Now our points increase slowly with the increasing of group and private giveaways.
And about 5.4% of givaways have not been received.
So, can you take back these points (5.4%)?
It is just my a little recommend.

1 decade ago*

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What do you mean take back?

1 decade ago

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He means that all points that were used for giveaways with unreceived gifts should be refunded.

1 decade ago

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I think does who make giveaways should get alot more PP than does who don't.

1 decade ago

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Nah, i think just giving x2 points for each received giveaway. For example, if i give away a 10$ shit and a winner marks it as "received", i get 20p. Pretty fair.

1 decade ago

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That would be 40 times more points than people who don't make giveaways. Which qualifies as "alot more."
I don't think there should be any sort of reward for creating a giveaway other than respect.

1 decade ago

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I don't think the site runners here want to unbalance the current equilibrium by allowing people to exploit submissions with the current system. If they do take you up on the suggestion though, they would need to change the current system so that points are only awarded for public giveaways (i.e. non group, non private) AFTER they've been marked as successfully received. Both Group and Private giveaways can be exploited too easily to generate points otherwise, and I think they're probably already excluded from point generation.

1 decade ago

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I guess humans will always exploit the system your right. But I stil think it would incresse the games that are been given.

1 decade ago

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I got 15 of 50

1 decade ago

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If it goes up too fast, everyones gonna spam enter everything, making it even more impossible to win.

1 decade ago

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i dont think thats a good idea. I like them where they are. Keep in mind that if you are giving everyone else more points too. that means more people entering each giveaway and instead of 1000 entries there will be 2000 entries. You will be able to enter 2x the games but you will have half the odds of winning. It works out to be the same odds of winning. wouldn't you rather have it like this where you have good odds of winning one game your really want instead of 10 random games for really bad odds?

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by PandaMan.