Well... There is no pun involved and I really ask you to literally touch yourself the upcoming evening. Why? Because it is pleasant, right? And it can save your life. How?! It is the only way to detect testicular cancer in its early-stage form.

Everyone thinks that such matter does not concern them. But why? Any specific reason why it would not involve you? I am just 25 years old. I have been working out, jogging regurarly and eat healthy for about 3 years. I have never smoked neither drunk too much. No more than 2 months ago I have my blood tested. The test was a complex one and included the examination of enzymes produced by liver, kidneys, thyroid and standard properties of my blood. The results were perfect and I was feeling fine, too. I didn't feel pain in any parts of my body neither noticed any other alarming symptoms. How are you better than me then so the matter does not concern you?

Two days ago I was a little bit bored and I was watching youtube movies as usual until I came acroos this aware-raising video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsdD1MJXOpk I thought: "Well... Why not...? I am sitting in my pants only anyway (I was preparing myself for bedtime and anything more! You dirty minds!) and it is Deadpool who asks me to do it. What can possible go wrong, right?" Well... Not exactly. I did not successfullly accomplish my mission, as Deadpool refers to the self-examination. At one point I felt something round and hard. The very next day I was packing my stuff that I needed for a few days and went to a private onkological clinic. That was one of the worst days of my life. When I reached my destination, I told the doctor about my problem and showed my last results. He made a quick look and said that they were totally useless and we had to do a untrasound scan of my testicles and new blood tests, which involve specific tumor markers. After all of the necessary examination, it turned out that I have a small harmless cyst of the size of 0.2cm located in the area of epididymis. Luckily, all of the markers have turned out to be low and within the norms and I have nothing to worry about. Now, I am suppossed only to take a half of Aspirin daily for 5 days to help the neoplams re-absorb by itself and came back to the clinic in the middle of December for a follow-up visit.

By the way, the main intention behind making the thread was not to tell someone my personal story neither to look for attention nor to make a confession or something like that. I am just hoping that such a awareness-rasining thread can reach your minds better than a video created by professional actors and possible save somene's life. I hope that you will find nothing abnormal during your own self-examination. Just in case, such medical tests are not that bad and embarrasing like many people think. You are suppossed to hold up your penis and cover it with your own hand or a piece of paper so that most of your intimate place is significantly covered for most of the time. So do not be afraid of going to a doctor as "the alternative is not an option".

Richard & Alice
GooCubelets: The Void
The Slaughter: Act One

A few giveways kindly provided by Superfabs Go and check out his informative thread connected with lyme Stay safe, folks!

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I swear I can actually hear subtle sniffs.

7 years ago

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Same here lol

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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But i am already touching myself everyda.. uhm nvm.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

7 years ago

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I often touch myself more than once a day.

In all seriousness, how what this a bad day? You ended up getting checked and it sounds like you have a low likelihood of cancer. My understanding is that biomarkers are references for genetic likelihood of contracting certain types of cancer. You are low or within the norm. That's great! And you were treated for the cyst early. All good stuff, bro.

7 years ago

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Tumormarkers are specific molecules that appear in the bloodstream is there's a (malicious?) tumour in the system, it's about actual problem, not the likelihood. But you're right, being in the norms / lower is a great result :)

7 years ago

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It was a bad day because of the fear, uncertainity and the thought of early and painful death that were coming to my mind for the whole day. I personally know a couple of people who are fighting with cancer and have gone through multiple chemiotherapies and radiotherapy. I also used to know a bunch of people who died because of cancer. For me it is one of the worst illnesses and I am really afraid of it. I did not want to include into the first post too much detail so the lenght does not discourage people from reading and does not make it too borning. I wanted to form the title and the content in such a way to make it pleasant to read and to encourage the users of the website to test themselves. Thus it may suggest that I was in the clinic for an hour or so. In reality, it took the whole day until I went through all of the examinations and had the results on my hand. During the time I was there, I saw a few patients being transported on hospital beds somewhere; probably for more chemitherapies or additional examinations. Not each single of them look "well" and it did not give rise to optimism to my soul.

What is more, the evening I detected the lump inside of my body I started my own research and read a few articles I found on the Internet. I gained a little bit of knowledge and realized that any neoplasm located on a testicle means its removal. Additionaly, I came across information that 90% of tumors loacted on tescticles are malignant tumors and that the chemiotherapy and radiotherapy which have to be applied in such cases entail at least temporal infetility and impotency. I also read about so-caled Spermatocele (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spermatocele), which is probably my case, and I was aware of the fact that they are harmless and it is important to check whether the neoplasm is attached to my tescile or if it is loose inside of scotrum. I checked once again and was sure that it was located on my testicle. It did not sound like a good news whatsoever but I came to terms with it. I was just hopping that I detected it quickly enough to be cured. I know a guy who lives in my town and who almost died because of testicular cancer. We had attended the same primary and secondary school. It was like 7 years ago and in the local hosptial they told his parents that there was no help for him there and they should start looking for a really good private oncological clinic in the two biggest cities of my country if they can afford it. He had to be transported with the use of special ambulance as his pulse was so low that any move done to his body could kill him. The doctors working in the clinic helped him and now he enjoys his life with good blood results so I asked him for the address and went direct there. But still all of the information I gather at that time was not optimistic for me and I was really downcast.

