Yes, yes, it's a pain in the ass, hard to sleep, concentrate and all that shit, but every time I know someone with it I have to ask how it sounds to him.
It's like a really shitty patronus.

Mine sound like a big group of birds getting mad for something.

8 years ago

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Do you have it?

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WTF is that?

I know someone who has it. They have to leave the TV on at night to sleep.

8 years ago

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That's exactly what I do. Some people have it worse and even have to medicate to sleep well.

8 years ago

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That would drive me insane.

8 years ago

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Yes since last year resorted to leaving radio white noise on some nights ..... Gin also helps at weekends for me. People have no idea how peaceful their lives are at night.

8 years ago

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I don't have tinnitus, but for the last 20 years I can't sleep unless I have a box fan running overnight.

8 years ago

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Yes I've had it 3 years and it has got worse over that time - PC fan noise aggravates it alot. It is quite evil and is very hard to manage. Still believe PC had a high pitch sound before i changed cpu and triggered it \ damaged my ear. Sorry someone else suffers ... Captain Kirk from 70s star trek has it also ;)

Oh yeah mine sounds like the high pitched sound on a sound test at around 11000 Hz

8 years ago*

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He's 84 now ;)

8 years ago

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Heheh he got it on star trek set when lighting exploded next to him.

8 years ago

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I feel extremely lucky that I do not have this. I stupidly went to a concert without earplugs once and I had ringing in my ears for 2.5 days and I was going insane. I can't imagine what it would be like if that never went away.

8 years ago

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You don't get it from going to a concert without earplugs once, don't worry.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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What does that have to do with what I said? I know it's a symptom.

8 years ago

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A guy had ringing in his ears for 2 days after a concert.
Ringing = tinnitus. Not so hard, right?
Also you might get it from any loud sound, the sensitivity simply differs from person to person.
If it persists for a longer time. however, then it's a whole different story.

8 years ago

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Hmm, I just looked up the definition of tinnitus and it's basically any sound that's not really there. It seems that I had a too strict definition of tinnitus. If you use the definition I just stated he indeed had tinnitus.
Thanks for correcting me.

8 years ago

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mawp mawp

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Exactly what I was gonna post

8 years ago

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high five!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yes, although not that severe and I don't have to do that much to live with it. I do mindfulness meditation and this helps to not pay too much attention to it. It sounds a bit like that high pitch sound old tv's made when they were on.
I got it from clubbing, riding motorcycles and maybe even a little bit from diving. These days I have molded earplugs (Elacin ER25) that I use pretty much everywhere there's loud sounds.

8 years ago

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Hey Malkev - I have it too - don't think anyone has asked this question before on here before!

I developed it kind of recently in the past couple of years or so - not sure how - doc said it might be stress related (did hearing tests and he checked inside - nothing was abnormal)

Mine sounds like high-pitched electronic feedback

I've learned to adapt to it somewhat - it's always there, but somehow I've managed to sort of tune it out.
It can be handy to have light white noise in the background.

8 years ago

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I also just want to say - pure silence to someone with tinnitus is absolutely dreadful lol

8 years ago

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Pure silence is absolutely dreadful

Fixed it for you :P
Everybody goes crazy in pure silence.

8 years ago

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Hahaha true dat!

8 years ago

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That's seems so suck so freaking hard, I'm sorry that even exists o.o

8 years ago

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I have constant high pitch tone, both ears. I've had it for over 10 years. It doesn't really bother me much, I usually don't even notice it anymore. If I for some reason start to pay attention to it it bothers me a bit more. I sleep just fine etc.

8 years ago*

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I had it in the left ear and didn't have idea what had caused it. That high-pitched sound was bloody terrible, especially at the start. Luckily after few weeks I somehow recovered. Since then everything has been fine. Hope you will pull through too.

8 years ago

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I've had it for over half my life. Its been getting louder and louder. I've been to an ear doctor who could not find any damage and who said I have the best hearing hes ever seen.

For a while I used what they call pink noise, which to me sounds like like white noise in my winamp and let it play over night. It hasn't worked very well for a now I just leave the tv on overnight.

I tried with just music but all my music is different volumes so hard to set it to one volume so I can hear it but not get startled awake when some heavy metal kicks in. I've tried to normalize it all but it didn't seem to work very well, just too much music to do that to it was gonna take for ever and never found any good "on the fly" normalizers.

Now and then the hearing cuts out of one ear and the other ear gets really loud with the high pitch sound. It can put me off balance for a second, thankfully I have not fallen or dropped anything because of it.

I used to love going to my doctors office, it was a big open area in the waiting area and I would start to nod off as soon as I sat down. The background noise in that place was just perfect and seemed to cancel out the noise I was hearing and put me right to sleep. And then they moved and the new place is not as nice as the other place.

To me is a really high pitch. Can't stay in a really quiet room. I usually have to have something going for sound.

8 years ago

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wow, first time that i see this , i usually can hear what i think its my pulse on my ears when i go to sleep, and that its frustrating

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

8 years ago*

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That's utter nonsense. Tinnitus comes from internal damage, it's not psychosomatic.

