Steam page
Kickstarter page

Basically, these people are creating a Mass Effect porn parody with all-original cast of characters. The devs are using UE4 and the results look very impressive. I love the humorous approach and the game looks really polished for an erotic game (they usually very amateurish). Major plot events and cinematics will be voiced.

Gameplay-wise, the game will have arcade space combat and XCOM-style turn-based tactical battles. I don't expect them to be especially deep and complex, though, more like minigames. The heroines will gradually unlock new skills to use in combat (perhaps it will be tied to their attitude towards player), there will also be some biomonsters to act as a regular troops, with lesser degree of customization. Outside of combat, you are allowed to freely roam the space, though the plot would be mostly linear.

The game is currently on Kickstarter, it is already successfully funded, and a minimum pledge that will give you the game is just 10 GBP (about 13 USD). I think it's well worth the price, the only concern I have is about 175 GBP tier, rhich gives an exclusive DLC.The DLC adds an extra location and it will be not available to buy after release. The devs want both make it special for backers and but not too essential for people who will miss it.

So what do you people think of the game?

UPD: The campaign has successfully finished! More than 2 million USD gathered, the game is now in top 20 most funded videogames on Kickstarter!

According to the last Kickstarter update, the game will be released on March 26th. It will have the first few chapters out of 22 chapters planned.

Release trailer:

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5 years ago*

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I like how so many people act to high and mighty because people support a porn game.
"a PORN GAME??? What losers lmao incels xd" meanwhile spends 10 hours a week on pornhub
The level of cognitive dissonance is astounding.

5 years ago

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So far, I've mostly seen positive reactions to the game. But I'm anticipating the outcry later when the game becomes more popular, that should be fun to read :)

5 years ago

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  1. Yeah, because each and every person is totally a fan of porn, sure.
  2. The thing you are talking about is actually called compartmentalization, a defense mechanism to avoid cognitive dissonance.
5 years ago

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"a PORN GAME??? What losers lmao incels xd"

I'm not sure what a hate group with a tendency toward domestic terrorism has to do with pornography, though.
I mean, I'm sure there's a tangential assocation, but what isn't porn tangentially associable with?
Hell, we can tie it to even the worst of things.

But then, in fairness, I guess if someone is sincerely presenting a comment like the one you offered, then they probably wouldn't be putting any real thought into their word choices. :P

5 years ago

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I just made a Kickstarter account to pledge. Will probably be my first and last pledge ever. A life milestone for me

5 years ago

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Did you go for the DLC pledge? Did ya? Did ya? Huh?

You know you want to! ;-)

5 years ago

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Uh what/where is the DLC pledge?

5 years ago

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It's about $228 to access some dance club.

5 years ago

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Uh oh, that's a hard pass for me

5 years ago

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For me too....

5 years ago

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We deserve that MASS EFFECT!!!!

5 years ago

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Because of sexual content, one thing is sure! This won't be epic monopoly:-)

If it isn't only sexual content and actually a fun sci-fi game I might still play it.

5 years ago

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If it sells enough, I wouldn't be surprised if Sweeney does a turn-around on that decision, like he has most everything else, and then he'll come up with some "clever" song and dance about why the decision was rescinded, poorly worded, or misinterpreted.

5 years ago

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Goes to show what a sense of humour and a bit of self-awareness can do for a kickstarter pitch.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Lol, I have a feeling your life's the opposite of what you try and present it as.

5 years ago

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Yeah, I'll never understand those kinds of responses. You have sex depicted in all sorts of media; comics, books, movies, music etc. People openly consume it but when you put it in video games suddenly every consumer is an incel, a sad excuse for a human being and pathetic.
I personally backed it because I want to play something different but at the end of the day, it's just game, nothing more or less. Where I am from, soccer games are pretty popular (notably FIFA series and PES) but I always despised it, it just wasn't my cup of tea. Yet I never felt the need to call people that played it pathetic, sad, lonely and so on. Truly strange

5 years ago

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Odds are these people also don't skip through the sex scenes in Game of Thrones, they use Pornhub and it's possible they even have a Brazzers subscription or something like that.

But I guess even if they don't, it's fine to pay for porn if you pay for it with your own identity data instead of just giving them a buck or two.

I'm disappointed I missed out on the drama :D

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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It's entertainment dude. Chill.

You probably do a ton of things that would widely be considered a waste of time or money - posting pointless judgemental comments on gaming forums would be one example. Surely, there's something better you could be doing?

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Maybe a dumb idea.
Special if a support member is involved.
Because it give rules as example "inappropriate behavior". So maybe not call for a punsihment....

But hey its only a advice from me.
Do whatever you want.......... if you can handle the things you earn with it.....

And maybe you don't collect so much Blacklist entries with a better behavior.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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lol, nach meiner Antwort hat er sich schnell gelöscht oder der Support hatte nachgeholfen.
Keine Ahnung was er mir davor schrieb, da lag ich schon im Bett.