Now, after the talk with the doctor I know that tumors down there are rare cases and most of such noeplasms consist of cyst which are harmless and are an effect of an injury, inflammantion or genetical tendencies. What is more, the majority of testicular cancers are curable as their cells are very sensitive to chemicals. But all of such changes in the structure should be checked by a doctor because any cancer is a serious condition and can possible kill the ill person. Furthermore, it has turned out that not everything which is round and inside of scrotum is a testicle.

When it comes to the tumor markers, they are not resposnsible for the creation of the tumor. The tumor's cells and the reactions within it entail the production of certain substances such enzyms and proteins, which are present in our bodies anyway. The increased presence of such substance can show that it is not produced only by the organ which is supposed to do it. The quantity of the following ones was tested in my case: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carcinoembryonic_antigen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_chorionic_gonadotropin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha-fetoprotein But I am not a doctor and I can be totally wrong.

Thank you for the kind words and I hope that everything will be fine, too! : ) I am not worried afterwards getting the results. :> I just wanted to share the information with others and warn them about the testicular cancer.

7 years ago*

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Ignore is bliss,eh? Well, this is all good in the long run. And I appreciate you sharing such details ... lots of stuff I didn't know before. Never a bad thing to be informed when it comes to health issues. I wish you good health!

7 years ago

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So many gifs!

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7 years ago

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this topic is only for boys? where is the girls ?
i want to see comments from some girls here :)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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did you just assume genders?

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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I dont even like 9gag

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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It's important for girls too!.

(One of those is really informative, the other only kinda but still great to watch. Forgot which is which, though)

Edit: Oh and this is tangentially related.

7 years ago*

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You are very right, indeed, and the self-examination is substantial for girls' health, too! Obviously, Deadpool has a good piece of advice for them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0T8dLAyT6I Anyways, I believe that the title of the thread is catchy enough to get a bunch of women here because of the curiosity of why their men should touch themselves tonight. : > So don't be shy girls and play with your bodies a little bit tonight!

7 years ago

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that i want to say, this was my ideea. thank you man.

7 years ago

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good to know that bad guy is not harmfull. hopefully everything will gonna be fine.

also it is fair to say women should do that too with their breast regularly.

7 years ago

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Thank you for the kind words! :)
You are very right! Deadpool has a good piece of advice for girls as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0T8dLAyT6I Nevertheless, I hope that many male users of the website are now aware of the issue and they will go and examine their girlfriend's breast on their own, too. : P

7 years ago

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Add to main post~ for the full effect of men and women touching themselves

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I did not mean to boast about something nor to sound overweeningly. But still I wanted to express the part that you are reffering to in a bit exaggerated way in order to show people that it is not important whether we take good care of our body and feel fine as cancer can invide our bodies anyway. For that reason, self-examination should consitute a substantial part of our lives, :)

7 years ago

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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thats my jam!

7 years ago

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Bump! :)

7 years ago

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I thought you're referencing to this :P

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7 years ago

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This is a really informative post. I appreciate it, as I am sick with my own problems dealing with lyme. It's a much longer read than yours, but have a look if you're interested. I do have giveaways I try to keep up as well for newcomers, or people who check back to bump or mostly just enter the giveaways. Others have kindly donated to my own page.

For your thread, some giveaways: Just copy and paste to your description above, if you'd like them on here :D

[Richard & Alice](https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/pATEC/richard-alice)
[GooCubelets: The Void](https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/6oB35/goocubelets-the-void)
[The Slaughter: Act One](https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/YzYN5/the-slaughter-act-one)
7 years ago

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A really good informative thread! I have just read it and I feel really sorry for what have happened to you. :( I hope that scientists are going to come up with a cure for the disease.

I am from Poland and a few (like 10-15) years ago in my country broadcast media such as TV were running a awareness-raising campaign connected with ticks. It was encouraging people to vaccinate themselves against tick-borne encephalitis and about the necessity to visit a doctor, especially when the place where we have been bitten is itching, swollen and surrounded by round reddening. Unfortunately, you are completely right that the majority of people are not aware of the possible consequences and tend to disregard such situations. I hope that your thread will forewarn a lot of people and we definetely need much more sources of information and awareness-raising campaigns connected with Lyme.

Thank you for the support. : ) I added the giveways to the main post and linked your thread as well. In a few hours, I will make a small train with some giveways. Feel free to add it to your thread. : )

7 years ago

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great thread, was informed, watched a humerous video , found a cool new FAP gif below, laughed at someone assuming genders joke,
touched myself thanks to the tingles given to my funny bone by deadpool ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

7 years ago

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Ha! As if I wasn't planning to already...

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Tom Green's PSA after his bout with testicular cancer.

All of you whippersnappers on this site: "Dafuq is Tom Green?"

7 years ago

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Bump! Nice thread!

7 years ago

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bump !

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Bumping for useful information!

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I frequently touch myself,but usually not down that far ,thanks for the reminder.

7 years ago

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