8 years ago

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Might be not damage, just some nerval spastic reactions..

8 years ago

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Subjective tinnitus is the most frequent type of tinnitus. It can have many possible causes but, most commonly, results from hearing loss. A frequent cause of subjective tinnitus is noise exposure which damages hair cells in the inner ear causing tinnitus. Subjective tinnitus can only be heard by the affected person and is caused by otology, neurology, infection or drugs.[30]

There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that tinnitus is a consequence of neuroplastic alterations in the central auditory pathway. These alterations are assumed to result from a disturbed sensory input, caused by hearing loss.[31] Hearing loss could indeed cause a homeostatic response of neurons in the central auditory system, and therefore cause tinnitus.[32]

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

8 years ago*

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I'm not a doctor either but I think you're being a bit guillable. I think at least some of those responses aren't real. My father and I both have tinnitus and we've both been to a doctor for it and we've never ever heard of anything like this. So what's more plausible, that this is not true or that experts haven't figured this out yet but some random dude on Reddit has?
But even if you could alleviate it for a bit and all those responses were real, I still have never heard of it which might say that it does more harm than good. Either way, I wouldn't believe everything you read on the internet. You shouldn't believe me either just because I say so.

8 years ago

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It did not work for me either. :(

8 years ago

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I have it since I was a child. Sounds like TV static on volume 11. I still get easily annoyed by other background sounds.

Oh and I got from playing with those "blank cartdridge" toy guns, while playing for one afternoon. That was stupid...

8 years ago

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Have been experiencing one for half a year during my active yoga practices. Found out it was strongly connected to neck stiffness and generally with muscle tension in the body. Try to keep more attention to your neck posing! Wish you get it off soon!

8 years ago

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Well... I have had it longer than I can remember. I think it will be permanent.

8 years ago

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shouldn't be! try some good manual therapist for starters, and also yoga - I even almost fixed my old scoleosis with it, which I also thought was permanent.....

8 years ago

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I can try, I can't lose anything anyway.

8 years ago

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My uncle has it but he got a hearing aid who send in another sound neutralizing the sound so it goes away.

8 years ago

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got it... annoying as fuck..
just a permanent highpitched constant sound. like f.ex. a broken speaker
cant describe it better.

8 years ago

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I've had it for about 5 years now, I got it from not going to the doctors (I hate going and was stingy) when I had a really bad ear infection. As a kid I always had ear problems so I figured it would just go away, long story short months went by before the infection went away. Shortly after I noticed slight hearing loss in the ear and an increasing buzzing noise as time went on. So yeah I have permanent damage now because I didn't get it checked out immediately.

The sound itself sounds like when you get hit by a flash bang in CS:GO, but it never goes away and gets worse if I happen to hear similar tones. Certain medications help but it doesn't completely go away. It is VERY hard for me to sleep without some sort of ambient noise in the background like a fan or even just rain sounds from youtube.

Edit: Here is what it sounds like to me but at a lower tone.
It is absolutely painful/annoying if I'm somewhere that is completely silent.

8 years ago*

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With the years you get used to it. The brain filters out the sound and you realize it only when it's completley silent and you want to hear it.
OK, you can't hear the frequency anymore because it's always there, but could be worser.
For the future stay away from loud places like disco, clubs or listening music at full blasting volume - especially bass is poison for the ears.

8 years ago

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You have it? I don't think so. It's not that easy to just get used to it.

And btw I never go to any of that places, I hate crowds and all that shit. I'm just a quiet lonely guy, don't think that shit it's because of loud sounds, at least not the permanent one.

8 years ago

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I have it and that's confirmed. The docter made a hearing test and as it came out that I don't hear a few frequencies. He only asked if it causes me any problems. My answer was no, so it wasn't anything to care about back in the 80's.

Became it as Kindergarten child at carneval. Played with my friends, we sneaked behind each other, holding the toy gun to the ear of the other one and fired a few shots. We did this for hours because it was funny. :D

Image related, was this kind of gun. The red rings are the "ammo".

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Only when it's super quiet, though. Usually turning on the electric fan makes it go away. And since it's hot anyway, you'd need the fan to go to sleep so... No biggie. Haha

8 years ago

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yes, since 3 years or something. without a real cause, started out of nothing and since then I live with it. it's not loud though, I notice it only when its very silent or when I try to sleep (ofc) but I always sleep with white noise from my phone (app) and rain sound from my laptop. you really get used to a lot of shit. first weeks/months were horror, you have to realise that it's nothing "dangerous" and also, that nothing can fix it. Visiting lots of doc's makes it only worse because you tend to "listen" more and stress yourself. I can't say much to the sound because it changes often, let's say I have a cute little noise concert in my head. xD

8 years ago

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Mine sound like this but like it was a far away.

8 years ago

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I have it too, since five months ago. It's a high pitch sound, like the one you can hear in movies after a grenade explodes near a character.

8 years ago

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I have it as well, it's super loud (it's like a mix between huge waves hitting a cliff and a strong wind), but I've learnt to live with it. It's like a WHOOOOOSH but permanently stuck on the OOOOO part.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I feel like I get it occasionally at nights but I don't think it's permanent.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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