Hi, I have a feature suggestion for this site.

I think there should be a way to automatically hide all giveaways for certain games from the site. There would be a screen showing all the games on Steam. Users would be able to uncheck the games they already have, and the site would not show any giveaways for those games. This would unclutter the list, especially for users who have a lot of games, and allow you to find giveaways for games that you actually need easier.

Even better, maybe the website could automatically detect which games you own, by using the Steam authentication, and optionally hide them for you.

1 decade ago*

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wow... too many people suggesting this.. t-up though

1 decade ago

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Lol, you're right, I guess I should have looked first. A lot of people do seem to have the same idea as me.

1 decade ago

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Yeah lol I have seen this topic on 4 different threads on this now.

1 decade ago

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That's probably because it's one of the most obvious things that people want.

1 decade ago

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Something is being worked on to make filtering giveaways possible, however there's no expected date of it's arrival. I asked CG about his progress with it so far and it's kind of a low priority right now - more important stuff, such as figuring out why the recent downtimes occurred and preventing them happening again, is at the top of the priority list.

1 decade ago

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The idea is not good - at least not the way you put it. Trying to select the games to filter Out is a very hard job, there is hundreds and hundreds of games on steam, it would be inconvenient to try and chose every single game you Don’t want to see from a huge list. What a better idea is (as mentioned in many other threads) is to have an option to choose the games you Want to see, not Don’t want to see.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by bdr9.