From the latest Indiegala Artifex Mundi Bundle

I have been playing with SGTools, provide feedback on the below rules if you feel so inclined.

  1. Minimum ratio using Real Value of gifts Sent/Won on Steamgifts: 0.5
  2. Your account must have activated all the won gifts
  3. Level 3+
  4. Less than half of CV group/region restricted
  5. No multiple wins in the last 2 years

if you are on my BL and feel you shouldn't be, let me know

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Your steam profile is beatiful

8 years ago

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Thanks :D

8 years ago

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Bump for the nice idea :D
I'm a hog freak collector, already have them all.

8 years ago

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A pity -- I do not satisfy condition 4, because I gave 100+ region restricted gifts. I always find this condition very strange -- I mean, it does not matter that I gave about 50 non-region restricted giveaways... so the rule actually encourages me to STOP giving gifts bought directly from Steam... :(

(It is not as if all people from my region were my personal acquaintances...)

But nevermind -- thanks for putting up the giveaways, surely other folks will enjoy it.

Cheers!! :D

8 years ago

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Region restrictions are annoying (which obviously is not your fault!). I thought I would share these GAs with users that have provided to SG as a whole. It is entirely your decision where you purchase from, and how you filter (or don't) your GA entrants.

My last batch of GAs were public, I haven't decided what to do with the next batch now that should I have enough GA slots to almost completely cover 2 happy hours.

8 years ago

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Fair enough! I just find strange that no one thinks of putting up restrictions of the kind "User must not have created too many high level giveaways" or "user must not have too many people in blacklists", which are essentially other ways of restricting the public and completely up to the user... while region restrictions, which are enforced by Steam, are kind of seen as a negative thing. :( :( :(

But the ratio thing is what really bothers the Mathematician in me... Because it sounds as if (20 public + 0 other gifts) > (50 public + 100 region restricted)... From my point of view, it would make more sense to use something like [real_sent_cv - (real_sent_group + real_sent_region_restricted)] > xxx -- is that a possible rule in Sgtools?

Sorry, I do not mean to sound negative! I really meant thank you for putting it up the giveaway -- it is a contribution for the community, just as much as high level giveaways and group giveaways I cannot participate in! And maybe I should indeed try harder to buy from shops which provide less gift restrictions, so I can reach more of the community with my giveaways!

Many many cheers, and have a good weekend! :D

8 years ago

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(20 public + 0 other gifts) > (50 public + 100 region restricted)

This looks to me like 70 public vs 100 region
So if those public giveaways had twice the value in that example, one may qualify

real_sent_cv - (real_sent_group + real_sent_region_restricted)] > xxx

This is pretty close to what I have, in your example we could use:

200 CV - (20 group + 50 region) = 130, which is greater than 50%

In my rule real_sent_cv *0.5 > (real_sent_group + real_sent_region_restricted) we get

200 *0.5 = 100 > 20 + 50  | TRUE

So I think your example rule accomplishes the same thing as my rule, it is just written a different way.

8 years ago*

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My notation was too succint, I apologize: what I meant is: consider two users, which I call A and B:
A: gave $20 in public gifts and $0 in other gifts
B: gave $50 in public gifts and $100 in region restricted gifts

Well, user A passes the ratio rule, but user B does not... which is really odd, because B gave more than A in all aspects.

So in some sense, if we want encourage people to give, we should be measuring ABSOLUTE value of public giveaways, not ratios.


8 years ago

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I agree with your point. However, it was also a 3+ so the minimum given away would have needed to be $50. Still, you have a valid point and I will keep it in mind in the future.

Instead of

real_sent_cv *0.5 > (real_sent_group + real_sent_region_restricted)


real_sent_public + real_sent_private >= 50
8 years ago

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Yes, exactly!

And on another positive side: I hope I helped with all the bumping! :D :D


8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yes I want to bump!

8 years ago

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I gave a big portion of my games as a gifter on the unlucky 7 group so unfortunately I don't qualify.

Have a bump anyway!

8 years ago

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To bump I want.

8 years ago

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I like your SGTools gateway. I used a similar one here, but I like that you made the group and region restricted together.

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8 years ago

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I was a little zealous with past linux giveaways, you are free to join in now if you are interested :)

8 years ago

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Awe, thanks.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Bump ^_^

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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last minute bump

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by cbones.