So I have a real flesh and blood human being friend who has never used steam before and as such he has nothing. My question is do I have to feed him $100 worth of games for him to be able to start using the site or is there another way for him to prove he is a unique individual?

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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That really doesn't explain much of anything other than what we knew already but you get a little star for effort.

4 months ago

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I'm actually confused about this: "Games that have been accessible through bundles, or games that were once available for free due to promotions or pricing errors are not included in this calculation.". So if a user bought doom for instance, it wouldn't count towards this $100 because at some point it's been bundled?

4 months ago

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It is somewhat ambiguous and so many games have been free at some point yet are not anymore, also almost every game out there has reduced cv, so is it $100 cv value? If so that is a lot to ask someone who is jobless to figure out which games are worth $100 just so he can try at some free games on a giveaway site but he is a friend and I'll certainly figure something out if he's interested.

4 months ago

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According to: my account is worth $6.6k. I haven't spent anything on it. I have been collecting freebies from various sources over the years. Some trades too.

According to: it's $5.4k. So it seems SG is slightly more generous in its account valuations than SDB.

SG also bases its value on the full price, not any discounted price.

TLDR: Yes, you need to have $100 worth of games to join SG.

4 months ago

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I could just link him free games from various sites and bump him to $100 then? I mean if that's the case it should be cake.

4 months ago

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I would say yes. Almost all my games were free at one point. Keep in mind it took me several years to reach $6.6k, but I don't think it would take too long to hit $100.

4 months ago

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Well I mean a day if you know where to look.

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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I'm assuming you are what 18? Real people don't talk like that man. Learn that.

4 months ago

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TIL / Today i learned is a very common abbreviation in the internetz. It's nothing like youth talk / words :D

I think it's a good abbreviation. You can say every das: TIL - and imagine light bulb bling bling

4 months ago

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It was a smarmy 3 letter reply as if someone on their phone, all of this points to immaturity. I'm not without fault but I was genuinely interested in advice on the situation and this guys pops up with 3 letters to what end? Or excuse me TWE. ;)

4 months ago

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Haha, i somewhat understand. Well, good luck to your friend. Hope he can find a way to be a part of this community :)

4 months ago

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Of course! If he continues to show interest I will figure things out for us. I am pretty resourceful and committed.

4 months ago

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You need to have $100 worth of games in your account.

But only games count to it that are listed with FULL VALUE (no stars when you try to create a GA).

All games that are listed as free or reduced cv add NOTHING to the $100.

4 months ago

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If this is true he has about 0 chance of ever being able to join because he has no job and I'm certainly not a breadwinner either.

4 months ago

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It is true.

Let's say it give ways to reach the $100 the honest way. I assume this is the way that cg expected when he created the rules.
And it give other ways that the most multiaccounters and a lot of autojoiners use.
But obviously i don't support the behavior, and ways, of the multiaccounters and autojoiners and will not tell more about it.

4 months ago

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Well you seem to have all the knowledge around here so I have no reason to doubt you. I guess the best way is to find some deep discount games that are still considered full value on the site. I mean I might get away with $10-$12 if I dig around enough yea?

4 months ago

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Looks like the only option is to start buying one $20 indie game a month until you clear the hurdle, and hope if they dont get bundled before you can get to the $100 mark.

Check to see if the game has been bundled before.

I wonder if focusing on buying unbundled games that are on sale would get you to the $100 mark easier?

Overall i'd just try and find some side work for a few hours a week, and clear the hurdle within a month. Fingers-crossed that buying games on sale will work, and make it easier for you and your friend.

4 months ago

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He is a 60 year old felon, his job options are not very promising

4 months ago

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Lots of possible odd jobs to ask around about, or check post at your local church, and FB groups.

Dog walking
Sweeping/raking/pruning/yard work
Assisting with organizing

Dont know what's out there until you start asking around, and letting people know you're available.

4 months ago

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Within Steam you can give him access to your Steam library. He could then play any game you own, as long as you are not playing it at that specific time. This could be a kind thing to do for a jobless friend. Similarly, he could share his library with you.

To be honest, though, it sounds like gaming is simply not his hobby.

4 months ago

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Prob can send him some cheap keys and it would bump him up

4 months ago

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That would be great, he is in europe and asleep right now. I am not sure what hours you keep but you can feel free to add me if you want and we can figure something out.

4 months ago

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How do you know they actually want to play games? Or what kind of games?
There are numerous f2p games on Steam.
Also, EGS gives out plenty for free.
You could give them some kind of cheap bundle (to have anything to play) and let them worry about SG later.

4 months ago

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The fact that he has showed interest at all. Doesn't even matter what kind of game he is interested in, I've seen every kind of game imaginable in the short time I have been here.

4 months ago

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I think you can't feed him.
He has to pay 100 Dollars through his own account.

My friend has an account and I was giving him keys etc and his Steam never got activated until he buys things through his own account.

4 months ago

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But was it free games or good stuff like heck I dunno so many games on this site is considered reduced or no value, maybe Elden Ring?

4 months ago

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spend $20 on a fanatical or humble bundle bundle. they'll get a few stellar games they likely don't have and will have something to play while their account builds to meet the requirements.

It wouldn't be hard to calculate the value with those rad bundle breakdowns in the forums by sensualshakti

4 months ago

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the vast majority of steam users do not use steamgifts, even then, i doubt SG is super strict on it's vague rules. buy them, or more appropriately let them buy themselves, a couple of games they wanna play, say 3-4, and after he has finished those games then he can start joining giveaways. nobody needs 100$ worth of unplayed games in order to get more games.

I few good suggestions are papers, please. poly bridge, portal, and stardew valley. they're mostly cheap, mostly long, and are a good introduction to gaming

4 months ago

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Closed 4 months ago by antidaz.