I've been a Rune fan since Rune Viking Warload on PS2. Anyway I loved that game and with the its release on Steam, I was wondering if anyone got it and how it holds up; since I don't have the money to spare to get it yet.

Also thoughts for those who have played it for the sequel that the devs are working on.

Ok so I got it off some guy on SteamTrades and have played a little bit, all I can say it's fun. The combat it very awkward and stiff usually you circle an opponent randomly attacking and hoping for a kill but it's still very fun; biggest draw hack is long loading times between loading MP matches. Haven't got into single player yet though but looking forward to it.

1 decade ago*

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I got it but dont have time to play it this week, maybe next one if my job allows me. I'll let you know

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/260688528/clang makes me very very un-excited about Rune...

1 decade ago

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It's absolutely amazing(still). Been playing for 12 years, and the community had been dwindling, but with the release of it on steam it's been completely revitalized! Steam rune is version 1.10, where retail only went to 1.08. And when on 1.08 you couldn't join the old school style 1.01 servers, but on Steam rune you can seamlessly join 1.01 servs and any other version without having to use a whole 'nother game like in the past. It holds up great, and I have no complaints about it. And it having achievements is pretty damn cool, especially for a game that I had never in my wildest dreams expected to be released on Steam.

And as for Rune 2, I would love to see it, but I don't know if it can compare to a gem like this. Just gotta wait and see.

1 decade ago

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I remember playing Rune when I was younger. I would like to see a sequel, but it would probably be catered to console gamers, so at the same time I don't.

1 decade ago

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Join Rune on Facebook, they have done polls regarding a sequel and the majority want the game on PC and moddable so it's unlikely to ported to console unless it does really well on Steam (Rune 2 that is).

1 decade ago

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I loved Rune. I want to buy it, but I have to finish the crazy amount of untouched games in my steam account :s

Summer is coming D:

1 decade ago

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think i'm gonna wait until the summer sale myself.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by cheesyfishface.