretty recently by support, but you can ask support to check your winner if they have a private profile. This way you can be sure that their profile is clean, but you can't have special rules "officially". You can blacklist people afterwards or choose to not give them the game by taking the "not received". A while back you could get special permission through a ticket to use certain rules but they changed their policy on that.

Edit: I pretty much added nothing to this conversation and restated what others had said so I apologize. That's what I get for not reading and being exhausted :P

8 years ago*

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Yeah PsyKo (one of the first comments) linked to it already, TY though

8 years ago

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Yeah I noticed that after I wrote everything. My bad.

8 years ago

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