Wird so jemand auch direkt aus der BL gestrichen wenn der Account nicht mehr existiert oder hab ich da jetzt irgendwo einen verschwendeten Platz an "Deleted User..." ? Ich hab leider seinen Namen vergessen und kann daher nicht in meiner BL nach ihm suchen.
Falls du, oder jemand anderes, ihn noch weißt bitte kurz ne Message bei steam. Danke :o)

5 years ago*

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War bestimmt nichts pädagogisch wertvolles ;)
Glaub er hat nur die Kommentare gelöscht und nicht den ganzen Account :P

5 years ago

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Ah stimmt er könnte auch einfach alle Kommentare gelöscht haben.
Da hatte ich wohl einen Wunschgedanken :-D
Ich bin heute nicht ganz fit (dank meiner Medis -_-)

5 years ago

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Just received my Steam key for being a backer, so check your email if you backed the project.

5 years ago

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I also got my key a few days ago. Activated successfully, but we still need to wait a few months even for the Early Acesss version :(

5 years ago

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I was under the impression it was going to be late June/early July for Early Access, but you're right -- it appears they've moved it to late summer/early fall now.

5 years ago

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Huh, what tier did you get? I went for the basic one promising a Steam code and still nothing yet. Maybe they're going in batches

5 years ago

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Yeah, they said in the Steam forum they're being sent out in batches. Sixes and I received ours on the same day, that's all. Check your spam folder, since many people have said they found theirs in there.

Edit: Yeah, I got the same tier as you.

5 years ago

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I got my key too, it was stiitng in my spam folder and I only just now noticed.

5 years ago

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Dev Diary #3 JUNE 29

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4 years ago

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You left out the part of the Smendrick thing.

4 years ago

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3 years ago

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It will be an Early Access release with the first few chapters.
It took longer than expected, but I'm glad the game is moving towards release!

3 years ago

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It's good that it's finally out but this whole experience showed me that this will definitely be the first and last game I've kickstarted. I just don't have the patience to wait for years, read through a bunch of updates and release delays. I guess something called "instant purchase" spoiled me. But at least I get to play it finally in a month.

3 years ago

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Usually it's the publishers/investors who have to worry about the delays. Most games nowadays get first announcements only when they are nearly ready for release, and common players don't know how much and how many times the game was delayed.

As Kickstarter backers, we get to see the development from the inside, and I was overall satisfied with Subverse's regular updates - they were fun to read and it's not like the devs left us hanging. They kept us informed, and I've never felt like they ran away with my money :)

3 years ago

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May i ask where you read Early Access release?

I have reread dev diary 34 and it sounds more like a episodic release for the chapters to come.

3 years ago

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Looks like you're right, I was using the term EA in a wrong way

3 years ago

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Good to know, you made me worried about the release being only Early Access

3 years ago

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Seems you where able to predict the future ;)
It will be Early Access

3 years ago

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Well, they initially said that the game won't be fully complete, so it's up to them to call it EA, episodes, or parts.
Some bugs and fixes are also a thing to expect, sine almost every modern game, EA or not, has some problems at launch.

3 years ago

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Looks like a decent game - just a shame the characters look awful :/

I don't think I'll be backing this - unappealing characters in an ero game kinda defeats the point, and would spoil the rest of the game. I do hope it is received well, though, as it might help encourage other devs to include some actual 'game' in their ero games :)

3 years ago

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You're a little late to back this, I'm afraid, but you can buy it when it's released ;)
Characters look cartoonish, somewhat similar to Overwatch, and thins may be not to everyone's liking. I think they chose the right style to avoid the uncanny valley (which is important for a 3D game).
What character designs would you rather see?

3 years ago

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I'm not a fan of the 'bigger is always better' mentality, especially when implemented by people who only seem to have a vague idea of what breasts actually look like :P The characters seem bland, same-y, and like they've been created by a 14 year old in the back of his school books.

Given that I said I wouldn't want to back it, why would I buy it when it's released?

Honestly, it does seem like it might be a decent game - but, sadly, while graphics will never make a bad game good, they can make a good game unplayable - and this one is not for me. As I said before, though, I hope it does well, given how many ero 'games' are nothing more than a dozen or so 'borrowed' images with no significant gameplay to speak of - it's rare to see actual effort being put in to make a decent game to go with the ero content.

3 years ago

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When you back a game, you cannot be sure if it will be released at all - it is always a risk. Also steam release means the game will eventually have discounts.

Well, they surely chose exaggeration over subtlety, but that's quite often in such games. I would also prefer more realistic body proportions, but it helps that the game doesn't take itself too seriously - it's humorous and cartoonish. Characters are stereotypical, but's intentional in a parody. And I think the gameplay parts look really promising, especially the turn-based combat (it won't be as deep as X-com but still). There is still lots of things that can go wrong and spoil the game, but it seems the devs are on the right track overall

3 years ago

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New, official trailer

It looks good

3 years ago

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No ring.

3 years ago

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The game is now live, yaaay!

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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